Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 832: 832

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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The two evil Qi surged into the sky and immediately covered and swallowed the whole eight battle platforms. The frightful and stiff air kept rushing towards the aftershock body, and even the Xuanli air contained in the air roared and trembled violently.

On both sides, a steady stream of yin and evil Qi constantly attacked the aftershock's strong body, as if to completely engulf and submerge it.

"Suddenly An inexplicable cold wind blew up, and the aftershocks enveloped the whole body with strange black flames. The strange black flame is just like the candle light swaying in the wind, and it can't break the protection of the strange black flame.

"Dong!" There was a loud and deafening sound, and the whole eight battle platforms were shaking violently. A figure steps out in the package of Yin evil spirit, and rushes to the body shape of the aftershock to attack and kill violently.

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Boom, boom, boom

With the crazy attack of the exposed corpse, two arms with destructive momentum started to work from left to right at the same time. The mysterious force of each attribute contained in the void was scattered out of thin air, and the two terrible forces fell on the aftershock body like crazy.

Click, click, click

The sound of bone compression and fragmentation continued to resound, and the two arms covered by Yin and evil Qi in vain blasted on the aftershock chest. The endless evil spirit of the evil spirit emerged and spread along the corpse's arms. It turned into a terrible black light and shadow, and wrapped the whole body in the aftershock.

"Die, Jie Jie!" Just when the aftershock body was hit by the corpse of stiff evil, and the whole body was covered by the evil Qi, there was a dull strange laughter behind him. The strong man stiff evil Dao Xu Fan, who was ranked 85th in the six states list, suddenly appeared in the rear of the aftershock body.

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meanwhile. With the sound of Xu Fan's laughter, the evil spirit in his body was released and turned into thick black smoke, which covered the aftershock.

Not only that, Xu Fan's hands suddenly had a magic weapon in the shape of a soul summoning flag. As soon as the weapon came out, the black smoke in the sky quickly turned into countless ghosts.

"Damn, is Xu Fan's famous weapon the flag of the dead?" A exclamation, I do not know who is in a certain ceremony on the platform of the cry.

On both sides, all the powerful men of the main gate frowned tightly. People had already felt the inexplicable threat from the flag of the dead, and the resentful dead on the platform seemed to contain all the negative emotions in the world. In addition, on the shadow of the ghost, there is a powerful attack of spiritual power, which is so terrible that it can make the spirit collapse and oppress in a moment.

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"Eh, what the hell is this thing? How can it make people feel upset for no reason?" On the platform of tianyunzong ceremony, little fat Zhen Bucai's face changed from blue to white. His fat body trembled with the shortness of breath. His eyes were still staring at the flag of the dead flying out of Xu Fan's hand.

"It should be one of the instruments of detention. It seems that there must be tens of thousands of souls here. I also vaguely feel the breath of the fluctuation of the power of the martial spirit. It seems that the martial spirit of this guy is integrated into this magic weapon as a traction aid, so that the detention magic weapon in his hand can give full play to the maximum power and effect in a short time. " A strange color flashed on the traceless and handsome face, and a worried color flashed in his bright eyes. It seems that every one of the top 100 in the six states has his own unique skills and cards.

"Cluck, this guy's fighting power burst out in a short time, and then released with the help of the power of the martial spirit. Just feeling the breath and posture, it's enough to compare with the full force of the general middle level Martial Emperor. In addition, the spirit of these undead spirits interferes and invades, and the aftershock little guy needs to face the test this time, which seems to be much better than before! " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister who hasn't been able to speak much, finally said with a sneer. His eyes were always staring coldly at the direction of the eight battle platforms. During this period, he intentionally or unintentionally left his eyes coldly on the position of the camp where he was.

"Hum, the magic weapon with the power of martial spirit can be used to crush and kill enemies in the same realm. It seems that this is a big gift that Jiang Sha has already prepared. I'm waiting to give it to sixth younger martial brother Wu Chen! " The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng's eyes were twinkling with cold, and the green tendons on his hands were jumping up with his anger.

"Ha ha, aftershock is the eldest disciple of master brother. If Jiang Sha doesn't know how to praise him, don't blame me for killing him!" The fifth elder martial brother Shih Fu Hua, who always boasted of his gentleness as a scholar, is also full of endless cold and murderous feelings. On his chest, the shadow of a precious book flickers like light and dark, which is exactly the soul of shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother."Ha ha, it seems that it's time for us to come to an end." A burst of extremely cold laughter, faintly from the traceless mouth will call out. There is an inexplicable anger on Wu trace's handsome face. It is obvious that the aftershock is deeply in crisis at the moment. For Wu trace, it is hard to understand and touch the bottom line and scale in his heart.

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Wu Wu, Wu Wu, Wu Wu

At the same time, the shrill cries of ghosts and wolves will resound across the eight battle platforms. Countless undead souls will be bound in the aftershock of the burly body, began to devour its body crazy.

Every time a gnawing and swallowing attack falls, the aftershock deadlocked face will be inexplicably ugly. Its massive and strong body is still intact and exposed, but the power of spirit surging in its body is obviously weakened and signs of decline are coming out.

Gulu, Gulu

In a twinkling, the whole person of aftershock was engulfed and engulfed by the evil spirits of the dead, and the air of Xuanli from his body became more and more weak. And see this terrible scene, each big door force strong all involuntarily inverted took a breath of cool air. All the people looked at Xu Fan, who was smiling and holding the flag of the dead, and all of them were filled with inexplicable fear and chill< br>

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