Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 839: 839


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At the same time, two violent and terrifying swords rose up, and the power of the eight battle platforms was once again extended. The invisible forbidden light cover spread down and covered the shadow of Mo Gu and his sword on the eight battle platform.

"Ha ha, in less than a year, you have broken through the realm and become emperor! You can be proud of this talent alone. If you can stay in my sword Pavilion, I believe your accomplishments will be promoted faster. "

"But I'm afraid there's something wrong with your position as the leader of the seventh peak! In the past, the master of Yaoguang passed away, and the position of the master of Yaoguang peak is still vacant. And you are wanted by my sword Pavilion. How can you call yourself the leader of Yaoguang peak

"Ha ha, now that you have come forward, I can get a chance for you. If you are willing to worship me again in Tianshu peak, I can cancel your treason and disobedience in front of all the people in the world instead of the master's promise. As long as you hand over the seven peaks sword array of our sword Pavilion, you can let bygones be bygones! " What Mo Gu said was that he was impassioned and urged people to pee. He only heard that all the powerful people on the scene frowned tightly. All the people looked at the six main peaks above the power of the sword pavilion square array, and all of them showed waves of amazement and contempt.

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"Brush!" In vain, the power of a sword's meaning struck a sharp flash in the void. In the nameless hand of the sword, there was a rusty cold broken sword.

"Yao Guang?" At this point, the sword was broken. At the moment of its appearance, the bodies of the powerful people in the various peaks who belonged to the sword pavilion side were all inexplicably shaken. All the people looked at the black and lifeless broken sword, and their eyes all flashed a look of regret that could not be concealed.

"Hum, Yao's lightsaber can be seen again! Mo Gu, you are just the first sword of Tianshu peak. Now you see the seventh peak Yaoguang peak holy sword, you don't have to pay homage quickly! Do the disciples taught by Tianshu peak, the first peak of the sword Pavilion, not even know the most basic way of respecting teachers? " With a cold hum, the momentum of sword nameless suddenly became extremely cold. His intention of killing burst out without concealment, and the dark Yao lightsaber in his hand even gave out bursts of wailing and roaring at the moment.

Brush, brush, brush

All the powerful people on the scene gaze at the eight battle platforms. The fall of master Yao Guang has been heard by all the powerful people. The sword fight between master Yao Guang and master TianKuo, the leader of the first peak sword, has long been heard by all the powerful people of the major sects.

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Today, in the battle of the road to the top among the major sects, the only surviving descendant of Jianzi in the seventh peak, Jianming, dares to appear in public, and to fight against the first Jianzi Mogu in the sword Pavilion, which is a higher level of cultivation. This courage alone is enough to make everyone present respect. What's more, he still holds the holy sword Yao Guangjian, which symbolizes the seventh peak Yaoguang peak.

This undoubtedly made the powerful members of the major sects more convinced of the information they had obtained before. Yaoguang peak was really swallowed by the other six peaks and destroyed in the sword Pavilion. "Ha ha, you yellow mouthed child, how dare you speak the female Huang Da Fang Jue CI again. If you didn't steal the holy things of Yaoguang peak, the seventh peak of our sword Pavilion, and then rebel and flee, how could my martial uncle Yaoguang be so angry that he can't get sick at all, which leads to his old man's uneasiness and obsession when he practices martial arts, and then he will die and Yaoguang peak, the seventh peak, is on the verge of dissolution! " A burst of arrogant ridicule, from the face constantly changing in the mouth of Mo Gu cold spit out. An invisible law of sword meaning spread to the whole eight battle platform quietly. Moku's eyes were full of killing intention. He stared at the sword nameless and said coldly again: "now, you traitor dare to confuse right and wrong and confuse the elders of various forces. Before that, I was willing to give you a chance to survive! Now it seems that if I don't come to an end with you today, you won't know how to slander the name of Jiange Jianzong in the future! "

"Boom!" Mo Gu's words were dignified and righteous, as if they were the truth. The faces of the strong members of the clan of the major forces all showed strange looks, while some of the strong members of the imperial family looked at the sword anonymity one after another, and their expressions were all full of indignation and anger.

"Are you saying I'm lying?" Sword nameless didn't show any anger and roar, but glanced at Mo Gu and asked in a cold voice. In the eyes of the public, Yao's lightsaber disappeared in vain and was put into the ring.

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"Ha ha, isn't it? Can you really confuse right and wrong with just a few words from a traitor who was expelled from the holy land of my sword pavilion? " Ink valley a proper appearance, full face sarcastic stare at sword nameless sneer way. The power of the middle emperor on his body rose in vain, and became an invisible sword intention, which spread over the unknown shape of the sword.

"Hum!" A very strong and loud roar of sword will burst out on the quiet eight battle platforms. Sword nameless hand Epee unparalleled sword hilt place suddenly flashing seven colors of brilliant sword power, into a contains seven completely different laws of power, into a brilliant seven color sword array, the sword nameless whole body is completely covered in it, making the opposite ink Valley released the terrible sword power momentum, After several attacks, the seven peaks sword array shrouded in the unknown shape of the sword could not be easily broken."You want to kill me?" In the Qifeng sword array, the sword nameless slowly raised, and the blood red Epee in his hand was unparalleled. A ferocious sneer passed on his always cold and indifferent face, and the power of the law of will of the sword was continuously released on the ground.

"Wuhu, long live the king of Penglai

"Ha ha, Lord jianhuang, mighty!"

"The Penglai Dynasty in beizhou vows to live and die together with Lord jianhuang!"

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"Long live, Lord jianhuang!"

A deafening cry of excitement was heard from the Turks on the side of the ceremony observation platform below the Bazhen platform. The president of Penglai College of the Penglai Dynasty in beizhou took jianhuang jiannantian, and all the powerful families under his command, all of them fell down to pay homage, stood up and cheered for the murderous sword nameless on the platform, waving the flag and shouting.

Gulu, Gulu

After listening to the waves of shouting and cheering, the strong members of the major forces and the leaders of the other major dynasties trembled. It seems that at this moment, many people clearly realize that there has been another layer of identity about sword namelessness that has not been mentioned, that is, the new king of Penglai Dynasty.

Although the power of the dynasty can not be compared with the power of zhizongmen, the interests hidden behind the power of either Dynasty can not be underestimated. Nowadays, the sword Pavilion and the sword nameless have been fighting endlessly, which also means that either the sword pavilion or the Penglai Dynasty in beizhou will change their owners. And no matter what kind of choice results behind, it means that the six states will once again usher in a big baptism and comprehensive turmoil< br>

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