Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 840: 840


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A fierce and fierce sword spirit soared to the sky, flying wantonly on the eight battle platforms. The terrifying power of the law of sword will continue to fall, forcing all the blue stone bricks on the ground of the eight battle platform to have bright deep seal marks in vain.

"Hum!" A loud and unyielding sound of the sword began to reverberate on one side of the eight battle platforms. The Qi Feng sword array defends the sword array. The power of the sword array rises sharply, and all the sword spirit Qi from the sky in the void is cut down in the sword array one by one.

In the Qifeng sword array, the sword nameless holds an unparalleled Epee, and his eyes are extremely cold. The power of the killing law in his body is released madly. The whole person is as fierce as a killing God. His killing intention is not concealed, so he locks the body of the first sword in the opposite Pavilion, ink Valley, on the spot.

"Boom!" A heavy roar, which could not be prevented, resounded in front of the figure of Mo Gu. Mo Gu's sword light was flying all over the sky, and the bright sword in his hand was shaking in vain. The power and power of the middle emperor's realm of martial arts are released madly, which can completely resist the power and power of the law of killing and cutting released by the opposite sword nameless.

Daddada, dada, dada

With the pace of sword nameless walking forward slowly, the whole body within a few meters is covered by the Qifeng defensive sword array. However, all the sword Qi and the emperor's momentum that intrude into the Qifeng defensive sword array are strangled and destroyed by the bright seven color sword light.

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"Damn, this sword array is so powerful that it can help him to cross the boundary and resist the sword attack of Moku!"

"Alas, this set of sword array is said to be a treasure in the holy land of the sword Tomb of the sword Pavilion. It's just for this set of sword array that the first peak master of the sword Pavilion, Tianshu, will order the unknown General of the sword to hand it over. Finally, it's a fight with the seventh peak master Yaoguang!"

"Oh, the origin of this sword array is so big. No wonder the people in the sword Pavilion and the sword nameless are fighting so endlessly!"

"Haha, with the help of this sword array, maybe this little guy can really fight against the ink Valley!"

"Wow, look, Moku seems to be irritated. It seems that he is going to be serious soon!"

Whispers began to spread, and the powerful members of the major sects set their eyes on the eight battle platforms one after another. While watching the duel between the two, they began to comment on the current situation.

"Wow!" A series of clear and crisp sounds appeared quietly, and the sword spirit in Mo Gu suddenly burst out to the extreme. In his whole body, the middle emperor was forced out by Qi Wei, and the nameless sword in the Qifeng sword array was completely covered on the spot.

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"Why?" A light exhortation came out, and the sword's nameless pace stopped abruptly. The bright seven color sword light on his body is composed of seven peaks sword array, which makes a series of strange sounds. It is obvious that some of them can't bear the power of the middle emperor's realm rule released by Moku.

"The first style of Tianshu, sword like rainbow!" A voice of extreme indifference resounded from the empty space on the other side of the battle platform. Then, a surging sword light flashed out, straight across the void, and the galloping sword Qi flew wantonly across the sky.

"Dong!" The majestic light of the sword flashed out and bombarded the void within a few meters in front of the unknown body of the sword. Then, we see a great force of sword meaning and law burst out in vain, and a gap visible to the naked eye broke in the void.

Click, click, click

With the emergence of this fracture gap, tiny cracks and fine lines spread rapidly. The seven peaks sword array covered by the seven bright sword lights gave out bursts of roar inexplicably, turned into seven colors sword awns with weak breath, and then the light and shadow dissipated and rose in the void.

"Damn, the seven peaks sword array is broken!"

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"Well, with only one sword, the seven peaks sword array was broken. Mo Gu is worthy of being the first sword in the sword Pavilion. He really understood the essence of the sword of the first peak Tianshu peak!"

"Ha ha, without the protection of Qifeng sword array, I'm afraid that this sword can't hold the second sword in the hand of Mo Gu."

"It's a pity, it's a pity. If they are both at the same level, maybe this sword is nameless. It's really possible for them to fight against Moku chamber!"

The powerful men of the major sects nodded in admiration at the powerful Moku, and focused their eyes on the unknown figure of the sword in the passive.

On the platform of tianyunzong's ceremony, no one, such as Wuchen, said anything. Instead, they concentrated their eyes on the platform of Bazhen, and all of them were sweating for the nameless sword.

The Penglai Dynasty of the Jianshi family in beizhou, the jiannantian Dynasty of the jianhuang family and the strong men of the major families all frowned hard and looked at the fierce Moku on the platform, showing a look of fear."Matchless!" A voice of the same extreme indifference floated out, and the Epee was unparalleled, and the blood red light rose in vain. The thick body of the sword suddenly ran out of the sword nameless hand and stood in front of the sword nameless body.

"Bang!" There was a terrible sound of sword meaning collision. Before, Moku released a magnificent sword, and its residual sword meaning gas waves all dispersed in a rush, hitting on the blood red Epee body.

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"Poof!" The body of the Epee sword trembles slightly, and the blood red sword Qi rises from the red sword body. The remaining sword spirit is swallowed by the terrible blood red sword spirit, and then it turns into white smoke on the spot.

"Brush!" The Epee can't resist the sword like residual power released by Mogu, while the power of the middle emperor's law of the emperor's territory released by Mogu comes one after another, and a wave of bombardment puts pressure on the unknown shape of the sword.

Without the power of guarding the sword array of Qifeng sword array, the whole body of sword nameless is completely exposed to the momentum of Moku. The power of the terrible law of sword will blow down repeatedly, and all of them bombard the unknown body of the sword.

Boom, boom, boom

The roar of terror and turbulence has been heard from the general for many times, and the fierce and destructive sword will continue to bombard the unknown body of the sword. The power of the sword's law of killing and cutting is released without reservation. It resists the attack of the power of the sword's law of killing and cutting.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous gasps rang out all around the ceremony platform of the major forces. All the strong people on the scene unconsciously swallowed their saliva and looked at the sword which was gradually engulfed by the power of the sharp sword's will and law. They threw their eyes< br>

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