Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 847: 847

Daddada, dada, dada

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In the void, the seven figures looked at each other at the same time. Then, they turned around and walked in the air, heading for the place where their clan forces belonged. On the platform, they walked slowly out of the air.

"Cluck, so, the way to win the six states, continue..." seeing that the leaders of the major sects belong to their own sectarian forces, the two palace leaders of Bixia palace slowly return to their seats. Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Brush!" In a twinkling, the elders and disciples of the major sects all paid homage to the leader of their respective sects. Then, the leaders of the major forces took their seats in the first place, and looked calmly at the empty eight battle platforms.

"Suddenly A cold wind was blowing by, and on the eight battle platforms, an extremely fierce and terrifying sword power was rising. The powerful people of all parties on the scene trembled in vain. Then they remembered that Jianming had been on the eight battle platform all the time.

"Hum, the way to win the championship, the sword of yaoguangfeng in Jiange is unknown, challenge the master of Tianshu in Jiange!" A cold hum came from the general, and the nameless voice of the sword was extremely cold. The fierce power of the law of killing and cutting swept all over the sky, engulfed the whole eight array platform, and turned it into a world shrouded by the sword meaning of the law of killing and cutting.

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Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of tension to suffocation of breathing, respectively, from the major forces in the square will slowly spread. All the people in the field were staring at the arrogant figure of the unknown sword on the platform, gaping and in an uproar!

"Damn, is this kid in the head?"

"Cough, he's crazy. He must be crazy!"

"Ha ha, did he think he was invincible after he defeated the first sword of the sword pavilion? That's the master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion. He's the top one in the top three of the six states

"Ha ha, this guy can really invite the leader of the sword pavilion to fight the way of the six states winning the championship. But this guy really ate the heart of the bear and swallowed the gall of the leopard. Isn't he really afraid of death?"

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"Haha, there's a good play now. It's the leader of the sword Pavilion. It's estimated that the power of one sword can kill him for 100 times. I think this boy will die worse than Moku!" The voices of excited hot discussion spread all over the country, and echoed in the main square array of Guanli battle platform of the major forces.

At this time, Jian Nantian, the sword emperor of Penglai Dynasty in beizhou, and the families under his command were all in the same shape. They almost stood unsteadily on the spot and fell to the ground and fainted. Their sword emperor is just the level of the next emperor. They dare to invite the leader of the sword pavilion to stand in front of all the major forces in the six states. This is no different for the Penglai Dynasty, even if this person is their sword emperor, Their hearts that invincible mind is still at the moment to shake the collapse up.

"Damn it, you son of a bitch, you are so arrogant!"

"Ha ha, this boy, don't you think we are all dead people in the six peaks of the sword pavilion?"

"His grandmother's, I'll step on the stage now and cut him with my sword..."

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After listening to the words of sword nameless full of provocation, I felt the power of each major door and the strange eyes full of fun. The rest of the six peak disciples and elders of the sword Pavilion could not hold their breath for a moment. Even the leaders of each peak were very ugly at this time, and their breath was in disorder.

"Damn it, nameless guy, he dares to do anything!" Small fat Zhen not just at the moment has grown into a mouth O-shaped, dumbfounded Leng in situ, silly toward the platform, Leng Leng watching.

The two sides, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, and a group of people were all in the same shape. Unconsciously, they swallowed their saliva.

No trace's face was blue and white, and he was obviously shocked by the invincible fight of the sword. Even the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless, who had always been indifferent and speechless, flashed the same brilliance in his cold eyes.

"Ha ha, the little guy's temperament and temperament is really one of the ten charisma of the demon master in those years!" Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow is afraid that the world is not chaos, but also straight smile body virtual shadow a force chaos, appears extremely excited.

"Brush!" At this time, on the position of the camp where the sword Pavilion belongs, an extremely fierce cold eye, with endless cold sense of killing and cutting, directly crossed the complicated crowd and fell on the huge eight array platform.

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"Poof!" With the cold eyes straight down, the turbulent and violent killing law of bazhentai, and the power of the sword meaning in vain, trembled violently. The terrible law of killing and cutting, the sword power was pierced out of thin air, and the cold eyes were just staring at the unknown body of the sword."Hum!" The moment when the cold eyes hit the sword nameless body, the sword nameless felt as if the whole person had been completely explored by other people's divine consciousness. What's more terrible is that the other side just released a cold look. The sword is nameless, but it seems that the whole body has been resisted by ten thousand swords. As long as you move easily, you will be killed by ten thousand swords. This life will fall into the endless abyss of death, and the spirits will be destroyed. You can't escape the reincarnation forever.

"Hum!" A loud and unyielding voice of the solemn and stirring sword suddenly soared into the sky and resounded between heaven and earth. The whole body momentum of the sword is unparalleled for the Epee sword. The red sword light is combined. The seven colors contain the power of the Xuanli law of each attribute. The bright light of the power rises at the same time and envelops its body shape.

Click, click, click

The seven peaks sword array defense method array, which was quickly assembled and formed, has just been born, and it has produced bursts of tiny cracks with the speed visible to the naked eye. Moreover, not only that, the power of sword sense released by sword nameless is being continuously reduced by an invisible chill, while the whole body of sword nameless is completely soaked by cold sweat, his eyes are full of stubbornness, and his waist is straight from beginning to end, The teeth in his mouth were gnawed by him, and he stared angrily at the general from the position of the sword Pavilion forces, above the ceremony observation platform and the place where the first seat was seated

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