Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 848: 848

"Boom!" A violent roar came out of the eight array platform. The light shield of the guard array covered by the eight array platform instantly flashed with dazzling light, blocking the strange cold light from the outside world. The power of the fierce law of killing on the eight array platform collapsed on the spot.

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"Hum!" A loud and unyielding sound of the sword once again resounded on the eight battle platforms. The sword was nameless. At the moment, his whole body was already in cold sweat and his eyes were sharp. His killing intention was even more undisguised, and he was released towards the viewing platform of the sword Pavilion.

"Brush!" With the sword's nameless whole body killing intention, the cold light eye awn that will fall on its body will disappear in vain. On the other hand, the power of the law of killing and cutting on the eight array platform rises again, turning the whole eight array platform into the space of sword meaning controlled by sword nameless.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous breathing, quietly in the main forces of the ceremony of the war platform will be uploaded out. All the powerful men of the major sects had severe eyes and turned their eyes to the general of the square array of the sword Pavilion.

At this moment, especially the leaders of the major sects, and some of the elders who are at the top of the six prefectures list, are even more puzzled. They all focus on the figure of the first peak of the sword Pavilion, the master Tianshu.

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"Damn, the master of the hall sword Pavilion, how unreasonable he is to attack the younger generation at night Tianyunzong's position on the platform, a very disharmonious voice from Turks. Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, is full of anger, and his voice is particularly abrupt when it comes out from the silent eight array platform.

"Ha ha, just a look, it has broken the unknown seven peaks sword array defense. It seems that the gap between the realm of the upper emperor and the realm of the lower emperor, even if the unknown has a deep understanding of kendo, I'm afraid it can't shake the gap between them!" Traceless brow repeatedly tightening, some lost hope to the calm eight battle platform whispered.

"Well, that's not the general superior emperor. It's the superior emperor. It's the top swordsman in the six states! He just released the terrible sword meaning. Even if I join hands with your four elder martial brothers, I'm not sure that I can retreat completely! " Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, sighed. Obviously, he was in awe of the master Tianshu.

"Ha ha, in terms of kendo, maybe only three senior brothers can fight against one of the six states! Although Wuchen also practices Kendo, his own cultivation is too weak! " The fourth elder martial brother, Xi Feng, had a flash of light in his eyes. Intentionally or unintentionally, he turned his eyes to the Third Elder martial brother, Shui merciless, who was indifferent.

"Cluck, that nerd is obsessed with Kendo, but he's very persistent!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, smiles, and the Third Elder martial brother Shui, who is indifferent in his eyes, laughs softly.

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"If you don't try it yourself, who will know the result?" The Third Elder martial brother Shui was merciless and indifferent. He didn't seem to take the matter seriously. When he answered, there was a touch of tenderness in his indifferent eyes, and he flashed away. Looking at the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, he showed a white smile.

"Well, it turns out that the Third Elder martial brother can still laugh..." in a moment of astonishment, all the people on the scene, including Wu Chen, looked silly, but Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, turned her lips and pretended to look away.

"Ha ha, you three elder martial brothers are interesting. You practice heartless Kendo, but you have a deep love with others. It's really a response to the old saying that heartless is better than sentimental..." Yao zunhuoxiao Huohong Xu Ying stands with his hands on his back, and his deep eyes are full of fun. He stares at shuimerciless and fengfeifei.

"Ha ha, yes, old demon. I've been with you for a long time, and I've learned how to drag Wen!" No trace full face light smile, to the demon respect fire Xiao disdainful joke up.


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When the wind blows, the power of the law of killing and cutting gathered by the sword spirit on the eight formation platform dissipates completely. The sword nameless slowly distinguishes the heavy sword hanging in front of it from behind, turns around and rushes to the bottom of the eight formation platform without looking back.

"Ha ha, if you can resist my spiritual visit, you are really qualified to inherit younger martial brother Yaoguang's Kendo inheritance. It's just that it's hard to convince the public with your current strength! However, my Pavilion leader is willing to give you a chance. After you step into the realm of the middle emperor, you can come to my sword pavilion to participate in the examination. If you pass, my Pavilion leader will allow you to be the leader of Yao Guangfeng in front of the world! " A rather indifferent voice came out from the position of the Temple Camp. The powerful people of all parties on the scene suddenly trembled again, and they all set their eyes on the nameless body of the sword which was gradually leaving on the eight battle platforms.

"Why?" Sword nameless body stepped on the edge of the battle platform of Bazhen, but it was in vain. Even without hesitation, he jumped off the huge battle platform of Bazhen, swaggered to the position of tianyunzong, and didn't even look at the position of Jiange from the beginning to the end."It's heaven, when I come to the sword Pavilion, it's the day of life and death duel between you and me!" A proud voice of indifference, like a thunder general resounding in the eight array platform. The lonely and proud figure in white like snow disappeared in a flash. The next moment, it had already appeared in the ceremony observation array of Tianyun sect, and a group of disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy were sitting on the ceremony observation position.

"Boom!" As the sword's nameless voice fell to the ground, the faces of the powerful members of the major sects all showed a strange color. All of them took a cold breath, and secretly picked the thumb for the sword's nameless proud Yingfeng.

Just now, master Tianshu secretly admitted the inheritance of yaoguangfeng given by Jianming, and even promised to give him the opportunity to inherit the title of yaoguangfeng, the seventh peak of jiangge. This is no different from a handshake and the best opportunity and chance for the sword nameless who has been wanted in the sword Pavilion.

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But the sword nameless guy didn't know what to do. He publicly refuted the invitation of the leader of the sword Pavilion in front of the powerful members of each big sect. Moreover, it is said that when he comes to Jianshan again, it will be the time of his life and death with his master Tianshu.

So it seems that this sword nameless is in front of all the people in the world, and the hatred with the sword pavilion has reached the point of immortality.

Therefore, on the one hand, the powerful men of the major sects secretly praised the sword's nameless courage, on the other hand, they gloated and focused their eyes on the viewing platform of the sword Pavilion.

"Brush!" On the platform where the sword Pavilion belongs to, all the strong people in the sword Pavilion look very ugly. Even the other main peak of the sword pulse in the sword pavilion are all facing the sword anonymity at the moment, which shows the extremely dissatisfied anger and killing intention.

"Ha ha, good! Since that's the case, the pavilion leader is waiting for you on Jianshan at any time! " A cold but smiling voice came out from the position of the camp where the sword Pavilion belonged. The face of master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion, was as usual, and there was no waves. His magnanimous spirit made the restless eight formations in the arena in an instant uproar again, and then he fell into a state of silence< br>

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