Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 849: 849

Brush, brush, brush

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After the escalation of the contradiction between the unknown sword and the sword Pavilion, the owner of the sword Pavilion finally came forward to suppress the matter. On the platform of all forces watching ceremony, the powerful members of the six clans once again kept silent, and the huge eight array platform once again fell into silence.

"Cackle, everyone, the road to success still goes on. If there is any gratitude or resentment among the powerful members of the major sects, they can take the stage to solve it. In addition, if someone wants to challenge the top of the six states list, they can also take the stage to fight! However, the result of doing so is extremely dangerous. I hope that the strong of all parties will be cautious in their words and deeds. " A burst of pleasant laughter like a silver bell will spread again. Yunluan fairy looks around and speaks slowly again.

"Wow With the voice of yunluan fairy coming to an end again, the powerful people of all the major sects around them came back to their senses like a dream.

Before that, some of the powerful members of the major schools went out to challenge the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy for several times, which made the original debate on the way of winning the throne obviously different from that of the past. Only in this way did the powerful members of the major schools never recover for a moment.

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At this moment, yunluan fairy came forward to speak, which was no different from giving a step down to the strong of the sword Pavilion, and also made the strong of the major sects raise their spirits again, and the debate on the way to win the throne was back to the normal again.

"Brush!" For a moment, the minds of the powerful members of the main forces were fully activated again, and the quiet eight battle platforms were once again full of excitement.

Among the powerful members of the major sects, there are some people on the stage to fight against each other, and most of them are to solve the clan's enmity. Moreover, some of the strong people on the top of the six states list are invited to compete with those who are at the top of the list. Naturally, the purpose is self-evident, just for their further refinement in the six states list.

Of course, there are also various kinds of fierce and casual practitioners hidden in the six states, as well as some unknown martial and Taoist strongmen. It's true that the six states are full of strongmen, and the eight battle platforms are full of flowers. What makes the powerful people of all parties dazzled is that they can't help admiring that there are people outside and there are mountains outside.

"Haha, the duel between the powerful and the powerful of the major clans is really boring! Most of the powers of the law they understood were different. How can we have the powerful and domineering spirit of the Sutra Pavilion of our academy? I believe that one person of aftershock can sweep through all the major departments, and the next person will be the emperor of Wuhuang realm on the stage! " Small fat Zhen not just a face bad smile, tone is full of disdain of low voice in no trace ear whispered.

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"Ha ha, I can't deny the aftershocks. But if you're a fat man, I won't dare to beat my chest like you! " Traceless smile, white eyes, next to the face of the small fat Zhen not just words.

On both sides, all the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy smile, and they smile at the little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Haha, different ways don't conspire with each other. What I've learned is the way of divination. It's not like that stupid big guy in aftershock. He only knows how to practice martial arts all day long and fight!" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, had an indifferent look and a bad smile. He also touched his temple with his finger. That means he lives on his brain and is not at the same level as the people who fight with the aftershocks by brute force.

"Hey, little martial uncle, who do you say has no brain? Let's fight against him!" The aftershock obviously felt the strange eyes of little fat Zhen Bucai. He glared angrily and asked the cold voice of nine Youming axe flashing black light in his hand.

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"Hey, you said that I'm your little martial uncle. As an elder, how can I bully you! Don't you forget the rules of our college's Sutra Pavilion, respecting teachers, punishing evil and promoting good? " Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, put on airs and began to suppress the aftershocks with his identity.

"Keke, my little martial uncle taught me that I remember!" Aftershock body in vain a Zheng, although the heart is not very willing, but still in front of the little fat Zhen not just gave a gift, listless speech response way.

"Damn, little fat man, you guy..." after listening to little fat man Zhen Bucai's solemn words, not only no trace, but also the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the Third Elder martial brother Shui's ruthless faces showed a strange look. Ji Ruxue and Jian Mingming both smile a little. They are used to the rude face of little fat Zhen Bucai!

Boom, boom, boom

With the eight battle platforms, the battle of the way to the top began and ended one after another. During this period, all the powerful members of the major forces were invited to fight on the stage. Among them, there were some elder level strong members with outstanding fighting power, who were all very impressive.However, it's strange to say that since the end of the battle of sword nameless's coming to the stage to destroy the first sword in the sword Pavilion, no one from all the major forces at the elder level has come to the stage to invite Wu Chen to fight Wu Chen again. Even Chen Baozhai, Jiang Sha Dao and the strong men who have always had a grudge against Wu Chen no longer clamor at Wu Chen.

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In this way, after several hours, it seems that there is no night coming in Penglai Fairy Island. No trace and others have obviously spent a long time here, but the sky above the head of the head around is still slightly hazy and shining.

"Ha ha, this forbidden area really has his unique wonder!" No trace looking around the light, from the bottom of my heart to praise!

"Hey, this is the bottom of Penglai Fairy Island, and the sky you see is not the real sky! You can think of this place as the underwater world, and the sky you see can also be understood as the reflection of the sea and sky reflected by the mirror! " Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow slightly a Zheng, a pair of daoguxianfeng appearance, raised his head to look around to speak.

"Ha ha, I see!" No wonder it doesn't seem to be dark here. Isn't that to say that the debate on the way to the top can continue until the powerful members of the major sects no longer come on the stage to invite them to fight? If you think that such a huge scene will last for a long time, and the strong members of all parties hidden in the six states will appear in the first battle, there will be a lot of inexplicable expectations surging in Wu trace's heart, It seems that the road to success is a good place to learn, observe and improve the perception< br>

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