Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 85: 85

King song, crowded streets. A team of a hundred and ten people stood up against a group of four people such as Wu Chen.

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Four young people dressed in green, yellow, red, blue and four-color robes are looking at traceless with shocked faces, and they are speechless.

"Yo Yo, isn't this the fourth Shaochun, summer, autumn, winter and winter of Wangdu?" Traceless face heap smile, staring at the front of the four young people pondering said.

"Damn, I didn't go out to see the Yellow calendar today. How did I meet this guy?" Chen Dongzang, the young master of the Chen family in a blue robe, said with a bad face.

"His grandmother's, the people we planted in the outer courtyard last time, were abandoned by this boy! This time out of Dazhou college, we must find him to give a good vent to this evil spirit! " Liang Qiusheng, a young man in red robe, whispered to the three people beside him.

"I said, elder brother, this boy is a student in inner school now. But we have been warned at home, don't mess with the people of Dazhou college Qi Xia Xia wears a yellow robe and looks at the other three people with some fear.

"Ha ha, you said it. Don't provoke them if you have nothing to do! You see now, it's like nothing! I said, Xia Shao, you are not afraid, are you Song Chungui, dressed in green robes, laughs and claps Qi Xiaxia on the shoulder, saying contemptuously.

"Damn it, chunshao, you're not so good! If you want to die, I will bury you. It's just the boy. It's over! " Xia Shaoqi can't stand the sarcasm of Chun Shao in summer. He will come forward to teach Wu trace.

"Ha ha, Xia Shao, don't be impatient. With his current strength, it's hard for us to deal with four plus one. But have you brought all the things you gave at home? " Song Chun returns to one and blocks the summer of Qi. He asks three people in a quiet voice.

Smell speech, Qi summer, Liang Qiusheng, Chen Dongzang, three people all slightly a Zheng. Then, the three people's eyes were full of questions, and nodded silently toward song Chungui.

"Hey, hey, it's done! Let's live together. Let's wait to see a good play today Chun Shao and song Chungui burst out laughing and came to no trace not far away.

"Ha ha, now the king's capital is Chaoge, and all the children of the major families are cautious in their words and deeds. Stupid little, but still so ostentatious, really did not insult your "stupid" name ah No trace light a smile, swept an eye, opposite a body of big green song Chungui said with a smile.

"Boy, I'll give you three seconds to get out of here. Otherwise, don't blame chunshao, I won't give you Dazhou college face! " Song Chungui, with a well-established mind, scolds Wu trace carelessly. Immediately, a pair of eyes as big as mung bean drips and turns straight. The red eyes are wandering on Liu Shuanger and Ji Ruxue.

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"Brother no trace!" Liu Shuanger's face was startled, and he quickly hid behind traceless. On one side, Ji Ruxue, who had been indifferent, frowned in vain, and the chill on her body rose in vain.

On the other side, song Chungui feels the terrible chill from Ji Ruxue. He is so scared that he quickly steps back. At the same time, song Chungui quickly takes back his eyes, and no longer dares to stare at Ji Ruxue.

"Ha ha, time is up. I'll see how stupid you are. How can you not give me face in Dazhou college?" Traceless playful look swept away, eyes some gloomy looking toward song Chungui.

"Ha ha, boy, don't be soft. I hope you can be so hard all the time!" Song Chungui burst out laughing, words extremely unbearable staring at no trace unbridled way. Then, a pair of small eyes looked left and right, looking at more and more people around, a frown.

"Ha ha, stupid, you're not going to solve me here, are you?" As he spoke, he suddenly moved.

In the blink of an eye, a green shadow crossed the long street in an instant, when people reacted again. No trace body shape has appeared in the opposite 100 people team, and the right arm raised high. And a green robe of spring young song Chungui, at this time, just like a chicken weak by no trace of the neck.

"Lean on it, let it go, let it go

"I'll go. Are you crazy? Don't you know the status of the Song family? "

"Let go of chunshao and speak well!"

For a time, summer, autumn, winter, three Shaoqi surprised, have alerted to traceless warning. The surrounding 100 people have all released their strength. Among them, the vast majority of people are building the strength realm of soul realm, and only a few people have reached the initial cultivation realm of soul realm. It is the same as the four shaos in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Hum, I'm a teacher. As a soul master, you are willing to be a servant. I think you are practicing on dogs No trace cold hum a, body peaceful breath in vain a cold. An invisible pressure was released quietly, locking all the celebrities around them.

Plop, plopIn a short period of time, all of the 100 warriors on both sides were paralyzed with cold sweat on their forehead and temples. Only Xia Chunqiu sanshao and the few early warriors in the soul realm were still gritting their teeth and trying to keep themselves from being defeated by the pressure of no trace.

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"Ha ha, a dandy who only depends on his family's influence and swindles outside, just because you still want to take me?" Traceless face is very gloomy, the right hand is in vain a loose. Chun Shao, who was pinched by no trace and lifted his neck in mid air, suddenly landed on his buttocks and fell heavily on the ground below.

"Ouch!" With a scream, song Chungui suddenly jumped up. A burst of pain came from his buttocks, and song Chungui looked at Wu trace with extremely sad eyes.

"Well, it's a waste of time! Get out of here in three breath. Otherwise, don't blame Dazhou College for not giving face to your four families! " See no trace cold hum a, don't see how to move body shape then again float but return. In addition, the terror that enveloped 100 people disappeared at the same time.

"Chunshao, are you ok?"

"Spring is little, let's withdraw!

"Chun Shao, don't worry. After I go back, I'll find someone to kill the boy myself!"

Xia, Qiu, Dong, and San Shao rush forward and stand with Chun Shao, quietly whispering to song Chungui.

Hua La, Hua la

All the hundred and ten servants retreated together, a certain distance away from the four little soldiers in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Everyone hesitated, but no one dared to leave without permission.

"Boy, I'm at odds with you! There are so many people here. If you have seed, you can have a fight with me in the suburbs! " The cold light in Song Chungui's eyes kept flashing, pointing to the traceless breach on the opposite side and swearing. He was forced to make up his mind in an instant because he had not made up his mind.

"Ha ha, going to the suburbs with you? You have watt in your head. I can kill you now. Believe it or not! I'm sure I'll be male, but I don't know what you are! " After hearing song Chungui's words, Wu Hun feels angry. One face sees the look in the eyes of idiot sweep to song Chun return, incomparably disdain of open mouth return a way.

"Damn it, Chun Shao, this guy's words are worse than you!"

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"Ha ha, I'm so amused. This guy looks very interesting!"

"Chunshao, I'm not fooled! As the saying goes, a hero does not suffer immediate losses. If you want me to say that, we'd better shake it first! "

On one side, Xia, Qiu, Dong and San Shao hold back their smile, peep at Chun Shao, whose face is red, lower their voice and whisper.

"Boy, go to the countryside with us! As long as you beat us, you will be our boss in the future! We're four brothers together, and we're at your service! " Song Chungui's face is very red. He yells at Wu trace. On both sides, the crowd of people around a commotion, people have surprised to point to no trace whispering.

"Ha ha, listen to me and serve me! That sounds good, but how can I trust you? " No trace full face ponders, stares at Song Chungui to curl a mouth to ask a way.

"Damn it, song Chungui is the one who keeps his word. I'd like to swear with the heart of martial arts that if you win us, we will be sent by you in the future! If we win, your dog's life will be ours... "Feeling the strange eyes of the people around, song Chungui is really a bit embarrassed. He quickly raised his right hand and swore to heaven, solemnly staring at traceless and said.

"Damn it, you don't have to play so much, do you?"

"Chunshao, are you crazy? If you want to die, don't take the three of us! "

"I'll go. If my father knows that I'm playing so much, I'll have to be broken!"

Summer, autumn, winter, three little face ash, staring at the side of the vowed spring little, all black line, a burst of speechless.

"Don't worry, don't forget, we have treasure in our hands! I don't believe that the four babies can't fight this boy as soon as they do it! Come on, do as I say, or we won't even have brothers to do it! " Song Chungui mercilessly whitens three young people's eyes and whispers in the dark.

"Damn, I've been killed by chunshao this time!" Smell speech, summer autumn winter three little Qi wail. Immediately, the three also learn the appearance of Chun Shao just, swear with the heart of martial arts.

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On one side, all the 100 followers swallowed their saliva, and looked at the masters like idiots. On both sides, the crowd of onlookers, who were not afraid of big things, roared.

"Boy, let them go! This trip, will not disappoint you... "Demon zunhuoxiao rough voice, quietly echoed in traceless mind. With a smile on his face, he was slightly stunned and glanced around unconsciously.

"Boy, all four of our brothers have vowed. Next, it's your turn!" Chun Shao, song Chungui's face is ferocious, and he laughs wildly and stares at Wu trace."Ha ha, what do you have to do with me if you swear voluntarily? Let me swear? Are you kidding me? How can I lose to you four idiots Traceless laughter, disdain of the white spring less song spring return. Then, separated from the crowd on both sides, swaggered toward the distance, striding toward the outskirts of the song city.

"Brother no trace, wait for me!" Behind, Liu Shuanger trots a few steps to catch up with the traceless figure.

Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people look at each other. Then, the two figures, one left and one right, walked slowly with the direction of no trace.

"Damn, chunshao, he's playing with you!"

"Grandma, do we have a little bit of a loss to swear?"

"Alas, who let you be absent-minded? I'll have to follow you

Summer, autumn and winter three little all face sad, mutual bickering complain up. In the end, the three men set their eyes on song Chungui, waiting for his final decision.

"Granny, chunshao, I must kill this boy today! Elder brothers, kill with me... "Chun Shao roared and waved his hand to the other three shaos. Then, a group of four people were murderous, and they went straight to the direction of no trace and others, and followed them all the way.

Around, a hundred and ten servants, armed with helplessness, had to follow Sishao slowly. All around, the crowd of onlookers broke up in a big crowd and quickly spread the conversation to the scene that just happened< br>

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