Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 86: 86

Chaoge, the capital of the king, is a deserted open space in the suburb of the north of the city.

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Spring, summer, autumn, winter, four young stand side by side, and the opposite face of a lazy traceless stalemate. After the four little, a hundred and ten servants went out a long way. But after Wu trace, the sword is nameless, Ji Ruxue, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with him. He takes Liu Shuanger to one side leisurely.

"Ha ha, come on! Brothers, let me see what kind of backhand you have. How dare you clamor with me like this Traceless mouth with a smile, a glance will see through the spring less and others mind. The whole person stretched lazily, some impatiently said to the opposite four people.

"Brush!" A strange red awn flickered slightly, and the huge virtual shadow appeared quietly behind the traceless.

"Hey hey, boy, you forced us..." then, I saw the spring young song Chungui suddenly clap his left shoulder, and then I heard a crackle. Immediately after that, a gray and white light shot out, and a violent breath swept over the open space.

"Woo Hoo!" As the gray and white awn gradually dissipated, a white tiger with white hair and tusks appeared in front of chunshao.

"Damn, what's going on? I've learned how to be human. This boy is playing with me to summon the beast? " On the other side, the white tiger staring at the tiger fiercely swallowed his saliva, turned his eyes, and felt a burst of blood surging.

"What nonsense, boy? This white tiger is a domesticated animal. And just now there was a magic weapon on the boy. It seems that the white tiger has been hidden in the magic weapon on his shoulder. It is estimated that the Song family left a way to protect the boy's life. " Demon respect fire Xiao if thoughtful, inadvertently swept song Chun left shoulder number eyes.

"Hum, what the white tiger releases is the later breath of the fierce beast, which is equivalent to the later breath of the soul state of our human warriors! It's no wonder he's so bold and fearless that he has such help to protect his body in the initial cultivation of his soul state. " Traceless hummed a little, before the lazy look swept away. The Qi of Xuanli in the whole body is mobilized and released without reservation in the middle stage of soul realm cultivation.

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"Ha ha, boy, I'm afraid now! My fierce winged white tiger is a growing beast. Although it's only in the later stage of fierce beast, it's more than enough to deal with you in the middle stage of soul state! " Chun Shao and song Chungui burst out laughing and yelled at Wu trace.

"Ouch!" A tiger calls, the whole body of the white tiger suddenly ignites the flames. The fiery red breath is more violent and incomparable, and the hot air waves spread all over the whole open space in an instant. The white tiger wrapped in the flame is majestic. On the white tiger's double ribs, there is a pair of shapeless hidden wings!

"I'll go. Can this guy fly?" The sword Qi of Wu Chen's whole body rushes up and resists the heat wave coming from all around. His eyes were wide open, and he looked at the white tiger with great interest.

"Ha ha, it's really a growing beast. Fortunately, he is still in his infancy. Otherwise, when the wings are really shaped, they will be able to control the wind, fire and two kinds of mysterious forces at the same time. At that time, it will be easy to deal with you now! " Yao Zun's fiery eyes were shining, and he was quite interested in commenting on the winged white tiger.

"Woo Hoo!" There was another roar, and the surrounding open space was full of flames. The fury and heat of the air made the crowd shake, and the white tiger turned into a white light and rushed to the opposite side without trace.

"Damn it, bastard, get out of here!" Feel the smell of blood from the shop, no trace of disgust frowned. The power of Xuanqi in his body was mobilized, and his right arm was wrapped with the power of super dragons. He suddenly hit back at the white shadow in front of him.

"Bang!" There was a strong dull sound, and the surrounding space trembled for three times. The scorching heat wave is surging wantonly and collides with the body protecting sword Qi in front of traceless body.

In the rear, Wu Chen felt numb in his right arm and stepped back several steps. Gently shook the arm, a super dragon's power rose again.

Opposite, with no trace right arm impact in a place of wing fierce white tiger. Body in mid air first meal, and then as quickly as throwing sandbags inclined back.

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"Plop." He lost his balance in mid air, and the white tiger grabbed four times and glared hard. Then his heavy body fell to the ground. After landing, the body of the winged white tiger was still rowing backward. After rowing for tens of meters, the body of the winged white tiger gradually stabilized. On the ground below, a pit tens of meters long and more than half a meter deep appeared in front of people's eyes.

"Hoo A nervous gasp came quietly from the crowd of 100 people in the rear. A hundred and ten servants were all lying on the ground one after another, looking forward in horror.

"Xiaobai!" See wing strong white tiger was a boxing back, spring can not help but be surprised. A burst of anxious call, song Chungui flies to the body of the white tiger."Ouch!" The fierce white tiger roared at Song Chungui. Then, the snow-white head wrapped in the flame was still rubbing on song Chungui's chest.

Surprisingly, for song Chungui, the flames seemed to be nonexistent. Winged fierce white tiger shakes his head and rubs it several times. Then he moves his eyes back to traceless body again.

"Ha ha, it seems that this little guy has already recognized the master with this boy. The intimacy is so high that he must have adopted him since he was a child!" Demon respect fire Xiao a face surprised, in front of no trace secretly sound to.

The mainland of China is vast and rich in territory. Many big forces and families will go around to capture some relatively high-quality orcs, and then let the younger generation of the family and their spirits recognize the master, and live and grow together from childhood. In this way, the orcs will be completely humanized, so that they will be more loyal to their protected masters and will never betray them forever. After all, it's not so much for the protection of others as it is for the orcs whose spirits recognize the Lord. After all, the human heart is evil. How can the heart of the orc be clean and thorough.

"Woo Hoo!" The fierce winged white tiger had a big mouth, and its four claws flew out. A white light once again across the air, straight to no trace attack and kill.

"Xiaobai!" Chunshao and songchungui's face became more and more ugly. They thought that the fierce white tiger with fierce wings in the later stage of the fierce beast would tear Wuchen to pieces with one hand. But who would have thought that this move had obviously fallen behind. At this time the spring less heart, has begun to give birth to a faint regret.

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"Willow style nine swords, catkins all over the sky!" A burst of sword Qi floated all over the sky and turned into invisible catkins, lingering around Wuchen's body and protecting Wuchen's body.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A series of crisp dull sound, in no trace around the body one after another. Each claw of the fierce winged white tiger will be attacked by a flame. In the terrible flames, there was a faint wind Xuanli breath. All over the sky, the rising flame attacks and impacts on the catkins of sword Qi.

Traceless handsome face calm as water, the release of catkins all over the sky, in the flames of fierce offensive waves of turbulence. But fortunately, although the breath of sword Qi is gradually weakening, it can still persist for a period of time under the blazing attack.

"Ha ha, in the face of the attack which is equivalent to the later stage of the soul realm, although I can support the catkins all over the sky, I can't sustain it for a long time. It's not easy to expose the artistic conception of sword. It seems that my skill needs to be improved! " The eternal Heaven and earth in traceless body will run madly, and a steady stream of Hongmeng chaotic Qi will flow in the body. The Qi of Xuanli rolled up all over the body, and the sword Qi turned into catkins again, and the guards were stacked around the traceless body.

"Ouch!" On the other side, the fierce white tiger with wings flashing in the void seemed to be insulted and provoked. Fierce eyes angrily open repeatedly, facing the traceless flame attack fiercely again climbed a big section.

Boom, boom, boom

Under the fierce attack of the winged white tiger, the catkins sword Qi on Wuchen's body is finally tottering and nearly collapsing. All the people in the open space around held their breath, and their eyes fell into the sword Qi surrounded by Bai mang.

Click, click

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Bursts of clear sound came, and the catkin sword Qi protected by traceless body suddenly broke. In the void, several flames gushed out at the same time and fell on the green shadow in the sword Qi group.

"Teng!" The burning flame seemed to be ignited in an instant, and the green shadow exposed in the field was swallowed up in an instant. Just for a moment, the sword Qi and the green shadow were all submerged in the flames.

"Whoosh!" In mid air, the white tiger suddenly turned around and landed in front of Chun Shao. Winged fierce white tiger look extremely proud, but also intimate rubbed rubbed spring less trouser legs.

"Ha ha, good! Xiaobai, well done. I'll treat you well when I get back! " Spring little in vain a bright eyes, touched the wings, white tiger's head burst out laughing.

On one side, Xia Qiudong and San Shao's faces are also full of joy. They step forward one after another and come to chunshao song Chungui's side.

"Hoo In the rear, all the 100 soldiers who watched the battle were relieved. Everyone's skirt was already soaked by the sweat.

On the other side, Liu Shuanger suddenly turned black in front of her eyes, and her figure shook rapidly. Fortunately, Ji Ruxue's eyes and hands are quick. She grabs Liu Shuanger's hands and stabilizes her figure.

The sword on his back was nameless, and there was no change in his cold face. Standing in the same place, he was as steady as a mountain. His fierce eyes were always looking forward, and several hot flames were rising. He stared at the light sword in the package

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