Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 859: 859

"Brush!" A ray of dazzling brilliance soared up into the sky, and the power of the eight array battle platform's array power soared again. He enveloped all the six men on the battle platform, and completely cut off the power of the law which was diffused in the six men and the power of the law which was imposed on the outside world.

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"Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, is willing to step on the stage to give some advice." A thick and loud voice resounded through the sky and the earth, shaking the ground above the eight battle platforms. On the platform, all the six powerful men of the six major schools did not squint. At the same time, they ran to the location of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. They sat on the traceless figure and stared at the general.

"Eh, isn't that the elder Dongsheng of zhenbaozhai?"

"Damn, there's that stiff evil star coming to en!"

"Well, all of you, look, isn't that the master Sekong of Buddhists

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"Wow, there are also the first swordsman of the previous generation in the sword Pavilion, Liu Fu, the core elder of Bixia palace, Luan Shu, and the crazy battle Lei Jun in the animal temple." Keke, aren't these the strong ones who inherited the disciples of the major schools in the famous six states? They thought that they were all famous figures on the stage of the road to success! Now, how can you get on the eight array platform at this moment to invite you to fight? The realm and seniority are far inferior to Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the academy? "

"Hehe, these six strong men who have already become famous, the elders who are now flourishing in all the major schools, shouldn't it be more appropriate to invite the fourth and fifth disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of Dou academy?"

The low-level hot discussion has been spread among the large-scale gate forces and the families of the major dynasties. Obviously, they are no stranger to the six strong men who appear in vain on the battlefield. Even to a certain extent, their names and prestige are no less than those of the other disciples in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Cackle, master Zhuge misunderstood. Just now, all the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy have shown their extraordinary talents and qualifications! Now, these people are Tianjiao disciples of the upper generation of the six major sects, and they have become the mainstays of the elder level of our six sects. "

"This time, these six people volunteered to step on the stage just to consult Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, so that our ancestors in Liuzhou could enjoy all the elegant demeanour of the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy! Of course, if Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, is not willing to fight on the stage, then it's natural to let it go... "Zixia fairy, the second master of Bixia palace, smiles with a gentle voice, but it resounds in the void. So that all the people on the scene unconsciously feel a burst of pleasure, the slightest will not think about and question the profound meaning of Zixia fairy words. It seems that everything Zixia fairy said is reasonable, traceless should have been on the stage to show his talent and talent, which is totally unreasonable.

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Brush, brush, brush

With the voice of Zixia fairy falling, the eyes of the leaders of the other major sects and the elders of the major sects all turned to the position above the ritual observation platform of Tianyun sect.

"This..." the eyes of Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, were slightly fixed. They almost inquired, and their eyes also fell on the bodies of the brothers in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Cluck, these guys have been living in peace for a long time. They began to bully my college's Sutra Pavilion!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's breath began to become cold in vain, and her beautiful eyes burst out with a grace and dignity.

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"Later, if you want to do it, remember to do it gently!" The Third Elder martial brother, shuimerciless, was still expressionless. Looking at the six men on the front platform, he shook his head slightly.

"Hum, if you want to deal with them, you don't need the second elder martial sister to do it yourself. I've got a sword to fight the west, and I'll make you wither away!" The fourth elder martial brother's face was extremely cold and gloomy, and he was obviously angered by the behavior of the six major sects on the eight formation stage. It seems that as long as Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, says something, he will immediately conjure up the ice sword and give a fatal blow to the six strong men on the eight battle platform.

"Hehe, the trees are big enough to catch the wind, and the woods are big enough to catch all kinds of birds. These guys seem to be pinching Lao Liu as a soft persimmon. Aren't they afraid to lift a stone and hit their own feet?" Shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother, was calm and relaxed. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he blinked as if he was still sitting steadily.

"Hey, no trace boss, these guys look down on you! If you go out to fight, you will be better off in the realm first. Moreover, they are all the proud children of the past, and you may not have a certain chance of winning! But if you don't go to the stage, it means that our college's Sutra Pavilion is afraid of them! What's more, these guys, regardless of their status, went on the stage to invite them to fight. They made it clear that they wanted to make sure that the Sutra Pavilion of our academy was ugly! It's like we're at a loss on both sides. " Small fat Zhen not just bitter face, full face sad look to no trace whisper way."Hum, no trace boss, otherwise I want to go up and give you a try!" Aftershock hands nine Youming axe gently shake, eyes burning in the fire of the war, rushed to the distance, eight battle platform on the hot look.

"No trace, the people of Bixia palace, let me deal with them!" Ji Ruxue's cold and frosty face is covered with a touch of perseverance, and her eyes are looking at Wu trace in a whisper.

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"Sword Pavilion, it's mine!" Sword nameless's spirit of sword spirit rose wildly in vain. His eyes showed cold light, staring at the body shape of the first sword of the generation in the sword Pavilion on the battle platform, he glared.

"Hey, no trace boy, it seems that these little guys are very concerned about you!" The performance of the people and the true feelings revealed, all of which were seen by the demon zunhuoxiao Xuying. See demon respect fire Xiao fire red empty shadow full face light smile, toward the side corner of the mouth is suffused with a trace of strange bad smile of no trace jokingly said.

"Well, I want to keep a low profile, but I can't do it!" No trace sighed gently, and the corner of his mouth with a smile on his handsome face turned up slightly. Facing the shocked and frightened eyes of the leaders of the major forces, the elder level strongmen under his command, as well as the forces of the major dynasties, he quietly swaggered up slowly. Then, his bright eyes flashed in vain, and he said a word to the front of the eight battle platforms, which was enough to suffocate all the people on the scene: "don't waste time, you six guys will go together... < br >"

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