Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 860: 860

Boom, boom, boom

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A series of deafening roars and blasts were heard one after another. On the eight battle platforms, there were six powerful and violent works of the middle emperor. The eyes of the last generation of Tianjiao level strong men from the six major sects were shining with fierce cold light at the same time. Qi Shushu collected the six people's eyes on the traceless figure who had already stood up.

"Damn, the six disciples of the academy are so arrogant!"

"Keke, this guy has been hiding from fighting all the time. How come he has a high profile now! Is he really sure, or is he trying to make a fuss and make a fuss again? "

"Hehe, why don't you go up and make a mystery and invite one person to fight against the top six?"

"Well, forget it, let's watch the fun!"

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There was a lot of noise and confusion on the eight array platform. All the powerful members of the major sects and the powerful members of the major dynasties were confused and at a loss. Looking at the green robe of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy with a smile on his face, all of them were talking and talking.

"Hey hey, traceless boy, you just said that, shouldn't you be serious?" Demon zunhuoxiao red, empty shadow negative hand and stand, always floating in the side of no trace. His fiery and sophisticated eyes were staring at the six crazy and extreme terror on the platform, and he began to inquire about the traceless communication.

"Ha ha, old demon, is your head rusty! I'm a man in the realm of Emperor Wu Huang. They are proud of the realm of Emperor Wu Huang among the six old brands on the stage. This is an unfair duel in itself! And if they really fight against me alone with the strength of six people, then they will be ridiculed by all forces in six states in the future! " Listen to the demon respect fire Xiao's question, no trace for the first time then ruthlessly rolled white eyes. One of the words is sonorous and forceful, even listen to the demon respect fire Xiao are a strong nod, feel very reasonable.

"Cough, why did you just sing such a song?" Demon respect fire Xiao slightly light cough two, mercilessly turned over white eyes, don't good gas of see to have no trace again query way.

"Hey, old demon, you know a ball, it's called psychological warfare! Let's first overpower each other with momentum, and then, and then talk about the next! " No trace a face bad smile, to the demon respect fire Xiao crow make an eye way. Then, Wu Chen gently stretched his arms, puffed, and raised his legs to move forward toward the eight battle platforms.

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Brush, brush, brush

A road vision such as picture such as torch, all together brush of gather in no trace body shape above. At the moment, all the people of the major forces felt a sense of expectation. They wanted to see how strong Liu Wuhen, the sixth disciple of the Academy, was. He even dared to speak such arrogant words in front of the Tianjiao disciples of the six major schools.

Boom, boom, boom

At the moment of no trace stepping up and running to the top of the eight battle platforms, there was a deafening roar of terror below the whole area above the eight battle platforms. The power of the eight array platform's guard light shield array trembles violently in vain. A more violent force of the array directly cuts the whole eight array platform from bottom to top into two parts.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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As the eight battle platforms were neatly cut into two sections, the sound of surging and loud waves rose one after another. Then, I saw a series of horrible virtual shadows flying from the bottom of the Bazhen platform to the deep sea, turning into a breath of terror, all suspended above the Bazhen platform.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of intense breathing sound, one after another quietly will ring through. At the same time, all the leaders of the major forces stood up and focused on the void above the eight battle platforms. However, the elders of the major forces and the heads of the powerful families of the dynasties were all very ugly, with some fear and fear in their eyes. They were staring at the figure of Taoism that was gradually emerging in the void.

"Suddenly A gust of cold wind blows up without warning. The place of the eight battle platforms, which has just been cut into two sections, is now covered by the array, and is rapidly closing and restoring to its original state with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Boom!" A deafening dull sound, once again spread across the death of the general silence of the eight array platform. The eight array platform, which was just broken in two by the power of the terrible mysterious array, now appears intact again in everyone's eyes.

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At the same time, dozens of strange looking figures appeared in the void above the intact eight battle platform. These figures seem to have been negotiated, occupying the void on one side of the eight array respectively. On the other hand, the figures of each of these eight forces are all full of different spirits. It is obvious that these people are not human martial arts practitioners, but the people of the demon and beast clan in the six states of mainland China."Cluck, the golden giant ape clan, the yakha clan, the golden winged Dapeng clan, the lion and tiger clan, the wing clan, the spirit clan, the Mountain Ghost clan, the WanMu clan, and the eight orcs gather in Penglai Fairy Island, which is really a blessing for the six states in mainland China! You've come all the way here, and it really makes our Bixia palace shine. Why don't you take a moment on the viewing platform first? What's the matter? We'll discuss it later, OK Looking at the sudden arrival of the eight forces above the battle platform, Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, quietly jumped up. Her graceful figure was as beautiful as a fairy flying into the world. The eight forces running to the battle platform of the eight formations went away with a smile.

Brush, brush, brush

At the same time, the heads of zhenbaozhai, jiangshadao, guimengzong, tianyunzong, jiangge, animal temple, mifuzong, and the other seven sects all rose up and soared above the void in their respective viewing platform area. The breath of their seven figures did not leak out, But everyone standing in the void always gives people a sense of dignity and oppression.

The seven people's oppressive terror spread and spread, and in a flash, all the forces of all parties were completely protected in it. In addition, the terrible momentum and pressure continued to move slowly towards the eight array platform. It seemed that it wanted to give the whole eight array platform to the major forces, and completely isolate them from the ritual platform< br>

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