Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 870: 870

Boom, boom, boom

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The earth shaking roar resounded repeatedly. In the first area above the eight battle platforms, thousands of golden bachelors' virtual shadows all bombarded the rock solid ground of the battle platforms. A large golden giant ape was standing on the platform with a long golden stick in his hand, and a roar of excitement came from his mouth.

"Suddenly A strange wind is blowing, and the power of the long golden stick's shadow gradually weakens. All the people on and off the eight array stage are silent at the moment, and all their eyes unconsciously rush to the place where the long stick's shadow power is disappearing.

"Poof!" A weak and extremely soft call came from the place where the violent light and shadow platform disappeared. An extremely weak power of thunder and lightning flashed away. Lei Jun, the elder of Tianjiao in the animal temple, was covered with blood and looked miserable. He was all over the ground, and the power of thunder and lightning all around him was extremely dim. Obviously, the attack of the five element staff, the gold staff, fell down, and killed Lei Jun directly on the spot.

"Brush!" An array power sprang up without any sign, and the whole body of Lei Jun, who was bloody and faint in the field, was quietly transmitted out of the area above the eight array platform by this array power.

Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling

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There was a rush of footsteps. Several strong elders of the animal Temple flew out together. A group of people came to Lei Jun and drove him back. Another strong elder who was good at medicine of the animal Temple began to diagnose and treat the injury.

"Hey, hey, the middle emperor's realm is really good at using the five elements stick technique." A golden light flashed away, the huge golden giant ape disappeared in the void, and the breath of elder ape Ren gradually became calm. His eyes were full of excitement, and he looked away from the platform where all the ape people were.

"Haha, the giant ape's attack is really cruel, but it just fits my appetite!" The aftershock eyes showed a strong sense of war, staring at the air on the platform gradually stabilized ape benevolence elder repeatedly whispered.

"Ha ha, you know how to fight and kill!" Traceless mouth showing a faint smile, looking at the platform, but in the mouth is to the aftershock joking response.

On both sides, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, and Shui merciless, the Third Elder martial brother, were also shocked. It seemed that they didn't expect that the battle in the area of the first battle platform would end so simply and rudely.

Gulu, Gulu

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Bursts of nervous breathing, in the main forces of the powerful forces belong to the ceremony of the war platform, one after another pan generals. The colors on the faces of the powerful members of the major forces are not very good-looking, while the expressions of the powerful members of the demon and beast royal family suddenly become excited and excited.

After all, although the first battle was the defeat of Lei Jun, the elder of the beast temple, he was faced with the people of the monster king family. Therefore, the defeat in this battle not only made the beast Temple look pale, but also made the other powerful members of the major sects feel hot.

"Brush!" At this moment, on the second battlefield area above the eight battle platforms. The people of the yakha royal family have tried their best to release their breath, and the two elders of Bixia palace, Luan Shu, are fighting against each other on the spot.

"Yemin, the yecha family!" The people of the Yasha royal family have a graceful figure, a pair of charming eyes, and their voice is full of charm. It seems that as long as a man listens to her words, he can't help but want to be happy with her.

"Ha ha, Luan tree in Bixia palace! Don't waste your time on me Luan Shu, the elder of Bixia palace, smiles faintly. Although the whole person looks like a strong man from the appearance, the voice in his words is clearly a delicate female voice.

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"Well, it turned out to be a woman. It seems that my aunt has lost her sight this time!" Yemin, a member of the yakha family, smiles coldly, and her charm disappears in an instant. In his eyes, there were two sharp flashes of cold light, and a strange spiritual force directly hit the body of elder Luan Shu in Bixia palace.

"Hoo A dull exhalation, from the mouth of the elder luanshu of Bixia palace heavily spit out. A crystal clear Xuanli bubble of water quietly envelops the whole body.

On the other side, a force of yin and cold burst out from elder luanshu. Yemin elder of the yecha clan, who had released his spiritual force to oppress him, had an inexplicable body posture, and apparently also suffered the counter attack of that terrible breath of yin and cold.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, the whole body of elder luanshu in Bixia palace took the lead. The attribute of water and the power of chilling will come down from the sky, which will directly lock the body of Yemin, who is in confrontation with him in the field."Douque technique!" At the same time, we can see that elder Luan Shu's voice above the second battlefield area seems to ring from all directions at the same time. In such a large second area, countless chilly bubbles of light and shadow splashed on the platform and spread to the body of Yemin, a yecha king.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

Everything happened in a flash. Before all the powerful people on the field even regained their consciousness, the cold splashing bubbles on the platform completely enveloped Yemin's graceful body and imprisoned him.

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Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

Just as night sensitive's body is trapped in the light and shadow of splashing bubbles, the light and shadow of splashing bubbles all over the sky once again carry a terrible killing force, and all of them fly down and bombard and explode in the place where the light and shadow bubbles of night sensitive's body are trapped.

Boom, boom, boom

After several times of terror and turbulence, the sound of the explosion of Xuanli's air was heard wildly and restlessly, and all the power of the law of chill in the second area of Bazhen platform burst. The power of light and shadow breaking is no less powerful than that of the powerful one in the middle emperor's realm, which makes the strong ones of the major forces in the field tremble with fear< br>

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