Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 871: 871

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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A sharp surging sound of water will be heard in the second area of the battle zone. The rising cold of water and the power of the rule of law are enveloped. A graceful figure twists its waist and swaggers out of the area.

At the same time, at the end of the water mist rising opposite, Luan Shu, the elder of Bixia palace, still had a cold look in his eyes, and his breath didn't weaken at all. He watched the place where the cold water mist burst out and went away with concentrated gaze. However, Yemin, who swaggered out of the power control of the law of chill, seemed to turn a blind eye to him.

"Eh, what is elder martial sister Luan Shu doing?"

"Too bad, it didn't hurt the people of the yakha clan!"

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"It's strange that elder Luan Shu didn't seem to be aware of the existence of the people of the yecha clan. He just let the people of the yecha clan come and go freely on the platform?"

Seeing Yemin, a member of the yecha royal family, walking freely on the platform, and taking a steady step to attack elder Luan Shu of Bixia palace, the faces of the powerful members of each sect were all surprised at the same time. Especially, the faces of many elders in the location of Bixia palace changed greatly, and all of them raised their hearts to their voices.

Wulala, wulala

At the moment of everyone's astonishment, a strange and harsh roar came from the second battle platform of bazhentai. This sudden roar seems to have magical power and unparalleled penetrating power. Even the elders of the major forces who were watching the battle, after hearing this strange and harsh roar, the mental power in their mind could not help sinking into a strange spiritual world, confused and unable to extricate themselves.

"Well, it's a mirage. What a powerful spiritual power! It seems that the little girl of Bixia palace had been planted by the people of the yakha family as soon as she appeared on the stage! Now, this dreamland is open, and the power of divine consciousness is completely lost. I'm afraid that the people in Bixia palace will not be able to return to heaven in this war! " The demon zunhuoxiao was stunned by the red and empty shadow, and the fiery flame on the whole person's body rose inexplicably. Under the reflection of the red light and shadow, he immediately woke up in a moment.

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"Cough..." a sound of light cough slowly came out of Wuchen's mouth. The color on Wuchen's handsome face was grim, and the eternal Heaven and earth skills in his body were running wildly by himself. Hongmeng's chaotic purple Qi constantly washes the body of the traceless soul into a sea of stars. The body is filled with flesh and the spirit is completely covered again, and the protection is in the rush of Hongmeng's chaotic purple Qi waves.

"Cluck, sixth younger martial brother, the spiritual power is really stronger than others. Such a fierce spiritual power spell attack doesn't make you sink!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's laughter came out quietly. Without trace, she realized that the sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, and even Yu Zhen, all of them had a dull look. They kept their previous posture and were staring at the platform.

"Hum!" A clear sound of the sword, a slight shock, surging in the no trace and other people around the body of the spiritual power magic method instantly burst into oblivion, and the sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, aftershock, three people at the same time to come back together, look at each other in disbelief, one after another from each other's eyes to detect a touch of shock and fear!

Brush, brush, brush

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At the same time, on the platform of the main gate, all the main forces of the main gate had the powerful men of the level of the deputy hall master to cover the spiritual power that spread on the grandstand of the main gate. The magic attack was completely resisted and dissipated on the spot.

"Cluck, you're really tough. If it wasn't for my aunt, I'd have set up the magic in advance. I'm afraid I'd have been killed here by your power of the law of cold water!" A burst of ironic cold laughter came out. Yemin, a member of the yakha family, was full of fun in his eyes. His eyes were constantly staring at Luan tree, who still kept the original action standing on the opposite side. In the void, there was a strange and wonderful temptation, and the song was slowly floating and surging.

"Suddenly Without the slightest omen, this wonderful spiritual power song came out as soon as it was passed. Luan Shu, the elder of Bixia palace, looked coldly in front of him, trembled in vain. The power of the law of the cold of water gathered on his body suddenly decreased and began to dissipate quickly.

"Cluck, the moon in the mirror, the moon in the water. My dreamland is called the moon in the mirror. In my dreamland world, I can give you all the beauty you want, but the only requirement is that you need to act according to my instructions unconditionally!" Another burst of coquettish and charming laughter came out, and the second area of the battle platform of bazhentai was full of exuberant and strange spiritual power and magic power.

"Gulu, Gulu!" As the voice of Yemin, a member of the yakha family, drifts out, all the powerful members of the main forces in the field are unconsciously shocked. Just now, if not for the help of the powerful members of all the major sects, I'm afraid that they would be as silent as Luan Shu, elder of Bixia palace, who is on the platform. They would sink forever in the magic world of the other side, and even let them at their will and get out of it unconsciously."Cluck, say it, say you give up!" A strong spiritual force waves out, and Luan Shu, the elder of Bixia palace, begins to struggle in vain. His upper and lower lips even wriggled several times, but unexpectedly did not make any speech sound.

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"Well, it seems that you are not very willing! In that case, I'll play with you more! " Seeing the failure of the first attempt to attack and control elder luanshu in Bixia palace, Yemin, a member of the yecha royal family, showed a playful smile on her charming face. Then, ye min, a member of the yakha clan, touched his lips slightly, and kept having a wonderful voice full of charm, which was more loud and continuous in the second battle area of bazhentai.

Gulu, Gulu

With the spread of the beautiful song, the hearts of the powerful members of the main forces in the field suddenly trembled again. Some weak middle level elders of Huangwu realm, at this moment, even began to cover their ears with their hands, trying to prevent the weird and unpredictable spiritual songs from pouring into their minds, So as not to lose your mind on the spot and make improper decisions.

At the same time, elder Luan Shu of Bixia palace sighed in the dark, who was completely lost on the platform and lost in the spiritual power< br>

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