Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 872: 872

Wulala, wulala

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With the mysterious and strange voice coming up again, an invisible and violent magic attack of spiritual power suddenly appeared on the second area above the eight formation platform.

On the other side, elder luanshu of Bixia palace has a dull looking general on the second battle platform, and the power of the water around him is still lingering in his body. However, waves of terror and fury of spiritual power still completely bombarded his body, and even completely occupied and controlled his mind.

Shulala, shulala

At the time when everyone was shocked at the position of the main forces under the eight array platform, elder Luan Shu, who was in a state of absence, finally moved. However, to everyone's surprise, elder Luan Shu wriggled his body and began to take off his clothes one by one in front of everyone.

Gulu, Gulu

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Bursts of startled huff and puff sound, in all the major forces in the ceremony platform position, all the faint. Although elder luanshu of Bixia palace is a daughter, her appearance is similar to that of a strong man. At this moment, a strong man, who is a daughter, wriggles to take off his clothes in front of the strong men of the major forces. This scene makes many strong men present tremble. All of them show a strange look in front of their eyes, and their faces are extremely strange and embarrassed.

"Well, this guy made it clear that he meant to humiliate the people of Bixia palace alive!" No trace lightly scratched to scratch a head, pare not some scornful opening speech way.

"Ha ha, skill is inferior to others, life and death are in the hands of others, shame you how, did not want your life has been regarded as mercy!" Demon respect fire Xiao, fire red virtual shadow quietly suspended in no trace side, fire red face above show a playful smile.

"Cough, that sounds a bit unreasonable!" Traceless gently clear throat, white demon zunhuoxiao a word, still some expression unhappy mouth back.

"Bang!" Just at this moment, on the viewing platform of Bixia palace, a cold and murderous air burst out in vain. The power of frightful chill surged into the sky, and the whole position of the viewing platform of Bixia palace seemed to fall into the cold ice cellar.

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"Cluck, how, you are inferior to others, and you want to break the rules. Is this the style of Bixia palace sect, one of the eight sects?" A strange chuckle came out, and the enchanting posture of the master of the yecha royal family slowly stood up on the spot, looking directly at the master of the Bixia palace, Qingxia fairy, did not give in. There is also the power of law on the whole body, and the cold and Yin Qi that hovers in the void around the powerful members of the yecha clan is blocked on the spot.

"Well, I said if you want to do it, will there be so many people in your family who can breathe now?" The voice of Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, was extremely cold. Even the strong people on the platform of the other major forces around them were inexplicably trembled. An invisible chill seemed to surge in the void at any time. They were so surprised that the other powerful people of the major forces quickly closed their mouths and didn't even dare to make a noise.

"Cluck, if you want to fight, then fight. Will my yakha king be afraid of you, a little old goblin The leader of the yecha royal family laughs more turbulent and unrestrained. He even shames the immortal beauty in the cultivation of Qingxia fairy.

"Yeluo, you are really looking for death!" Hearing the words, Qingxia fairy immediately burst into a rage, and even called out the name of yeluo on the spot. And the power of the Yin cold law surging from the body of Qingxia fairy is coming out several times. But they were all forced to suppress on the spot at the last critical moment. This shows how furious and indignant Qingxia fairy's inner experience is at the moment. However, in front of the heads of other major sects in Liuzhou and the heads of major monster kings, Qingxia fairy still forcibly suppressed her anger!

"Cluck, that's right! Don't lose your temper like a little girl when you are very old! Otherwise, it will accelerate aging Yeluo, the leader of the yakha royal family, smiles and even throws a wink across the air to provoke Qingxia fairy again.

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"Ha ha, the night Lord is joking. You and I are all of the same generation. How can the night Lord despise himself as an old woman! In this battle, the skill is inferior to that of others, and there is nothing to say. I, Bixia palace, admit defeat! Night Lord, you can make your people stop casting magic Just as everyone's eyes were focused on Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, stood up slowly in vain. Her voice was still sweet and beautiful. Her eyes looked directly at yeluo, the leader of yecha royal family.

"Eh!" Zixia fairy, the leader of the second palace of Bixia palace, said this, which was a relief to the powerful people of the major sects. Yemin, who was still playing magic attacks on the platform, now looks a little suspicious and looks up at yeluo, the leader of yecha."Cluck, since Bixia palace is in front of so many people, it's not as good as my yecha family! Then I, the yecha royal family, must have the spirit and measure of the royal family. Let's take this little guy's life around there! " Yeluo, the leader of the yakha royal family, laughs. His laughter is extremely harsh, loud, clear and hearty, and spreads all over every corner of the ceremony platform of the clan forces.

"Brush!" In a twinkling, Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, whose original breath has gradually calmed down, looks even colder in a twinkling. The power of Yin cold Qi law on his body is even more surging secretly, and his eyes are full of killing intention. He looks at yeluo, the leader of the yakha royal family, and stares away.

"Cluck, I'm so scared!" Yeluo, the leader of the yakha family, pretends to be flustered and laughs coldly at Qingxia fairy. Immediately, he waved to the night sensitive above the second battlefield area to stop.

Wulala, wulala

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A strange and harsh voice came out again, and the fluctuation of the attack of the spiritual power magic method on the second battlefield area of the whole building faded away. While Luan Shu, the elder of Bixia palace, who was gradually getting rid of his clothes, was stunned, and his dull eyes quickly restored his former spirit and spirit.

"Ah A scream, from the mouth of Luan Shu, the elder of Tianjiao in Bixia palace, is startled. On his body, a cold air rises rapidly, covering his whole body. His eyes are extremely sharp, full of killing intention, and he stares at Yemin, the man of yecha royal family.

"Cluck, sorry, you're out!" Yemin, a member of the yecha royal family, doesn't think much of it. He says something to elder Luan Shu. Then, ye min gives a little puff and looks tired. He has just exerted a lot of spiritual power to attack, which obviously consumes a lot of his own mysterious power.

"Palace master..." the figure of elder luanshu in Bixia palace appears again in everyone's eyes, and his clothes have been put on intact again. His eyes were full of shame and resentment, and he looked unnaturally toward the location of the viewing platform of Bixia palace.

"Back up!" Floating in the void, there was a cold voice of extreme indifference, which made the bodies of many strong people on the ceremony platform of all sides tremble for no reason. Elder Tianjiao of Bixia palace, above the second battlefield area, heard the sound, but without hesitation, he turned around and leaped out of the second battlefield area of bazhentai and left< br>

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