Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 88: 88

Boom, boom

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"Xiaobai", "eight monsters", "general", "lazy cat" and "four guardian beasts" have obviously learned the lessons of Xiaobai's first wave of attack on traceless.

At this time, the four guardians did not stop at all. White, yellow, red, blue, four-color light and shadow all over the sky. The yellow sand is rampant, the power of lightning is crisscross, the surging flames and fireballs are scattered everywhere, and there is a small red hair figure jumping up and down in the faint fury, and then it is excited to call "Zhizhi" constantly.

Above the empty space, there was a dead silence in the crowd. The violent sound of attack burst and resounded, and the terrible flash flames and other dry air waves spread around continuously.

"Chunshao, this time, this boy should be damned!" Xia Shao swallows his saliva and asks with lingering fear.

"Chunshao, is it a little big this time! If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will arouse other people's ideas! " Qiu Shao wiped the sweat on his forehead silently, and the hot air around him made him gasp.

"Damn, our lazy cats are so powerful in attack. Next time we expect to meet Dan soul realm experts, we will be able to deal with them!" Dong Shao stretched out his tongue and licked his lips in surprise, quite yearning to exclaim.

"Ma Dan, it's really a big stir this time! We'd better leave as soon as possible, so as not to be found by our family and cause unnecessary trouble! " Chun Shao and song Chungui's expression gradually calmed down from the excited state. Looking at the surrounding empty space full of depression, as well as the air of terrifying Xuanli surging out of the field, some regret could not help rising in their hearts.

Listen to the spring less words, summer autumn winter three less heart is also a fluster. The three quickly nodded, and together with Chun Shao, they began to concentrate, summoning the four-color shining guard beast in the distance.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter four little heart read a move, in front of the flames of war filled with smoke. The four-color figures were stunned at first, and then quickly withdrew towards the rear.

In the blink of an eye, the yellow sand, thunder and lightning, flame, red awn, all dissipated in front of the empty field, and the air of Xuanli around gradually began to stabilize.

I saw a flash of four colors. Flame white tiger, yellow wind sand monster, red hair mouse, lightning Blue Leopard, the four guardians are very clever, and they are guarding the four little animals in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Chunshao, what are they going to do?" Xia Shao frowned slightly, pointed to the two directions in the distance, and asked in a soft voice the sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger, who had already evaded far away.

"Well, it's not suitable to stay here long! Let's talk first, and then we'll settle with them! " Chunshao song Chungui always has a kind of uneasy feeling in his heart, so he whispers to sanshao beside him. He waved to sanshao and headed for the crowd of 100 servants in the rear.

Hua La, Hua la

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A hundred and ten servants from the rear rushed forward together. After a while, they gathered together with Si Shao. Chunshao looks at the air of Xuanli that gradually dissipates in the empty space. There is no one in this space-time above the messy empty space. It seems that with the attack of the four guardians, Wu trace has already disappeared into pieces in the world.

"Go With a quick wave of his hand, Chun Shao takes the other three shaos and others to evacuate quickly, and runs to the rear of the city to leave.

"Ha ha, stupid little, so anxious, where are you going?" A ghost like voice, quietly resounding. In the rear of the four young people's team, a strong figure is coming slowly.

"Damn, it's a man or a ghost!"

"Ma Dan, how is this possible?"

"Well, I want to go home!"

"Your sister, is this guy human or not?"

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four little faces changed in vain, staring at the figure coming closer behind. The four people's hearts were rolling and surging like rough waves, and they were restless and boiling like ten thousand horses galloping.

"Ha ha, no one is waiting. Get out of here!" In the distance, shirtless upper body came slowly. The scars and bruises on the bronze skin of the whole person are rapidly recovering with the naked eye. Junlang's face is full of evil smile, and appears again in everyone's field of vision.

"Hum!" A cold light twinkled, and there was a silver soft sword in traceless hands. At the same time, the fury of Xuanli spread all over the body, and the swords in the void gasified into silver light.

Hua La, Hua la

The terrible sword spirit scattered everywhere. All the servants behind the four little were weak in legs, and a hundred and ten servants sat on the ground.

In front, the four guardians feel the threat of sword Qi released by no trace, and jump up for the first time. Four ferocious beast later bloody murderous gas, without hesitation then rushed to the opposite without trace body and go."Jiangnan sword idea!" A low to only no trace of their own can hear the light chant, leisurely sounded. Then, around no trace as the center, up to the four guardians within tens of meters, at the same time, there is a continuous sense of Yin cold sword.

"The sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword cover in the south of the Yangtze River," and "the willow style nine Swords" come out quietly, and the meaning of the sword is endless. Little sword Qi, light and shadow are suspended in the air, just like an invisible net woven together. The four guardians in the artistic conception of sword are locked in the air.

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The sword Qi of the four guardians is full of killing intention, and the sword Qi of the four guardians shows the archetype in an instant.

The four guardians landed on the ground gently, and the continuous sword Qi gathered around them quickly. The horror of killing around the four animals, four animals are all regular, motionless, curled up into a ball, lying on the ground.

Animals are far more sensitive to crisis than humans. In particular, the guardian beast with spirituality knows that the terrorist threat in front of him is fatal.

Jiangnan sword spirit is compressed into four Yin cold sword Qi, which firmly suppresses the four guard beasts on the ground. The silver soft sword gently shakes, and there is a smile on the traceless handsome face.

The bronze skin is shining with golden awn, no trace, as if nothing had happened. He walked slowly with the silver soft sword, and his sword Qi was all around him.


"Eight monsters!"


"Lazy cat!"

In front of him, a hundred and ten servants, who were targeted by the sword Qi, were lying on the ground one after another. They didn't even dare to breathe. Only spring, summer, autumn and winter four less, at this time is anxiously standing in place. Because of the protection of the four guardians, the four of them were not attacked by sword Qi.

The traceless figure is getting closer and closer, and the aggressive Yin cold sword Qi also envelops the four shaos in it.

"Ha ha, between life and death. Instead of considering personal safety, they care about their respective guardians. It seems that these four dandies are not as bad as they are said to be! " With a flash of red light, the huge shadow of demon zunhuoxiao drifts out of nowhere again.

"Ha ha, old demon! So, I really want to look up at them four No trace smile all over the face, body movement will float from. A silver soft sword shakes slightly, and several sword shadows are on the neck of Sishao in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Boy, I'll admit it this spring! It's up to you to kill or cut. But there is a little request, please let them go... "Chun Shao song Chungui breathed heavily, and his eyes were complex. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he faced the sword Qi on his neck with dignity.

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"Little spring!"

"Brother chun, you..."

"Damn, chunshao, what can you do? Brothers, what we said at the beginning is that we are crazy when we win and carry when we lose. What are you talking about now

Xia, Qiu, Dong and San Shao were all in a daze, with a solemn look on their face. I saw three people step forward together, standing side by side with Chun Shao without fear.

"Woo Hoo!"

"Hua Hua"



In the rear, the four guardians were attacked and forced by the sword Qi. They uttered a lament at the same time, and their eyes were full of unwilling and indignation.

"Ha ha, that's funny! A group of prisoners, why bargain with me? " The silver soft sword in Wu Chen's hand shakes slightly, and the sword Qi in front of Si Shao's body increases a little. Four little neck at the same time a cool, four bright red blood suddenly flowing overflow.

"Boy, I advise you to let us go immediately, otherwise if this matter is spread out, our whole family will not let you go!"

"Boy, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid you won't succeed, Qiu Shao!"

"Hum, if you have seed, you will kill me. I, Chen Dongzang, promise that you will not go back to Dazhou college alive!"

The blood drops on the neck are very eye-catching. Xia Qiudong's three young men are furious, and their dandy temperament burst out in vain. They sneer and threaten at Wu trace.

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"Bah, a bunch of brainless guys! You idiots, what am I going to do with you? " Traceless complexion gradually gloomy, eyes staring at the front of the four little do not put.

An invisible chill instantly shrouded in the heart of Si Shao. Si Shao even began to be afraid and looked in traceless eyes.

"Hum, if you are willing to accept defeat, you can do whatever you want! Besides, we have all vowed to follow you and wait for your orders from now on See no trace did not hurt the four killers, spring less song spring back eye drops a turn. On the surface, the tone is still very hard, but it seems to have been defeated in the discourse."Ha ha, if you think I'm the boss, I may not accept you four! But since you've heard everything I've said, how dare you! You four are going to get rid of me and go back to your families. One month later, Lingbao auction house, I want to see your cultivation promoted to the mid-term state of soul state. If you can't, you don't have to come to see me! " No trace mercilessly white four little one eye, the whole body releases the prestige to withdraw in vain. All over the sky, the Qi of the sword suddenly stopped, and a silver belt turned into jade fell on the traceless waist again.

In the distance, there was no sword in the open space, and the sword Qi around the subdued four guardians dissipated. The four guardians blinked at each other's puzzlement, and then ran back and forth toward the four little.

"You, you didn't kill us?" Spring little first reaction come over, some can't believe of stare at no trace asked.

"Ha ha, what are you four doing? When did I say that I would take your lives? But now that you think I'm the boss, you naturally have to listen to me. If you have two hearts, I will swear to deal with you Traceless loud laughter, coercion and inducement to the four little way back.

On the other side, four Shao's faces were struggling. They thought that they would return to the four guardians and put them in the magic weapon. Then, their complexion was quite complicated, and they stared at no trace and stopped talking.

"Go away! A month later, I can't meet the requirements. I'll come to see you! " No trace not good spirit of white four people one eye, the voice is quite indifferent of spread.

"Well, I'm not afraid to die, and I'm afraid to recognize you as the boss? A month is a month. Ben is afraid of you! "

"Ha ha, brothers, don't talk to him! When our cultivation comes up, we are looking for him to fight. At that time, just win back the lost name of the boss! "

"Hey, let your boss be arrogant for a while, and we'll come back!"

"Damn, I've got another boss for no reason. I'm so fuckin 'upset!"

Spring, summer, autumn and winter four little tone although quite tough, but they are extremely reluctant to give a gift to no trace. Immediately, four people's complexion rose red, Qi Qi took his men to escape, also like disappeared in the vast open space< br>

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