Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 89: 89

The desolate and uninhabited open space is now full of desolation and dilapidated. The air was still filled with the residual sword Qi, which made people shudder unconsciously.

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"Brother no trace!" In the distance, Liu shuang'er shakes her petite body and twists two jade rabbits in front of her chest. Tearful and shy, running towards the traceless direction.

"Hey, frost, come and catch me!" There was a smile on his face, and his body moved. Suddenly flashed to hundreds of meters away from the distance, in front of Liu Shuanger running gently waved!

"Hee hee, brother no trace, how old are you? Are you ashamed?" Liu shuang'er's little red face is full of shame, but she is still secretly happy to run to the distant traceless pursuit.

In the distance, hundreds of meters away. Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people's body shape has been silent, at the same time disappeared in situ.

"Cluck, brother traceless, I got you!" Liu shuang'er, who was in the later stage of soul building, came to no trace's side. A grasp of traceless arm, coquettishly shaking up.

"Ha ha, shuang'er, good boy!" No trace pet drown of stretch out a hand, lightly patted to clap Liu frost son of cerebellum bag melon. Then, I saw the jade belt flickering in vain, and a silver light flying out of the sky.

"Poof!" A cold and lingering silver sword cut through the quiet and desolate open space without any sign. Where the sword passes, the silver light is as bright as falling stars.

In the blink of an eye, the fury of the sword rose. I saw the silver soft sword running to an insignificant boulder in the distance, crashing away.

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"Bang!" A deafening sound came, and the huge stone was destroyed by the sword. While the huge rock burst apart, there was a slight agitation under the ground.

"No trace boy, catch him quickly!" Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow like ghosts, quietly along the rapid surging underground microwave away.

"Ha ha, if you can't run away from him, old demon, please No trace seemed to know that someone was hiding in the distance for a long time, so he rushed up at the first time. In front of the silver light suddenly whirled a flash, silver soft sword again in the hands of no trace.

"Broken!" With a sharp roar, Wu Chen's sword will soar to the sky. A silver sword suddenly stabbed at the open space below, and a huge pit tens of meters wide and deep was blasted out of the uneven soil road below.

"Hum!" The sound of a sword rises quietly in a strange pit. A silver soft sword scattered cold light, is working hard to stab down. And just below the silver soft sword, there was a black figure in many places.

The black figure was covered in a black robe, with only a pair of venomous eyes exposed. On the chest of the black figure, there are some strange water drops gathering in a pool, blocking the silver soft sword with cold and fierce sword Qi outside the black figure.

In the distance, at the same time of no trace's raid. Before the strange disappearance of the sword nameless and Ji Ruxue, the two figures flash out of thin air again.

"Hum!" There was a clear sound of the sword. Behind the cold and incomparable sword, the Epee trembled in vain. Immediately, a sword light cuts through the sky, and the Epee is unparalleled. It flies out of the oblique stab.

"Boom!" A few meters in front of the sword's nameless body, epee lashed on an ancient tree. The terrible sword light instantly stirred the ancient trees to pieces, and a black figure appeared in the heart of the ancient trees.

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The black figure's exposed eyes were full of shock, and a gray awn on his chest flashed away. Epee unparalleled release of a terrible sword, ruthlessly inserted into the chest of the black figure.

"Poof!" A mouthful of black blood spits out from the mouth of the black figure. Then, the brilliance in the black figure's eyes gradually faded down, and the air of Xuanli that had just gathered on his body dissipated into the void again.

"The spirit of ice formation!" A beautiful female voice with extreme indifference spits out from Ji Ruxue's mouth. With Ji Ruxue as the center, the blue awn suddenly rises around a circle of five meters. An invisible chill seemed to solidify the void, freezing the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth within a five meter radius.

Originally nothing in the void, but gradually spread bursts of frost. And a strange figure like a human figure was frozen in the Dharma array triggered by Ji Ruxue.

"Out!" The cold and gorgeous Ji Ruxue opens her lips, and a cold voice comes out gently. In the Dharma array, the frozen figure suddenly trembled and turned into pieces of ice in an instant, dancing with the wind between the heaven and the earth.

"Brush."“ Brush. " All this happened in a blink of an eye, two white shadows flash away at the same time. When the sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, appears again, it has quietly fallen on Liu Shuanger's side."Nameless elder brother, such as snow elder sister..." Liu Shuanger shocked stare big eyes, repeatedly shake eyes in the empty field to search.

Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue and their white clothes are spotless. Two people as if nothing had happened in general indifferent, to Liu Shuanger slightly nodded.

"Ha ha, traceless boy. It's much cleaner than you. It looks like you're dragging your feet again! " Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow in a flash, flash to no trace side, sneer at whisper way.

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"Damn, old demon, you know a fart! They are more killers than killers! Young master, I call this resourceful, in order to save a living! " No trace mercilessly white demon respect fire Xiao one eye, fly body then escape into deep pit.

In the pit, the silver soft sword is still pressing. And now the black figure has come back to life, and the power of Xuanli spreads out. In the later period of he Hun Jing, the momentum and prestige rose and covered the deep pit in an instant.

"Ha ha, sometimes I admire you killers for being so patient. You've just watched a good play for a long time, and then it's time to talk about your appearance! " No trace holds the silver soft sword in the air, and releases the momentum of the middle cultivation of the whole body in the soul state. The air of chaos refined by the eternal resolution of heaven and earth is surging, which makes the prestige released by Wu trace no less than that of the figure in black.

"Hum, asshole, our soul hunting Pavilion will not let you go!" The black figure looked left and right, when he felt the strange Xuanli coming from the hiding place of his companion. The whole person is exposed in the eyes of the cold light constantly flashing, voice dry hoarse toward no trace roar.

"Ha ha, in the later period of he Hun Jing, three first-class killers were sent out at once. It must have cost a lot of money for those who want to kill me!" The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the silver soft sword in his hand trembled slightly. A terrible sense of killing burst out from the tip of the sword in vain, which locked the black figure firmly.

"Well, don't waste your time. I won't give you any information!" The black figure gathered in front of his chest, and the water drops quickly dissipated. The whole person's eyes were staring at the traceless way.

"Ha ha, I don't want to know that. I just need to know that you are from soul hunting Pavilion! Since someone has paid for my head, I'll wait for him to come to me! As for your soul hunting Pavilion, three first-class killers at the same time didn't kill me, a little guy in the middle of the soul realm. Even if you doubt it, you will only doubt the four families! " Traceless laughter, looking at the black figure in the eyes full of disdain. An invisible cold air rises quietly from the silver soft sword, and the whole pit is shrouded again by the endless horror of the sword.

"This, this is, sword, sword meaning? If the news is wrong, can the soul master who can understand the meaning of the sword be assassinated by our first-class killers? Is it difficult, is it difficult? This is a trap. Someone wants to deliberately design our soul hunting pavilion? " The black figure was full of fear in his eyes and felt the continuous sword spirit shrouded in his body. In a moment, he had no fighting spirit. At the foot of the pace of a panic, want to retreat, but was bound by the continuous sword meaning, difficult to move.

"Ha ha, these don't bother you!" With a faint smile, the silver soft sword in his hand flashed in vain.

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In front of the black figure, his eyes were full of panic, and the continuous sword Qi suddenly poured into the black figure. Then, the silver sword light burst out from the body of the black figure. In front of Mianmian Jianyi, the black figure is as vulnerable as a bean curd. In an instant, it turns into fragments and scatters in the pit.

"Brush!" A figure flash away, no trace quietly appeared in the side of Liu Shuanger and others.

"Brother no trace!" Liu Shuanger pulled the arm of no trace, as if for fear of no trace injury. Staring at a pair of moving eyes, carefully looking up and down at traceless.

"It's settled. Let's go back!" Sword nameless swept the open space one eye, to have no trace indifferent say.

Smell speech, Ji such as snow white without mark one eye. Take the lead to turn around and step out, Li also ignore no trace, then step towards the direction of Wangdu Chaoge city.

See, sword nameless back Epee, to Liu Shuanger make a look. Then, the two also quickly left, leaving no trace.

"Shit, do you know that?"

"Hey, wait for me!"

Seeing the crowd gradually go away, standing in the same place without trace, I came back to myself. Douda's white eyes suddenly, with no trace and a face of depression, flew to follow the crowd< br>

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