Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 892: 892

"The five elements, the cudgel technique and the thirty-six movements of the golden technique!" A deafening roar resounded in the silent battlefield area of bazhentai. Then, in the endless void, he saw a towering figure covered with golden light. In vain, he waved the long stick of gold, which was composed of the mysterious force and the mysterious Qi of gold.

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A roaring wind suddenly blows from all around, and the mysterious force and breath of gold are flying out of the sky. The terrible atmosphere of destruction, with the fierce suppression of Xiao Sha, rushed to the distant traceless clothes like crazy and smashed away.

Gulu, Gulu

On the platform of all forces on the scene, the hearts of all the powerful figures were beating violently. Looking at the bright and dazzling place in the battlefield of the platform, as if it could suppress and destroy all the golden long stick virtual shadow, there was no one who was confident and strong in the realm of the middle emperor Can be on the field on the spot then receives the terror such as fury heavy blow.

"Hoo A heavy breath, quietly from the whole body starlight big make no trace mouth slowly spit out. His handsome face was crossed with a touch of positive color, and the two sides of his body were quickly suffused with bright and dazzling mysterious stars.

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Brush, brush, brush

The little starlight rises rapidly one after another, and turns into several streams of stars that are as bright and gorgeous as the Milky way. The light and shadow of the Star River are connected in front and behind, and soon all of them are blocked and connected within a few meters of the surrounding area.

They are closely connected by starlight, light and shadow, and are transformed into beautiful and mysterious star river barriers like nature. Without any sense of disobedience, they are completely shrouded and covered by the whole person.

"Star River now, Star River rises, this move is called star screen barrier!" A cool and bright voice is ringing gently, always giving people a very clean and comfortable feeling. With the traceless voice falling down slowly, the star screen barrier in the void still exudes the brilliant mysterious light.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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The shadow of a long golden staff, which is like destroying the sky and the earth, blows down from the top to the bottom, and the screen of stars which is enveloped on the body of traceless quickly emits the dazzling brilliance of stars. Originally, a general screen barrier suddenly turned into a vast river of stars and a traceless body. With the golden long stick, it collided with each other.

Boom, boom, boom

All over the sky, the shadow of the golden long stick splashed wantonly, and the screen of stars below also trembled violently. However, the endless bright and gorgeous power of stars was like the soft cotton, with the force of four or two strokes of gold, the golden long stick burst out the power of the law of terror and killing Completely on the spot to resolve the power of destruction and violent suppression.

"Ha ha, I can defuse my open gold cudgel skill. Your power of the stars is really interesting!" In the void, the golden giant ape Xuying waved the long stick of gold in his hand again, and the fighting power and momentum burst out from him was a bit more violent than before. Then, the huge golden giant ape's shadow suddenly sounded, followed by the long golden stick in his hand. The shadow was like destroying wood. It ran across the void to the traceless body protected by the screen of stars.

"Hey, traceless boy, do you want me to help you deal with it?" Demon zunhuo Xiao Huo Hong Xu Ying has been suspended under the eight array platform. At the moment, he directly ignores the array confinement force around the eight array platform. The fire red virtual shadow quietly flashed in, quietly suspended on the edge of the battlefield of the eight formation platform, and stood on the negative hand.

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"Ha ha, old demon, don't disturb me, I'll thank God for that!" There was a faint smile on the traceless handsome face, and a white look at the demon zunhuoxiao on the edge of the platform in the distance. Then, we can see that the river of stars on the upper reaches of Wu Chen's body solidifies again, and turns it into the strange, mysterious and colorful screen of stars, which protects its body firmly.

"Bang!" A deafening roar reverberated in the silent battlefield area of bazhentai. The golden light and shadow scattered all over the sky, and the virtual shadow of the long golden stick with the breath of destruction quickly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

The little starlight trembles and floats slightly, and the screen barrier formed by the power of the stars does not produce any cracks. As before, the brilliant starlight is still flashing, covering the whole person intact.

"Well, the power of the second method is much stronger than that of the first method. It's hard to say that the thirty-six moves of Jinshu is a skill of accumulation. If it is true, the moves are one point better than the previous moves. I'm really looking forward to the mysterious power of this last move! " The silent general smiles in the shadow of the star screen barrier, and feels the threat of the golden stick in the void. There is a faint look of expectation in his heart, and a more interesting color finally appears on his playful look."Teng!" The bright golden light is still climbing up on the golden giant ape virtual shadow. The golden long stick virtual shadow in the golden giant ape virtual shadow's hand turns into shape and waves again. The mysterious Qi of gold contained in the void rushes to the golden giant ape's body and rushes into it. The momentum and power of the golden long stick in the golden giant ape's hand burst out, In an instant, it reached another level of surging strength again.

"Damn, this is the power of the stars, which can block the attack of the middle emperor! Is Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy, really just stepping into the realm of the next emperor Wu Huang? "

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"Quick, quick look, the golden giant ape elder is still building up his strength, and the momentum and power burst out this time, I'm afraid one blow will be enough to kill the powerful one in the same realm."

"My dear, thirty-six style cudgel. If you really use this cudgel to the end, you may not dare to take the full blow from the elder of the golden giant ape king family, even if you are a strong one at the level of emperor Wuhuang."

Gulu, Gulu

There will be a lot of heated discussions in the arena of the ceremony watching platform of the major forces. At the moment, all the powerful people and the people of the major demon and beast families raised their hearts to their mouths. They didn't think that Wuchen had the ability to take the next cudgel attack of the elder of the golden giant ape family, but they desperately wanted to see what terrible and violent fighting power elder ape Ren could finally break out< br>

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