Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 893: 893

Boom, boom, boom

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The roar of violent heavy attacks resounded in the eight battle areas. The virtual shadow of Jin Zhi's single stick kept dancing. Without a pause, it hit again and again, hitting on the bright and mysterious screen of stars.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The brilliant stars flutter and fall, especially in the scattered shadow of the golden long stick. However, the star screen barrier is still stable, and it will cover the body of traceless. The endless power of stars, like a river of stars, will flow continuously along the whole body of traceless, and rush into the star screen barrier in the surrounding void.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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On the vast battlefield area of the eight battle platforms, the endless golden light collided with the brilliant stars. In the eyes of the powerful people on the scene, they could only see the giant golden ape, Waving his hand repeatedly, the shadow of the golden long stick, which was transformed by the mysterious Qi of gold, was as crazy as a madman, and went towards the screen of stars, gathering in the rising place, and constantly pounding and bombarding.

Click, click, click

With the smashing of the golden long stick technique, the thirty-six golden long stick technique was immediately transformed by elder ape Ren, and the golden giant ape monster performed thirty-five moves. At this time, there was even the array guard mask on the battlefield area of the eight array platform, Unconsciously, because of the continuous impact of the momentum and power of the golden light stick, subtle cracks emerge.


A terrible wave of repression and destruction surged out of the cracks in the damaged light shield of the eight array platform. All the forces around the platform suddenly felt a great pressure from the elders. They were so surprised that they hastened to stir up the mysterious force in their bodies, The power of the law of heaven and earth, which he understood, was used to cover his body, and then he felt a burst of unspeakable lightness in his body.

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Some of the weaker middle level and the lower level elders of huangwuhuang's realm were all overflowing with cold sweat. Looking at the Xuanli mask on the eight battle platforms in front of them, they could not help but take a breath.

Brush, brush, brush

At the same time, on the area of the ritual observation platform of the major forces, there is a strong one who steps out of the upper level of the spirit realm and the upper level of the emperor Wuhuang realm, and the eight vice hall masters work together to cover the power of the eight hegemonic laws of heaven and earth at the same time, The shaky array power guard mask above the area of the eighth array platform was covered on the spot.

"Suddenly With the power of heaven and earth in the realm of the emperor, the power of the array rises again. With the rise of the Xuanli mask of array after array, the power of the Xuanli mask of array spread by the power of confinement at the moment is enough to resist the full blow of the strong in the realm of Emperor Wu in the realm of soul.

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Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of tension to suffocate the sound of light breathing, once again in the major forces of the ceremony on the platform repeatedly heard from the general. Whether they are the powerful elders or the powerful monsters, they all look at the sharp contrast between the big and the small figures on the battle platform, and their eyes all show a touch of shock and dignity.

Who would have thought that Wuchen could have resisted the successive crazy attacks of ape Ren, the elder of the golden giant ape royal family, who was at the top level of the middle emperor's monster. Moreover, the two men's fighting could have broken the eight array, and even automatically triggered the power of the array, Pan generals have created an array that can resist the fighting of the strong in the upper level of the Huangwu realm in the foot soul realm. The array can imprison the dark power mask power.

"Hoo The sound of a heavy breath came out coldly over the silent battlefield. The towering golden giant ape Xu Ying held the long-standing golden stick Xu Ying high above his head. His eyes were full of positive colors and fighting spirit, and he was staring down at the handsome young man in green robe against the background of stars.

"Ha ha, there's another blow. Next, it's my turn!" There was a bad smile on his handsome face. The whole person looked extremely relaxed. It seemed that he didn't put the shadow of the golden long stick above his head, which was constantly emitting the momentum of terror and destruction, in his heart. At this time, the screen of stars shrouded in his body became very bright and dazzling."No trace boy, I offended you!" A solemn and incomparable voice, deafening roar of the transmission will be in the eight array platform. Then, the figure of the great bank in the void moved quickly like the wind, and the long golden stick in his hand quickly turned into a solid form. With the terrible momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, he dashed down to the light and shadow of the star screen, which was ready to move and shrouded in the void.

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"Brush!" With the solid form of the long stick of gold falling, the golden light all over the sky quickly turned into a series of dense golden techniques, and the long stick of gold came out.

In an instant, the battlefield of the eight array platform was full of light and shadow of the golden long stick technique, which smashed down the whole battlefield area of the eight array platform.

Boom, boom, boom

One after another, the roar of terror will rise, and the whole battlefield area of the eight battle platforms will vibrate and shake violently. And the sky full of terror as if to devour everything in general, the bright and colorful star screen barrier, mercilessly will be all engulfed in the eyes of everyone!

"Damn it, traceless boy, dangerous!" Yaozunhuoxiao, who has been fighting on the edge of the area of bazhentai, is also shocked by the overwhelming golden long stick. His fiery virtual figure even subconsciously retreated a step, and without any hindrance, he boasted that he would retreat out of the power of the light shield of the imprisonment array, which can resist the battle of the powerful in the upper level of Emperor Wu Huang realm in the soul transforming realm< br>

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