Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 906: 906

Brush, brush, brush

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All eyes twinkle, and fall neatly on Wu Chen's body. However, Wu Chen's breath realm still stays on the level of Huang Wu Huang in the realm of transforming soul, In the bright eyes, the eyes are full of pondering. Slowly, they will fall on the position of the two main forces of the Jiansha road and the zhenbaozhai.

"Ha ha, just now, there are senior scholars in every major school. They want to invite the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of our college! Now that Liu Wuhen has been on the stage of the eight formations, I'd like to invite the elders of the two super sects, Chen Baozhai, Jiang Shadao, and the two super sects to take the stage in person to give me some advice! " There was a harmless smile on the traceless and handsome face, and his eyes fell on the platform of the two sects' forces of jianshadao and zhenbaozhai.

"Coax!" As soon as this remark was made, the place where the major forces watched the ritual battle platform exploded in an instant. The eyes of all the powerful forces showed a touch of playfulness, and they focused their eyes on the positions of the two major forces.

On both sides, the powerful people of the eight monsters, who had just calmed down, once again raised their spirits. Obviously, from his traceless attitude, people can see that he must have had a bad time with Zhen Baozhai and Jiang Sha Dao. Today, Wuchen invites the elders of the two major schools to give advice on the spot, which is obviously to show the face of not giving the two major schools.

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"Ha ha, Liu Wuhen, the sixth disciple of the Academy, is now in the realm of Huang Wu Huang in the realm of spiritual cultivation. If you are interested in Chen Baozhai, Jiang Sha Dao, and the elders of the same realm of the two major schools, you can go on the stage and teach me now!" Traceless face still appeared bursts of smile, voice clear and resonant, Lang Lang said in his mouth.

Gulu, Gulu

The voice of throats wriggling came out again, and the eyes of all the powerful people of the major sects and the powerful people of the major demon and beast families all showed a look of consternation. All of them had the same look, and their faces were strange. Their eyes were full of sympathy, and they went to the places where the two main forces of chenbaozhai and JIANGSHA road were watching the ritual battle platform.

Today's realm of Wuhen is still at the level of Huangwu emperor in the soul transforming realm. However, through his talent and amazing fighting power, Wuhen has been able to compete with the top level of the middle Huangwu emperor's realm, even showing a crushing winning posture, I'm afraid that among the major forces on the scene, those who are superior to the rank of the vice patriarch in the realm of emperor Wuhuang may not be fully sure that they will be able to overcome and suppress such a strong and violent momentum of no trace!

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It is because of this that no trace strong clamour wants to invite the elders of the same level of the two major forces, Baozhai, JIANGSHA Dao, to step on the stage to give advice, and then they will be watched by the strong forces of the major forces with strange looks.

For a long time, there was a complete silence in the area of the eight battle platforms below. Meanwhile, Jiang Sha Dao, Zhen Bao Zhai, and the elders of the two forces were all red faced and staring at the figure of the young man in green robe on the platform.

"Ha ha, I'm young and frivolous. The six disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy are really graceful and heroic. I believe all of you have a clear idea of the strength of young master Liu, not to mention the same level of people. Even the middle level of Emperor Wu may not have the confidence to defeat young master Liu completely. In this case, the people in the same realm of zhenbaozhai, jiangshadao and the two major schools are naturally willing to bow to the downwind. Master Liu can definitely be called the first soul emperor in the realm of Emperor Wu in our six states! " On the regional position of Jiansha Taoist temple, Wan Cang Hai's face was extremely cold, and his eyes were fixed on the traceless figure above the platform without saying a word. On the other hand, Wan elder, as the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, quickly and slowly stood up and spoke to the powerful elders of the major schools around him with a smile.

On both sides, the ten remaining Taoist elders of the stiff evil way were also cold and ugly. They looked at me as if I were a dead man. Their eyes were constantly scanning back and forth on my body standing on the platform.

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Brush, brush, brush

All the shining eyes fell on Wu Chen's figure in the middle of the battle platform at the same time. The words of Wan Lao, deputy leader of the rigid evil way, obviously broke Wu Chen's present fighting power in public, And raised it to be the first person in the realm of Huangwu emperor in the underground of six states.

So it seems that the person who originally challenged the same realm of the two main forces of gangshadao and zhenbaozhai clearly wanted to embarrass the two powerful forces.

Between three words and two sentences, wan chang, the Deputy patriarch of Jiansha Taoism, explained another fact, that is, the powerful people in the six states are not as good as no trace. In this case, it is reasonable that there is no one in Jiansha Taoism, zhenbaozhai and the two powerful people to step on the stage to instruct and fight!After all, among the other major forces, there is no one who can fight the next emperor Wuhuang. It's natural that there is no one on the stage to fight in jiangshadao and zhenbaozhai. It's within the reasonable scope, and there is no shame to say that!

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"Ha ha, traceless boy, this old man is putting a knife on you! First of all, we should hold you high. When we say that the people in the same realm are not as good as you. It's natural that they are so stiff that no one will fight Demon Zun Huoxiao Huohong virtual shadow floats gently and comes to no trace's side, and the rough and loud voice is full of laughter, floating slowly and falling in no trace's ear.

"Ha ha, since his face is thick enough, I'm beating him!" There was a playful smile on the traceless and handsome face, and his eyes soon fell on the figure of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way. Then, Wu trace gently put out his right hand and made a gesture of please. Then he opened his mouth again and said with a slow smile: "vice Lord Wan, I really don't deserve it! However, listening to the tone of vice Lord Wan's words, he seems to think that the younger generation is bullying others! Well, let's invite Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, to give advice to the elders of Zhan Jiansha, Zhen Baozhai and the two major forces. Anyone below the level of cultivation of the middle emperor can go on the stage and give advice to his younger generation. "

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of tension to suffocate like breathing sound, one after another in the mouth of the major forces and the big monster king people will be out. In the presence of all the strong hearts all inexplicably tremble, one after another toward the battlefield on the no trace cast incomparable worship eyes and expression< br>

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