Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 907: 907

"Suddenly A gust of cold wind blowing, blowing in the eight formations around the ritual war platform area above. There is still a faint smile on the handsome face of the eight battle platforms. His bright eyes are not taboo. He stares directly at the figure of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the ceremonial battle platform where the stiff road is.

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"Cluck, sixth younger martial brother is really bad enough! He thought that someone would hold it high in public, so that he could stop it when it's good! " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, was very satisfied with the location of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. While praising Liu Wuchen on the platform, she secretly observed the expression and reaction of the two most powerful sects, the stiff evil way and the array treasure house.

"Haha, elder martial brother is elder martial brother. He is really a model for our generation to learn!" Little fat Zhen Bucai's chubby face was full of bad smiles, and he secretly gave a thumbs up to traceless on the platform.

On both sides, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, aftershock, Ji Ruxue, sword nameless, and all of them were smiling, and their eyes quietly fell on the traceless figure above the eight battle platform.

"Liu Wuhen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, invited Master Wu Huang, who was below the realm of the middle emperor of the two main schools, to come to the stage to give some advice." The faint smile on the traceless and handsome face flashes away in vain, and the tone of its gentle and loud voice is inexplicably increased by several points. At this time, the momentum of the upper and lower emperor Wuhuang's realm levels was slowly released and surging out. The breath of the power of the five elements Xuanli was quickly intertwined and covered on the traceless body.

Gulu, Gulu

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With no trace again open a speech to invite fight, below each large door power strong heart once again suddenly tremble. Meanwhile, Jiang Sha Dao, Zhen Bao Zhai and the two powerful masters of the gate were all very ugly. They looked at each other and saw the fierce killing intention in each other's eyes.

On the other hand, the leaders of the other major sects, as well as the leaders of the demon and beast families, were obviously aware of the killing intention on them at the moment. They all frowned and looked at the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. They quietly stared at each other.

"Ha ha..." a burst of extremely cold light laughter slowly spits out from the mouth of shuimerciless, the third disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. At the moment, shuimerciless, the Third Elder martial brother, is full of cold air, and a slender sword with silver light suddenly emerges from his waist.

"Ha ha, since no one answered, is it because I don't have enough liuwuchen? Liu Wuhen, the sixth disciple of the junior college, boldly asked, "I'd like to step on the stage and teach you a little bit about the state of the middle emperor, who is stiff in the way of evil spirit, array treasure house, and panting..." Wuhen burst out laughing, his bright eyes flashed a sharp cold light, and his words were much more unrestrained than before, Even directly forced to ask whether one of the two big doors is willing to step on the stage to compete with it!

Brush, brush, brush

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The atmosphere in the field was extremely awkward. All the strong members of the two major forces, JIANGSHA Dao, zhenbaozhai and the other major forces and all the demon and beast royal families, were nervous and indignant, while all the others were smirking. All of them were staring at JIANGSHA Dao, zhenbaozhai and the others How to respond and make a decision by the two powerful forces.

"Ha ha, well, well, since Master Liu of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy is so elegant, I will accompany you to the end if I am stiff and evil!" Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, was full of indifference in his eyes, but he still kept his demeanor and returned with a sneer. Then, Wan elder's eyes quickly swept away the place of the ritual observation platform on the side of the stiff evil Road, and caught all the elders and strong men in the middle imperial realm under his command.

For a long time, there was no sound of silence on the platform of the ritual observation of the Gang Sha Taoist sect. None of the elder level elders, or even a group of middle level elders in the realm of Emperor Wu Huang, dared to go out and ask for a fight.

"Well, I'll go!" A low voice came up quietly. The elder Long Xi, who ranked the 11th among the twelve elders of the rigid evil way, stood up slowly and looked at the Deputy patriarch Wan elder of the rigid evil way with indifference.

"This..." Wan elder, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, hesitated a little in his eyes. He looked at the Elder Dragon eleven and opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't say anything.

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On both sides, the remaining nine Taoist elders of the twelve Taoist disciples of the stiff evil way all stood up and stopped the Elder Dragon eleven.

"Hum, the eleventh younger brother will stay. I will go to this battle!" With a cold hum, the Elder Dragon five, the fifth of the twelve Taoist elders, walked out of the ritual platform of the Gang Sha Taoist sect. With his body shape slowly stepping out, the breath level above his body suddenly burst out on the spot without reservation.

Boom, boom, boomThe power of the evil spirit of frightful Yin rises to the sky, and the power of the evil law of the five elders of the dragon will cover and linger in an instant. The endless mysterious Qi of the heaven and the earth around them all seems to be crazy, rushing into the five elders of the dragon.

"Eh, is this guy really the level cultivation of the middle Emperor Wu Huang?" On the eight array platform, Wu trace's expression was in vain. His bright and slightly chilly eyes swept coldly over the body of elder long five. He doubted the powerful power of the law released by him.

"Haha, this guy really shows the level of cultivation of the middle emperor, but the purity of Yin evil spirit in his body has definitely reached the level of the upper emperor, and the power of law he shows has obviously reached the level of mature Dharma, He can definitely be regarded as a well deserved superior in the realm of Emperor Wu. It's just that this guy suppressed his cultivation and didn't break through on the spot, which makes people mistakenly think that he is still the strong one at the level of cultivation in the middle emperor Wuhuang realm! " Demon Zun Huoxiao Huohong virtual shadow floats and swings back and forth, and its rough voice impressively comes into Wu trace's mind, word for word.

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"Ha ha, he suppressed his own cultivation, that is to say, this guy can break through the upper level of emperor Wuhuang anytime and anywhere! But now he is showing his accomplishments in the realm of the middle Emperor Wu Huang. It's obvious that he wants to show me how ugly I am in public! " There was a faint smile on the traceless and handsome face. Looking at the stiff and evil way slowly coming, the five elders' eyes were solemn. And the Qi of the five elements Xuanli on his feet quickly melted into one place and became the aura of the five elements Huanshu, lingering on his body.

"Brush!" With the appearance of Elder Dragon five, one of the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, the color on the faces of the strong elders of the rigid evil way was slightly relieved. And the rest of the road elders are all glowing, showing brilliant light, will be cold eyes will be gathered in the eight battle area.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of subtle breathing sound, one after another in the main forces of the ceremony platform in the middle of the ring out, all the powerful forces at the moment show a look of consternation and shock on their faces, staring at the stiff evil Taoist dragon five elders released that directly to the upper level of Emperor Wu Huang realm level of momentum, silently staring away< br>

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