Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 908: 908

"Brush!" Within the battlefield area of the eight array platform, the forbidden power of the array is covered by the light shield. He and elder Long Wu, one of the twelve disciples of the rigid evil way, were imprisoned in the battlefield area at the same time.

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"Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy!" A smile of self-confidence appeared on the corner of Wu's mouth. He slowly clasped his fist and arched his hand to elder Long Wu on the other end of the platform.

"Hum, I'm the twelve apprentices of the stiff evil way. I'm Lao Xing Wu, and I'm Long Wu!" Elder Longwu snorted coldly, and the cold light in his sharp eyes kept flashing. The power of his body has almost surpassed the level of Emperor Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm, and he has no hesitation to put pressure on the whole body of the opposite person.

"Hum!" A loud roar of the sword suddenly burst out in Wuchen's body, and a steady stream of fierce sword power was released. It was quickly integrated with the five elements power, which was originally lingering in Wuchen's body, and turned into a five elements sword light mask containing the power of the guard law, which covered Wuchen's whole body.

Boom, boom, boom

The terrible momentum is flying all over the sky, wantonly smashing down, and Qi Shushu's bombardment will fall on the power mask of the guardian law which contains the power of the five elements. The fury of the evil spirit is like a long river of blood, flowing continuously towards the light shield of the law of protection.

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"Brush!" A violent wave of turbulence, in the guardian law mask area around the area will be repeated fluctuations. The fury of the evil spirit constantly washes the light shield of the guardian law, as if trying to engulf it on the spot.

Gulu, Gulu

Under the eight array platform, there are many places to watch the ritual battle platform, and countless pairs of eyes are staring at the five color light shield above the battle platform at the same time.

Strange to say, the shield of the power of the law is just like a candle flickering in the wind and rain. No matter how fierce and violent the surrounding bloodbath is, it is still unable to break the defense scope of the shield of the power of the law.


The fierce momentum of the attack repeatedly, these terrible power lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour. However, the power of the light shield of the guard law in the field always keeps gathering and does not break, no matter how fierce the evil spirit is.

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"Damn, what's the power of defense law that can withstand such a terrible attack!"

"Wow, this guy is good at sword power?"

"Well, my dear, the power of the five elements is combined with the power of the sword, forming a new power of defense law. Moreover, it seems that the power of this defense law is still very powerful, and it can even block the power comparable to that of the upper emperor Wuhuang level! "

"My God, this guy is not human after all! If he had just fought against the powerful members of the major demon king families, he would have exerted such a powerful defense law. Maybe those powerful members of the demon king families could not even break this boy's defense! "

"Cough, I think of a terrible thing! Up to now, in the face of the Dragon five elder who is comparable to the upper level of Emperor Wu, does this guy work hard at the moment? Or, he still has some spare strength, and he doesn't fight with all his strength! "

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The eight array platform is surrounded by various forces. With the sound of heated discussion, many strong people on the scene seem to think of a few terrible things at the same time. They all look at each other and see a touch of astonishment and shock from each other's eyes

Just when the scene was in a state of anxiety over the area of the eight battle platforms, six loud and violent roars were heard from the area with elder long five as the center of the field, and the horrible and strange spirit of yin and evil spirit all around was madly restless.

"Well, the smell seems strange!" On the other side, in the mask of the power of the law, he has been standing with his hands down, his face is indifferent, and his face is in vain. The fierce sword spirit on his whole body rushes towards the jade belt around his waist, and a bright silver sword bursts out on the jade belt around his waist.

Click, click, click

With the sound of six clear, faint in the Dragon five elders around the place, several times will ring. The whole body of liudao is dark, which contains the air of endless terror and evil spirit. The lid of the coffin will be smashed on the ground of the eight battle platforms. Among the six dark coffins, there are six stiff corpses with the same look as ordinary people. They even step out of the coffin, On the spot there is no taboo exposed in the presence of all forces in the eyes of the strong people.Brush, brush, brush

The sharp eyes were full of shock and amazement, and all of them fell on the figures coming out of the six dark coffins. And since the dead body of liudaojiangsha stepped out, many strong people on both sides of the eight array platform felt a cold feeling of seeping out of their bodies. The strong people of all forces rushed to stir up the mysterious force in their bodies to resist!

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"Suddenly A moment later, the expression on the face of the powerful people of all parties on the scene became calm and recovered as usual. However, there was a color of fear in the eyes of all the powerful people on the scene. It was obvious that they had a deeper understanding and cognition of the six dead bodies in the dark coffin!

Boom, boom, boom

Without too much stay, the six steps will produce a stiff corpse which is not much different from the ordinary people's look. On the body, there will burst out six completely different mysterious forces of Qi and power.

The Qi of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements, as well as the sharp and gloomy power of hidden sword crisis, burst out from the six stiff corpses. On the other hand, it turns into pure Xuanli power. Together with the rolling Yin evil Qi, it rushes to the six rigid evil corpses' bodies and rushes into "eh, Six stiff corpses are the same as ordinary people, and they can also stimulate six completely different metaphysical forces. These six stiff corpses are priceless treasures, and each stiff corpse seems to have reached the level of fighting power of the first emperor's realm... "The red and empty shadow of demon zunhuoxiao floats in vain, and floats high above the eight battle platform, Looking down at the six dead bodies in front of the six dark coffins, he spoke slowly< br>

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