Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 91: 91

In a flash, more than half a month has passed. Tomorrow is the right day for Lingbao's final auction.

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These days, no trace keeps himself in the room all day long and intensifies his crazy cultivation day and night. The martial spirit little earthworm, after sweeping away the mass of inferior Xuanshi in the storage ring, fell into deep sleep again.

In the evening, a young man, dressed as a student in the inner school of Dazhou University, handed a note mysteriously to Wuhen.

Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people walk out of their respective rooms one after another, and stare at the note in traceless's hand suspiciously.

"If you want to save my sister, let's have a talk in the suburbs of the north of the city!" Signature: Soul hunting!

"You tied frost?" No trace hands force a pinch, the paper in the hand instantly ignited into ashes. Two cold lights, like sharp blades, twinkled and fell on the young man opposite.

"Brush!" The young man, who had been indifferent, trembled all over, and his eyes were full of shock, staring at traceless.

One side, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people at the same time heard the question without trace, two white shadows left and right, quietly appeared in the young man's side.

"Say it It seems that anger can be emitted at any time in traceless and handsome eyes. A terrible sword will burst out suddenly, and the young man opposite will be bound and imprisoned in an instant.

"I, I'm from Wucheng other college. The college has a clear regulation that you, you can't kill me..." the young man's eyes were full of fear, staring at Wu trace, as if he saw the God of killing.

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"One last chance, say it!" The step of no trace's foot is approaching slowly. Every step of approaching, the young man on the opposite side will have innumerable fine sword Qi all over his body. A few breath of time, the young man's whole body has been full of sword marks, blood and flesh blurred up.

"I, I really don't know anything! I also listened to the instructions of the hospital, and then I secretly came to give you this note! As for the others, I really don't know anything... "The young man cried eagerly in tears.

Smell speech, no trace see also don't see young man one eye, silver soft sword in hand, sword light in vain a flash. The shadow of the sword disappeared into the body of the young man. Then, I saw the cold light burst out from the young man's body, and the continuous cold air burst out.

The young man under the endless sword of Jiangnan didn't even have time to hum. There was no breath in the whole body, and the body fell heavily on the ground.

"Hum, the outskirts of the north of the city..." the momentum of Wu Chen's whole body was recovered in vain, and his soft sword was tied to his waist again. The whole person's handsome face is very gloomy. He shakes his body and rushes to the south of the Yangtze River in anger.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, it's still too impulsive!" Demon zunhuoxiao smiles and shakes his head. The empty shadow moves slightly and follows the traceless figure.

"Ha ha, this guy really dares to do it!" Sword nameless cold face, a strange smile. Immediately, swept the Ji such as snow of eye side, quick step also ran to have no trace disappear of direction to follow up.

"Well, it's rare that he has such a side!" Ji Ruxue murmured in a low voice, a strange light appeared in her cold eyes. Then, a white shadow flashed away, the whole person also disappeared in the open other courtyard.

"When Langlang..." a bitter and strange sound, without any sign, spread to every corner of Jiangnan other courtyard. In the distance, on the high platform surrounded by streams, Yanyu's figure disappeared in the same place.

A wisp of wind blowing, bitter music gradually dissipated. The body of the young man on the ground and the misty rain on the high platform all disappeared together

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The king's capital, Chaoge, the outskirts of the city

Night gradually shrouded the suburbs. After walking hundreds of miles without any trace, I found that there was a human figure shaking in a dense forest ahead, and I felt the subtle fluctuation of Xuanli's Qi.

"Brush!" A green shadow flew in, and a silver sword light flashed out of thin air. Without trace, the whole body is murderous, and one person and one sword break into the dense forest.

In the dense forest, on a strong ancient tree, Liu Shuanger's whole body cultivation was imprisoned and sealed. He was choking with tears in his eyes and was tied to the body of a strong ancient tree. On the side of the ancient tree where Liu Shuanger was tied, there was a fat man in black and bulky.

See the appearance of traceless, fat man's eyes show a touch of joy. Then, the fat man looked scornful and asked, "boy, why are you alone? What about the little five? "

"Hehe, the messenger? Dead! Are you also from Wucheng hospital? " No trace steady body shape, did not rush to rescue Liu Shuanger. After all, see frost son is still safe, no trace hanging a heart is finally put down."Dead, dead? Boy, do you dare to touch other people in Wucheng? " Fat man a pair of small eyes suddenly a stare, see to have no mark vicious quality to ask a way.

"Hum, I've killed a few people in Wucheng other courtyard? Now that you have shown up, you can stay with me. " Traceless cold hum, staring at the opposite fat man, more than laughing. The silver soft sword in his hand was shining in vain, and a gorgeous silver light cut through the silent forest.

"No!" The figure of the fat man on the other side suddenly flashed, and a terrible sword spirit stirred the fat man where he just stood. Then, another sword shimmered, and Liu Shuanger, who was tied to the ancient tree in the rear, was in a flash. The thick ropes fell off automatically, and the old trees in the rear collapsed.

"Frost!" A light call, no trace quickly floated forward. A green shadow cuts through the sky. The distance between Wu Chen and Liu Shuanger is only ten meters.

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Boom, boom, boom

A series of terrible turbulent sounds sprang up one after another, and the whole dense forest burst out with a number of terrible mysterious forces. There were no less than ten black figures, who came out of the four men and all sides at the same time.

All the ten Xuanli Qi are the later cultivation of the soul state, and the breath of each momentum is extremely cold.

At the same time, ten waves of killing intention came out, bombarding the body without trace. In the later stage of the spirit realm, the cultivation of the spirit realm of Shigu hehun was oppressed by the body without trace, which made it difficult for the body without trace to move.

"Hum!" With a cold hum of no trace, all the Xuanli Qi and sword Qi burst out. The universe in the body will speed up. The air of Hongmeng's chaos suddenly surged up and down the body, and the pressure on Wuhen's body was reduced in vain.

A series of terrorist attacks are mostly blocked by the sword Qi released by no trace. However, a few Xuanli Qi broke through the defense of sword Qi and bombarded the traceless body.

Traceless clothes all over the body broken, bronze skin shining in the dark in a strange golden awn. At the same time, several killing ideas bombarded on Wuchen's body, but they didn't hurt Wuchen. Traceless and strong body suddenly trembled, biting his teeth and floating forward again.

See, before suddenly flash out of ten shadows at the same time a Zheng. Then, seeing that the attack didn't work, the ten shadows dodged decisively and hid in the dense forest again.

"Frost, come on!" It is a light call again, the eyes of traceless Jun Lang disdain swept a look around. Body shape once again slightly, no trace, this just successfully fell to Liu Shuanger side.

"Ha ha, boy, you are really good! However, do you think that you can not be afraid of the attack of soul hunting pavilion just by your physical strength? " The fat man who had just hid in the distance suddenly burst out laughing, and a strange golden light lit up all over his body. Then, Liu shuang'er, who was beside no trace, flashed a touch of gold on her slender waist.

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"Brush!" A golden light flashed away, and Liu Shuanger's figure disappeared beside traceless. Golden awn once again a flash, Liu Shuang Er once again fell in the fat man's side.

"Gee, it's weird!" And at this time, see Liu Shuanger fall in the hand of fat man again, in traceless brain this just completely calm down. Junlang's eyes are staring at the distance, which is the only way to realize the strangeness of Liu Shuanger.

Liu shuang'er's cultivation is still confined and sealed. It's very difficult to move. And on Liu shuang'er's slender waist, there was a faint golden light. I can only see the golden light is bright and dark, and sometimes it is not. If it's not for no trace, I'm afraid I can't realize this unusual situation.

"Ha ha, the spirit of martial arts. I'm afraid it's the spirit of that boy!" A strange red awn comes out, and the figure of demon zunhuoxiao falls lightly beside no trace. Demon respect fire Xiao, two temples fire red head slightly in a flash, the eyes emit pure light of indifference say.

"Er, martial spirit! It's amazing that there is such a martial spirit in the mainland of China! " No trace stares at the golden light of Liu Shuanger's waist and whispers thoughtfully.

"Ha ha, how are you, my Qian Bao's martial spirit is powerful! Not only that, it can get bigger and smaller! " The fat man burst out laughing and glanced at him scornfully. And the golden light on Liu Shuanger's waist turned into a copper coin. And Liu shuang'er, who is imprisoned, is now trapped in the money eye with his face full of pain.

"Damn you, asshole!" Feel the pain of Liu Shuanger, Liu Shuanger waist copper money is gradually shrinking. The whole person of no trace suddenly burst into a rage, and the silver soft sword in his hand shivered again.

One person and one sword seem to be a perfect combination. A sword came at a gallop until the fat man attacked and killed him< br>

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