Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 92: 92

An invisible sword power, instantly surge edge, the whole forest. A silver white sword was fleeting, and the traceless figure appeared in front of the fat man like a ghost.

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"Willow style nine swords, flying leaves fluttering!" With the sound of traceless, low and magnetic, the silver sword light turned into a flying leaf.

The silver leaves were wobbly and weak, but there was a strong wind everywhere. In the twinkling of an eye, the silver flying leaves flew by, and all of a sudden they went to the fat man's bloated body.

"Damn it With a cry of surprise, the fat man tried his best to move to one side. At this time, the original fat man was extremely light, flying like a flash to tens of meters away.

"Boom!" With a bang, the flying leaves suddenly burst out a fierce sword air, and rows of ancient trees in the dense forest behind were cut in two!

"Hum!" A cold hum, no trace body shape flash out. Follow closely, see no trace quickly probe hand, grasp to Liu Shuang son waist.

"Brush!" The golden light flashed again, and the copper coin that trapped Liu Shuanger's waist quickly became empty. No trace of the palm of the hand unexpectedly strange penetration of the nihilistic copper money, without any reason to grab a empty.

Tengteng, Tengteng

At the same time, the spirit of Xiaosha rose again from the surrounding. Ten murderous thoughts surging up, and the black shadow leaping up suddenly, and ten terrible momentum locked no trace firmly in it.

Brush, brush, just as ten black shadows appeared, two more white shadows appeared out of thin air above the dense forest. Two white shadows, one on the left and one on the right, respectively resisted the ten figures from the two sides.

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"The Epee is matchless!"

"The ice burst!"

One of the white shadows flashed slightly, and a heavy Epee, which was full of killing intention, swept across the air like a bamboo. The terrible virtual shadow of Epee turned into ten thousand sword Qi, and ran to the five black figures on the opposite side.

At the same time, on another white shadow, a cold light shines. The translucent ice wall condensed by layers of cold air instantly climbed to tens of meters wide and high!

The ice wall with chills is like a natural moat. Suddenly appeared in the void, will face five terrible pressure completely under the block down.

"Puff, puff, puff!" A blood line, at the same time in the Epee waving in mid air slant out. In mid air, five shadows were all in one shape, and quickly fled around.

On the other side, the white figure quickly flashed forward and chased up along the direction of five black shadows.

"Click, click!" A series of clear and crisp sounds came up, and the ice wall shrouded by cold air cracked. A road of broken ice with cold, crackling toward the ground below scattered.

Seeing this, there were five dark shadows in the air ahead, and a touch of joy in his eyes at the same time. Immediately, the five shadows galloped forward quickly, and the five cold lights rushed to the front and stabbed the other white shadow.

"Suddenly A strange cold wind blows from Turks. Just at the moment when the five cold lights were about to touch the white figure, the body of the five dark figures was shaking strangely at the same time. Then, the white figure quickly disappeared, and a terrible breath of Dharma array suddenly rose.

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The invisible chill seems to come from the distant Tianshan Mountains, which instantly sets off the dense forest into a touch of blue. At the same time, the five shadows in the air were frozen into five ice masses.

"Ice, soul!" A low and cold female voice, like a sentence from hell, resounds clearly over the dense forest. With the voice of the woman's indifference, the five shadows frozen in the air trembled at the same time. The terrible power of destruction came from Turks, and the five shadows turned into pieces of ice in an instant.

"Brush!" Everything in front of us happened between lightning and flint. The white figure in the air flashed quickly, like a fairy falling in the earthly world.

"Boom!"“ Boom In the distance, deep in the silent forest. There were two more roaring sounds, and then there was a touch of Xiao Sha's sword Qi.

With the sound of turbulence gradually low, Xiao Sha's sword Qi in the distance gradually weakened. A white shadow came at a gallop, and the unknown sword and Epee appeared in the public's field of vision again.

Whoosh, whoosh, two white shadows flash, sword nameless and Ji Ruxue come to Liu Shuanger's side.

"Brush!" A cold awn came out, covering Liu Shuanger and Qian Bao's martial spirit together. See a cold ice method array is quickly forming, a layer of light frost will be Liu Shuanger body to hazy covered with a layer.

The strange golden awn struggled to shine for several times, and finally was covered by the light frost. And Liu shuang'er, who has been suffering all the time, looks calm at this time. Then, Liu shuang'er's head tilted slightly to one side and fainted peacefully in the cold ice array."How's it going?" Ji Ruxue, who was dressed in white and was extremely cold and gorgeous, turned her eyes to the sword that was guarding beside her and asked indifferently.

"The first-class killers are really extraordinary. Two of them died with one sword! The other three are seriously injured. They're missing! " Sword nameless face as usual, voice indifferent way back. It seems that he is talking about something that has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't pay attention to the other side at all.

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Five first-class killers were hit with one sword, among which two were killed and three were seriously injured! Only then exchanged the sword nameless one, as expected extraordinary, this words if let the person of hunting soul Pavilion listen to go, afraid on the spot get angry vomit blood and die!

"Ha ha, it's hard for you. Take care of Shuanger, and I'll take care of that guy! " No trace seems to have expected that sword nameless and Ji Ruxue would appear. He whispered to them. Then, the silver soft sword flashed out again and walked slowly towards the fat man in the distance with no trace holding the silver soft sword.

"Well, it's none of your business! Frost, my sister, too Ji such as snow cold hum a, don't have good spirit of white eye no trace of back figure say.

"No trace, quick decision, save trouble!" Sword nameless swept an eye, the distance wants to escape the fat man who dare not escape, the voice is full of indifference to say.

"Ha ha, these two guys!" No trace full of murderous face, finally revealed a touch of knowing smile. The whole person's Xuanli Qi rises again, and the invisible sword Qi is released without reservation.

"Don't, don't kill me! I, I'm just following orders! " At this time, the fat man's whole body sweat DC, the heart can not help but complain. While the fat man felt the strong killing intention released by traceless, he couldn't leave Qian Bao's soul trapped in the array to escape alone. This time, the fat man really lifted a stone and smashed his feet. The dumb man had a hard time eating Coptis chinensis.

"The sword cage is in the south of the Yangtze River, and the sword cover is endless!" With the silent movement of traceless figure, a continuous and cold sword will suddenly come out. The endless artistic conception of sword spirit turns into a little bit of bright sword spirit. Just like an invisible net, the body shape of the fat man is firmly locked in it.

"Say, who directed you?" Traceless voice hollow out, silver soft sword gently put on the shoulder of the fat man. The fat man's body suddenly trembled. He didn't dare to move. He looked at Wu trace.

"I'm a disciple of martial arts tutor in Wucheng other college!" A struggle flashed in the fat youth's eyes, and his voice trembled.

"Ha ha, thank you! You can go in peace! " Traceless mouth slightly up, Jun Lang's face revealed a touch of evil smile.

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"Boom!" A bright sword light burst out from the tip of the silver soft sword. Countless swords, like thin threads, are embedded in the fat man's body. In a flash, they will cut off the vitality of the fat man's body!

"For, why?" The fat man couldn't believe his eyes widened, and his bloated body collapsed.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew by, and the fat man's body turned into pieces in a flash. Within the scope of the sword, there was a pool of bright red blood on the ground.

"Well, if you want to blame me, you'll blame me for touching my bottom line! Let's keep this account and count it slowly! " No trace cold hum a, the silver soft sword in the hand turns into jade belt to tie in the waist again. In the dense forest, the endless sword stopped suddenly, and the turbulent void restored its former calm again.

"Brush!" A blue awn comes from Ji Ruxue in white. The cold ice array shrouded in Liu Shuanger's body quickly degenerated and dissipated. And Liu shuang'er wakes up from fainting, and the golden copper coin on his waist becomes dark gradually. After a while, it dissipates in the wind.

"Eh, brother Wuchen, brother nameless, sister Ruxue!" Awake Liu shuang'er bit her lips and touched her fingers gently. The whole person is like a child who has done something wrong. He looks at the three people in front of him timidly and shouts.

"Good boy! If it's OK, let's go back! " Ji Ruxue steps forward and grabs Liu Shuanger's pair of Qianqian jade hands. Without looking at the traceless one, she pulls Liu Shuanger towards the direction of Wang Du Chaoge.

"Damn, I can't tell her? It's not who the sister is Traceless glared at Ji Ruxue's back, pretended to be slightly angry and said to himself.

"Ha ha, hurry back! Tomorrow morning's Lingbao auction, all the students in the college will be forbidden to travel! " Sword nameless looking at the top of the head has already entered the midnight sky, to no trace softly remind way.

Smell speech, no trace lightly nodded, and sword nameless side by side. One left and one right followed behind Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger, and went quietly to the front of the dark forest< br>

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