Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 913: 913

"Roar!" An extremely violent roar came out of the turbulent and swaying void. All over the sky, where the sword passes by, all the stagnant and evil Qi is transformed into puffs of black smoke and vanishes into nothingness.

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"Brush!" On the void, the stiff spirit is disappearing and disintegrating at the speed of the naked eye. However, all the places touched by the afterglow of sword light and shadow in the sky are transformed into the power of sword spirit released by traceless. Besides the stiff spirit lingering on the body of Taoist priest Lao Long Wu, The rest of the void contained in the rigid evil of the gas is full speed by the horror of the light and shadow of the dawn sword destroyed, destroyed into black fog, become nothing.

"Hey, no trace boy, now is a good opportunity!" In the void, the whole body of the five elders of the dead evil way was exposed. Without the protection and cover of the dead evil spirit, the breath of the five elders of the dead evil way began to decay and become extremely uneven.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!" With the bright voice of traceless again, a silver sword light and shadow flashed through the void. A light and shadow, which seemed to be very slow and light, fluttered towards the figure of the five elders of the stiff evil Taoist dragon.

"Brush!" As the light and shadow of the silver sword flash out, the air of thousands of sword ideas in the surrounding void all gather together towards the place where the light and shadow of the sword pass. However, if it didn't seem to be frivolous and ethereal, the fierce power of killing will burst out from the sword body would be more and more crazy and released.

"No!" An inexplicable sense of crisis surged up and down the edge of the body. As the five elders of JIANGSHA Daolong, who were the strong in the realm of the emperor and the emperor, they felt the unprecedented life crisis at this time, and the evil spirit covered on their feet quickly and crazily ignited the black flame, All of a sudden, the whole person's momentum and breath rose to the top of the upper level of emperor Wuhuang.

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"Whoosh!" The dark and strange gas of the stiff spirit was burning wildly. The five elder of the stiff spirit Taoist dragon didn't hesitate to burn the blood essence in his body, so he was defeated and fled on the spot.

Boom, boom, boom

With the blood of elder Long Wu, who is burning his own blood essence, fleeing, the power of the array's incarceration around the battlefield area of bazhentai has a fierce friction and collision with his fleeing figure, and the light shield of the incarcerated array's power is constantly broken and cracked, Dragon five elder's whole body just very difficult struggle from the array of light mask in the cover slowly rushed out.

"Hoo A series of gasps and puffs resounded through the void of the array. The Elder Dragon five, who had just escaped from danger, was still pale. His breath and momentum, which had risen to the extreme before, fell and decayed in an instant to the point where the ordinary soul was the same as the emperor and the emperor.

"Damn it, it's dangerous!"

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"Well, it's a good thing that even if elder long five leaves, otherwise, I'm afraid that if he doesn't die at this time, he will be seriously injured!"

"Damn it, the elder of huahun realm is superior to Huangwu realm, and Long Wu is stronger than Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Academy. Is it true that the world of the six states will become the world of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy?"

"Wow, is it necessary for the top leaders of all the major forces to subdue the six disciples of the Sutra Pavilion in the academy?"

"Ha ha, such a tough man, no wonder I want the elder of the monster king family, and the tough one will lose one after another!"

"Alas, it's a pity that if this man is a member of our monster king family, he will surely lead us to do something in these six states!"

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In the ceremony viewing platform of various forces, the powerful members of various major forces and the powerful members of the demon and beast families all spoke out and sighed. At the moment, everyone recognized an indisputable fact, that is, dragon five, the elder of the rigid evil way, who was at the level of Emperor Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm, was defeated and fled. After this battle, the only winner in the battlefield of the eight array platform, Liu Wuchen is still the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion in the Academy!

"Brush!" At the same time, the powerful people of all parties were shocked and sighed, and a silver sword light of nothingness flashed over the void of the battlefield area of the eight battle platforms. Then, he saw that the silver white sword light flashed out of thin air again, and even ran to the waist of the five elders of the rigid evil Taoist dragon who had just escaped.

"Back up!" An extremely cold and low voice resounded on and off the eight battle platforms. All the powerful people of all parties trembled at the same time, as if they were about to be shocked by the sudden cry.

Click, click, click

With the sound of cold drinking, the sound of breaking and shaking came from the void outside the battle platform. The light and shadow of the silver sword above the void broke away, and turned into the flowing light of the silver sword. However, the sword meaning power that a sword wields from the sword like power of no trace sword moves is completely interrupted by the voice of warning and shattered on the spot.Brush, brush, brush

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All the shocked and stunned eyes fell on the ground where the powerful people of JIANGSHA road were watching the ceremony and fighting platform at the same time. Wan Canghai, the leader of the Jiansha Taoist sect, was full of Xiao Sha in his eyes. He looked coldly at the empty land in front of him.

"Condense the air!" At the same time, an extremely indifferent voice resounded in the battlefield area of Bazhen station. At the moment, there was no smile on the traceless face, and the air in the void around seemed to be frozen in an instant.

"A sword, no trace!" The power of the law of condensing the air spreads wildly around. In the blink of an eye, it covers the figure of the five elders who escape from the outside world. Then, he saw another sword light and shadow coming out of the air, and went straight to the outside of the eight array platform in the void. The figure was covered and solidified by the power of the law of condensing the air. On the spot, he just killed the five elders of Daolong.

"Boy, you dare!" It was the cold voice of indifference, which spread all over the place where all forces were watching the ceremony. The terrible earthquake spread the power of law wildly. It seemed that it would completely shock the whole eight battle platforms and shatter them.

"Hum!" At this moment, another loud and violent sound of the sword was heard, which covered all the positions of tianyunzong's ritual observation platform. And the terrible and merciless power of the sword will rush out madly, and the accurate bombardment will be in the power of the shock law released by Wan Canghai< br>

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