Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 914: 914

Boom, boom, boom

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The sound of a series of terrible blasts came out one after another, making the eight battle platforms roar all over the battlefield area.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

With the power of this terrible fury spreading, the power mask of the array power, which is enough to resist the full attack of the superior emperor's realm, on the battlefield area of the eight array platform, broke into pieces of light and shadow on the spot.

At the same time, the power of the imprisonment of the array, which was jointly laid by the powerful people of all forces in the area of the ritual observation platform, was also affected by the extremely violent and terrifying power.

Brush, brush, brush

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Seeing that the power of the confinement of the array was broken on the spot, the masters of all the sects and all the major monster kings hastened to urge the qi movement of the Xuanli in the body to turn the power of the law to make a decisive move.

All of a sudden, the power of the mature law of fury and terror shrouded all over the sky, covering all the powerful people of the major sects and all the people of the major monster families.

"Suddenly Around the left and right sides of the ground, in the void, the two violent sword meaning and the law of the force, the crazy impact of the afterwave gradually tends to calm down.

"Brush!" Wan Canghai, the patriarch of Jiansha Taoist sect, has a very cold and fierce eyes. He looks directly at the Third Elder martial brother of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. He looks away from him.

"Lord, help me!" When the atmosphere was very tense and embarrassed, an extremely anxious cry for help burst out.

"Poof!" A slow muffled sound appeared quietly, and the hearts of the powerful people of all sides were all shocked. On the void, the light and shadow of the nihilistic sword flickered out, and on the waist of the dead Taoist apprentice Lao long, the light and shadow of the silver sword disappeared into nothingness.

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"Cough..." a burst of extremely tiny trembling fierce cough sound, slowly spit out from the mouth of the five elder of the stiff evil way dragon. The momentum and breath of the Elder Dragon five suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley, and his whole body was full of black death in the blink of an eye.

"Plop!" There was a dull sound coming from an area under the eight battle platforms. He is one of the twelve elders of the stiff and evil way. He is the fifth elder of the dragon, who has the highest level of cultivation in the realm of Emperor Wu Huang. His whole body is strangely broken. On the spot, he falls and falls on the rock solid ground area below.

"Hum!" An extremely loud sound of the sword resounded merrily, and the power of the barrier array within the battlefield area of the eight array platform quickly became invisible and disappeared. A handsome young man in a green robe stood up with one hand behind him and the other with a sword. His eyes were full of cold and his face was full of positive color. Suddenly, he gazed away from the position of the viewing platform where the Taoist sect's forces belonged.

"Five younger brothers!"

"Old five!"

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"Five elder martial brothers!"

"Five brothers!"

There were heartrending shouts, which were also heard in the stands of JIANGSHA daozongmen. All the black Mang's figures come as fast as the wind. The nine remaining Taoist elders of the twelve dead Taoist elders are all in front of the body of the fifth elder of the dragon.

"Cluck, the way to win is to fight. Before one party admits defeat, the other party has the right to kill or release him. What you have just done seems to have broken the rules of the road of winning the throne for a hundred years! " A burst of pleasant laughter, like a silver bell, instantly spread to the ears of all forces on and off the eight formation stage.

The atmosphere on and off the eight array platform, which was quite dignified, became silent and silent at the moment. All the powerful people of all parties and all the major demon and beast families on the scene trembled, and their eyes were nervous and wary. They were staring away from the position of the viewing platform of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Well, people have been killed by you in public. Don't you want to give up? Does it mean that I have to stay with you in the Sutra Pavilion of your college, so that you younger generation will know what is enough? " With a cold hum, Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, had a very cold face. His eyes seemed to kill people, and he stared coldly at the figures of all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

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"Cluck, it's because you've broken the rules first, but now it seems that all of them are not in our college's Sutra Pavilion! If the person who has just been saved is a disciple of our college's Sutra collection Pavilion, I wonder if vice Lord Wan would be so brazen as to teach us to give up? " The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's smiling eyes coagulated in vain, and a touch of cold light immediately fell on the figure of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the stiff evil way."Gulu!" A little nervous panting started from Wan Lao's throat. An inexplicable sense of crisis spread all over Wan Lao's body. At the moment, he was staring at his second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei. The momentum of the whole person was inexplicable. What Wan elder is facing seems to be a tyrannical queen with a strong sense of killing, noble temperament and irrefutable words. Where is the appearance of half weak, euphemistic and moving.

"Do you really think you are the master of these six states?" A cold voice fluttered out slowly, condensing the tense and embarrassing atmosphere in the surrounding void, and pushed it to the extreme. Wan Canghai, the leader of the Jiansha Taoist sect, slowly rose from his seat. The whole place of the Jiansha Taoist Observatory was filled with a very gloomy and terrifying sense of evil spirit. The Xuanli power spread and covered.

"Cackle, fair and comfortable, everything can't escape a reason word! If you don't agree with anyone, you can go on the stage and invite me to fight in the Sutra Pavilion of our college! " The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's chill was a little colder, and her beautiful eyes met the eyes of Wan Canghai, the leader of JIANGSHA Taoist sect.

"Brush!" On both sides of the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's side, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, aftershock, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, and the whole party all stepped forward and stood side by side with the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei.

On the other side, the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless also slowly stood up and walked. His merciless sword power was very powerful, and the cold and indifferent sword power came out. His fierce Xiaosha sword power was directed at the body shape of JIANGSHA Dao, a group of strong people in JIANGSHA Dao's viewing platform< br>

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