Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 915: 915

Brush, brush, brush

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At this time, the atmosphere reached unprecedented tension and embarrassment. All the elder level strong men of the Gangsha road showed their evil light, and they confronted with the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy one after another.

"Cough, it's true that daozong made a mistake in the matter just now, but that dragon five was killed by Liu Wuhen's sword on the spot. I'll let it go as I see it!" A faint cough was heard in the area of bazhentai. The Spirit Lord, the leader of the spirit family, even spoke out in front of the powerful members of all sects and the leaders of the major demon family on the spot, and frankly comforted the people.

"What the Spirit Lord said is very true. Why don't you stop now? What do you think of master Wan and all of you?" The people of Zhuge mountain, the leader of Tianyun sect, looked up at Wan Canghai, the leader of Daoist sect. They turned their heads and looked at the side of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. They spoke slowly to mediate.

Gulu, Gulu

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There were breaths of tension and suffocation. Qi Shushu started from the place where all the major forces and all the monsters and beasts were watching the ceremony. The presence of all the strong heart hanging a stone, this slowly put down some, nervous to solidification face all slightly relaxed a bit.

"Ha ha, Lord Wan just lost his sense of propriety. What's the crime?" Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, spoke slowly, and his voice fell in the ears of the powerful people on the scene. His words are like thunder, pushing the dignified and embarrassing atmosphere which has just been eased down into the tense atmosphere again.

"Ha ha, what's the crime? Is this the only way to win the championship A deep and resonant voice, quietly indifferent, will be in the Bazhen platform area, the location of the ritual platform. The old ape king of the golden giant ape royal family showed a cold smile, and his eyes were directly and wantonly scanning the position of the camp of the strong elders in zhenbaozhai.

"Hum, when will it be your turn to intervene in the exchanges of gratitude and resentment between our eight sects! Is there any shady secret business between the Sutra Pavilion of the academy and the golden ape family? " With a cold hum, there was no sign of the general's rising from the viewing platform where the sword Pavilion belonged. The man on Tianshu, the first peak of the sword Pavilion, looked coldly on his face and stared at the huge and strong body of the old ape king of the golden royal family.

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"Hoo In an instant, several masters of the sect and the demon king family were involved in the confrontation between the school and the Sutra Pavilion. At this time, the leaders of the other forces and the major monster kings all chose to be silent, observing the development of the situation in the field, while quietly weighing the pros and cons of this matter.

Gulu, Gulu

After pondering for a long time, all the people on and off the eight array platform were silent, and all the people on the side of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy were confronted with the patriarchs of the rigid evil Taoism forces on the spot. However, the murderous chill of the no trace on the eight array platform rose more slowly.

"Cluck, everyone, the original purpose of the way to win is to solve the disputes between the major forces! Since all of you are so elegant, please solve any problems on the stage of the eight formations by yourself! Now we all gather here, and there are friends from the major demon and beast families who come to watch the ceremony. Don't let others see the joke for the sake of some selfish interests! " In the square array of Bixia palace camp, Zixia fairy, the leader of the second palace, pondered for a long time and finally spoke slowly. The purpose of his words was also extremely clear, that is, he hoped that people would not fight in private, so as not to affect others. What's the matter? You can solve it by yourself. Don't let the people of the major demon and beast families laugh!

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"Ha ha, what the fairy Qingxia said is very true. It's old and abrupt just now! In this case, it's better to ask the way of winning the championship to continue, or you and I will be laughed at by others! " Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect, burst out laughing in vain at the location of the ritual observation platform. The whole person's murderous spirit disappeared in an instant, as if nothing had just happened. The whole person was just like a different person. With a smile on his face and a calm tone, he looked at the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy and spoke slowly.

"Cluck, since master Wan is so elegant, the Sutra collection Pavilion of our academy will not break the rules of the way of winning the throne! But we have to bring the scandal to the front. If anyone breaks the rules in the battle of the way to the top, don't blame the people in the Sutra Pavilion of our academy for not being polite! " The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's cold face was full of a gloomy sneer, and her eyes swept away the location of the viewing platform where all the strong people belonged. Immediately, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, sat on the seat behind him. She didn't even pay attention to whether Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect, replied or not.

"Hum!" With a sharp sword, the light and shadow of Xiao Sha's sword disappeared in a flash, and the merciless sword, which was covered in the position of the ritual observation platform, disappeared in an instant. The Third Elder martial brother Shui is merciless, and his face is still as calm as water. As if nothing had happened, he sat firmly on the seat behind him.On both sides, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, aftershock, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, and a group of people all showed cold feelings and did not say a word. Qi Shushu's return will be on their respective seats.

In the distance, Wan Canghai, the leader of JIANGSHA Taoist sect, once again changed his face, and his whole body was full of murderous spirit. Wan elder, the deputy leader beside him, also had good intentions in his eyes. They sat down on the spot and stared coldly at the battlefield area of Bazhen platform.

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Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous panting came one after another. All the major forces and the powerful members of the demon and beast families on the scene swallowed their saliva, and the sweat on each forehead flowed down, All of them focus on the area of the eight battle fields again.

"Haha, traceless boy, it seems that the leader of the rigid Taoist sect is very cunning. He just made such a scene, and he made it clear that he didn't plan to fight with the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the academy! It seems that all he has done is to remind you that you should not continue to face him in public and challenge him to be the strong one in Daoism! " Demon respect fire Xiao Huo red virtual shadow gently fluttering from, floating in the side of the body without trace, a strong mouth, ridicule and chatter.

"Ha ha, it's really a lot of trouble to be the master of Jiansha Taoist sect! In that case, let's make him better! " There was a smile on the eight battle platforms and on the traceless and handsome face. There was a flash of light in his fierce eyes. He once again looked down on the position of the viewing platform of the Gang Sha Taoist sect< br>

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