Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 921: 921

"Suddenly The mysterious, strange and simple sword power was oppressive, and it immediately locked the whole body of Wan elder, the deputy leader of Taoism, firmly in place. However, under the constant erosion of the power of the sword meaning of this terrible ancient word, the stagnant and evil Qi that continuously poured out of Wan Lao's body turned into wisps of black smoke, then burned and turned into nothingness on the spot.

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"Roar!" A fierce roar seemed to roar out of Wan elder's body, which was very strange. Wan elder's momentum suddenly rose to the peak, and his body broke away from the confinement of nine character sword in this short gap.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A series of rapid and violent heavy muffled sounds resounded in the battlefield area of Bazhen platform. I saw a big, tall and galloping black shadow, which was within a few meters of the traceless body. Then, you can see endless Yin evil spirit coming out in a frenzied agitation, turning it into a black mist, sweeping over the sky, and then rolling over the traceless body.

"Hoo A faint breath, from the mouth of no trace quietly call will come out, and from the whole body up and down the nine character ancient characters also with its pace forward, showing the rolling situation, fiercely toward the front swept by the evil spirit of fierce collision.

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Tear, tear, tear

The nine character sword power and the evil spirit black fog collide with each other. The light and shadow of thousands of swords instantly present the situation of strangling, and the fierce and terrifying evil spirit black fog suddenly turns into wisps of black smoke, which is obviously not the opponent of the sword power, On the spot, it turns to ashes and dissipates nothingness.

"Coax!" This strange scene happened in the battlefield of bazhentai. It fell into the eyes of the powerful people of all sides. Originally, it was supposed to be a fierce competition, but it never occurred to me that just after a face-to-face encounter, the situation on the battlefield was overwhelming.

Daddada, dada, dada

A very light and gentle sound of footsteps quietly resounded in the battlefield of bazhentai. All the powerful people in the field trembled violently. They saw that on the battlefield, no trace was holding a silver sword, and slowly approached Wan Lao, the deputy leader of Gangsha road.

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"All things are living against the evil spirit." A roar of fury came out from Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way. Wan Lao's strong and rigid body leaped up in vain, and countless black mang boxing shadows containing the spirit of yin and evil burst out all over his body.

Boom, boom, boom

The terrible shadow of the black mang fist was like a rainstorm falling down. All of them were smashed in the front of the traceless body. The power of the sword meaning barrier produced by the hovering power of the ancient nine character sword meaning, under the attack of the dense black mang boxing shadow, the road cracks quickly appeared, spread more and more on the spot, and broke into pieces of light and shadow in an instant.

"Boom!" The overwhelming shadow of black mang blows down, directly penetrates the defensive power of the ancient nine character sword, and steps towards the rear of the traceless body, mercilessly and madly attacks and smashes away.

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"Brush!" At this critical moment, the nine character sword meaning, light and shadow hovering in front of Wuhen's body became restless. The light and shadow of one of the ancient characters quickly spread out with the power of supremacy. On the spot, it completely bloomed in front of no trace and released the power of the sword meaning of the ancient characters.

"Yes As soon as the words "Lin" and "Lin" flashed out, the place where no trace was located suddenly burst out the supreme power of the earth, the power of suppression and the rule of law. All the black mang boxing shadows in the void trembled on the spot and stayed in the void, and then there were many tiny cracks clearly visible to the naked eye, On the shadow of black mang boxing, it quickly spread to the whole void.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

With the release of the supremacy of the power of the ancient words "Lin" and "Li", the countless shadow of Dao heimang in the void were crushed by the terrible power of the law of coercion on the spot, The word "Lin" is one of the nine character sword power lingering on Wuchen's body. It was cracked and suppressed in court and scattered on the spot.

"No!" Seeing that he was so easily suppressed by the power of the nine character ancient characters, Wan Lao, the Deputy patriarch of JIANGSHA Taoism, was shocked in an instant. His rigid body quickly retreated, and in the twinkling of an eye, it retreated to the edge of the battle field of bazhentai."Ha ha, since you are here, why do you want to leave. Junior, there are still eight ancient characters here. The meaning of sword hasn't been released. Please give me more guidance and Instruction... "A faint laugh came out from Wuchen's mouth. In the void, the light and shadow of the ancient characters" Lin "and" Lin "quickly returned to Wuchen's body. The power of the ancient characters was much weaker than that just now, However, the Xuanli attribute of the earth between heaven and earth, Xuanqi is still crazy towards the sword power of the ancient words "Lin" and "Li". The ancient words "Lin" and "Li" with slightly dim light are obviously recovering at the speed of the naked eye.

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"Condense the air!" With no trace to speak again, the void in the eight battle platforms seemed to be frozen in an instant. The power of the law of freezing the void swept out of the sky. On the spot, he locked the body of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the eight battle platforms firmly in the field.

"Ah With an exclamation, Wan elder tried to push the force of Yin evil Qi law in his body to break the shackles of Ning Kong law, but after the extreme attempt, there was not much progress. It only made Wan elder's action somewhat relieved, but it absolutely greatly affected the speed and power that the original emperor's top power could exert.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

The sound of approaching footsteps rang out. Wu Chen, wearing a green robe and holding a silver sword, was smiling. The light and shadow of the nine ancient characters on Wu Chen's body still hovered orderly, while Wu Chen's fierce sword killing power was released, But at the moment, he completely locked the whole body of Wan elder, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, who was bound in the air, on the spot< br>

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