Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 922: 922

"Suddenly A cold wind, whistling on the eight battle platforms. The air of Xuanli in the heaven and the earth was as mad as a madman, so he rushed to the void, lingering in the light and shadow of the ancient nine character sword.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, in addition to the power, light and shadow of "Lin" and "Li", there are also six ancient characters' light and shadow flying out of the void at the same time.

"Bing," "Dou," "Zhe," "Jie," "array," "column," the six ancient characters of nine characters, light and shadow came out together, and in the blink of an eye, they quickly flashed around the figure of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way.

Boom, boom, boom

At the same time, the power of the six ancient characters exploded in the void, shaking the whole battlefield of the eight array platform violently. And WAN elder, the deputy leader of Jiansha Road, is suffering from an unprecedented fatal attack at the moment. Without any fighting power, he can only passively bear the power of this series of terrible ancient words burst attack.

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"Bing," "Dou," "Zhe," "Jie," "Zhen," "lie," the six ancient characters power burst out at the same time. Wan elder, the deputy leader of JIANGSHA Taoism, was covered by the light and shadow of the six ancient characters in a flash. The continuous spread of JIANGSHA spirit was strangled and destroyed by the terrible light of ancient characters on the spot.

"Ah A scream of agony came out in an instant in the land covered by the power of six ancient characters. There was a sharp sound of friction. Wan Lao, the Deputy patriarch of the rigid evil way, who had been imprisoned and covered by the six characters, was gradually festering and spreading under the constant attack of the light and shadow of the six characters, which reflected in the eyes of the strong on the ritual observation platform of all forces.

"Ten thousand vice lords!"

"Elder martial brother Wan!"


An urgent exclamation of amazement started from the ground of the ritual observation platform of Jiansha Taoist sect. Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect, and the elder of Jiuda road under his command were all worried and shocked, Staring at wan chang, the vice patriarch of the Gangsha Taoism, whose body was gradually rotting and collapsing in the battlefield of the eight battle platforms, he was stunned.

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"Hoo At this time, the power of light and shadow of the nine characters in front of Wuhen's body lingers again. Except for the two characters "Qian", "Xing" and "Xing", the light and shadow of the other seven characters are still dazzling and brilliant, and the other seven characters are fading and dim.

"Ha ha, it seems that this guy is not as powerful as he thought There is a smile on the traceless and handsome face. In my mind, I communicate with the demon zunhuoxiao which is floating in the air.

"Hey, no trace boy, pride will defeat, don't underestimate the enemy! Demon master, I advise you to solve him quickly, so as not to cause trouble again! " Yao Zun's fiery red shadow is still floating in the air, and there is no other action. His deep and capable fiery red eyes are full of playful color, and it seems that he totally disagrees with the attitude of traceless.

"Well, you have to say that!" With a cold hum, the momentum on Wu Chen's body suddenly became extremely fierce. Immediately, the other two bright ancient characters "Qian", "Xing" and "Xing" on his body trembled together, and in a twinkling, they turned into two speeding lights, which crossed into the left and right areas respectively.

"Hum!" Thousands of swords rose and gathered in a frenzied way, which turned into a bright ancient Chinese character with a strong wind from left to right. With the fierce momentum of destroying the sky, it accurately blasted on the rigid body of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, who was on the verge of danger.

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Boom, boom, boom

There was a series of terrible explosions and roars. In a flash, all the black and sticky bodies were scattered in the battlefield of the eight battle platforms. However, Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the eight battle platforms, followed the "front", "line" and "front" ”The power of light and shadow of the two ancient words was swallowed up by Xiao's sharp sword power and drowned on the spot.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous gasps will be heard one after another in the area around bazhentai. At this time, the powerful people of all parties and the people of the major demon and beast families are all stunned. What they thought was a close battle between the top powerful people, But did not expect to be so hasty on the end. In particular, the course of this battle was the victory of Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Academy, who was one of the following people in the realm of emperor Wuhuang. This really made the powerful people of all parties present unable to accept such amazing facts for a while!"Ha ha, finish the work!" The light and shadow of the nine ancient characters on Wu trace's handsome face are all dim. The nine Xiao dragon formula and nine character sword formula are still lingering around Wu trace's body. However, the power of the sword power is obviously different from the previous one.

"Eh, the stiff evil spirit has been strangled and destroyed by the nine character sword formula. Why is there a residual evil spirit on the eight array platform?" On the void, the demon zunhuoxiao is red, and the empty shadow is in vain. He stares at the eight array platform with his eyebrows locked. He looks at it in bewilderment. But on the body of its nihilistic fiery red, there is a strange and incomparable power of evil, light and shadow floating out.

Sasa, Sasa, Sasa

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A strange sound, which was extremely light and slow but sometimes faint, suddenly came from the location under the traceless foot.

At the same time, the stone like green brick ground under the feet of no trace quickly turns into a dark pool of evil spirit. It seems that there is an endless force of absorbing the law below. Unexpectedly, the whole body of no trace falls slowly towards the dark pool of evil spirit below.

"Condense the air!" A cold voice spewed out quickly from Wuhen's mouth. Everything in the world around him seemed to be frozen in an instant. Even the speed of the dark evil spirit pool at Wuhen's feet was significantly reduced.

"Hoo A dreary and turbid breath slowly spits out. Without trace, the whole person's body is suspended in the ground of the eight battle platforms, and his feet have been tightly attached to the dark evil spirit pool below. Almost half a minute later, the whole person falls into the dark evil spirit pool absorbed by the power of the law< br>

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