Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 939: 939

"Suddenly A cold wind was blowing slowly. In the battlefield of the eight battle platforms, no one stood up with a sword, and the little earth dragon on its body looked down on the powerful people of the left and right sides, which made the atmosphere of the field more dignified.

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"Hum!" The roaring sound of the sword will be heard all the time, and the killing intention of the sword practitioners in the sword Pavilion will be released without any disguise.

"Boom!" At the same time, the powerful elders of the array Baozhai, gangshadao and the two major forces all released their self-cultivation momentum, shaking the whole eight array platform around the ritual observation platform.

Brush, brush, brush

As you can see, the other powerful people of all parties and the powerful people of the major demon and beast royal families all urged Xuanli to join hands to ban the border and protect them in their respective camps.

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"Who is going to be on the stage to give some advice?" On the eight array stage, the bright eyes without trace are shining, and his fighting spirit is stronger than ever. His eyes are constantly wandering among the three main forces, and he seems to be looking forward to someone coming to the stage to fight against one another.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo After pondering for a long time, a series of heavy gasps came out from the camp of the powerful forces of all parties. Although the powerful forces of the three major sects still released a terrible momentum of killing, none of them dared to boldly come out to fight.

"Ha ha, that's all. All the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion in the academy are the demons of heaven. It's just that we abstain from the battle in our treasure house!" Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, still had a cold face and a cold voice. He spoke slowly in front of the powerful people.

"Haha, the old people in Baozhai are very smart. They can not only give up their face, but also save their own power. It seems that they must have been cruel and cruel in the past." Demon respect fire Xiao a burst of light smile, the rough voice without warning, then resounded in the mind without trace.

"Ha ha, it seems that the road to success has lasted a little too long. I'm tired and tired. In this battle, I refuse to fight. In my opinion, the road to success is over." Wan Canghai, the founder of Jiansha Taoist school, had a flash of light in his eyes, and immediately followed the words of Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai. All the strong people of Jiansha Taoist school on both sides were relieved. It seemed that all the people on the scene were looking forward to the end of the road to the top.

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"Ha ha, it's tasteless. If you don't fight, you should accept it, younger martial brothers." Hearing this, master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion, burst out laughing and waved his hand to the other leaders of Jianfeng.

Seeing this, the rest of the main peaks slowly put away their sword spirit and momentum with indignation. The elder level strong men on both sides also took back their sword spirit and gathered their eyes on the handsome figure standing alone and proud in the battlefield of the eight battle platforms.

"Hey, traceless boy, these guys are really crafty. They want to force an end to the competition. I was so eager to make a fool of you just now. Now, you just showed some elegant demeanor, they immediately take the helm, no longer send people to fight on the stage! It seems that they want to preserve their strength so that they can better deal with the Sutra Pavilion of your academy in the future! " Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice was full of laughter, and it was obvious that the result in front of him had already been in his anticipation.

"Cluck, didn't you want to teach one or two disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion in our college before? How come they dare not stand on the stage now?" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's laughter spread to the general again, and her eyes were not afraid to look directly at the body of the three main forces.

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"Ha ha, the six disciples of feiye, feiye and the Academy, Wuhen, have been fighting for many battles in succession. It's hard to avoid laughing that we can't win without taking advantage of others' danger! What's more, it's time to come to the end of the road to success. I think it's better for this grand gathering to come to a successful end! In order to avoid making things happen, it will be bad for everyone of us at that time! " Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, once again spoke with a smile. Looking around, his face was full of contempt.

"Ha ha, master Mo is right. I don't have any objection." Wan Canghai, the leader of JIANGSHA Taoism, smiles calmly, and even speaks out, which is in line with the proposal of Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai Taoism.

"Ha ha, it's the way of heaven to comply with heaven's will. Since heaven's will is so, my sword Pavilion naturally chooses to stop..." the head of the sword Pavilion, Tianshu, has a bigger smile on his face. He nods to the heads of the two main sects, zhenbaozhai and JIANGSHA Taoism. Then he sees a strange smile on their old faces, It seems that the present situation is as strange as they had discussed in advance.

"Second elder martial sister?" Seeing that the three main sect leaders all spoke out, a faint smile appeared on the traceless and handsome face above the battle platform, and their eyes quietly fell to the place under the eight array platform, which is on one side of tianyunzong's viewing platform."Cluck, since your predecessors are not willing to give advice, the Sutra collection Pavilion of our college is not good to be aggressive any more." Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, gave a faint smile and swept her eyes. The other masters of all forces spoke softly. A smile also appeared on the faces of all the college Sutra Pavilion beside him. So far, after the first World War, the name of the college Sutra Pavilion will be more famous among the six states.

"Brush!" In the battlefield of the eight array platform, the fluctuating power of the array's power is quietly rising, and the array's light shield in the battlefield of the eight array platform is rapidly disappearing. Without trace, the whole person is completely exposed to the eyes of the strong forces of all parties.

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"The battle between the eight battle platforms and the road to the top is over. Do all forces have any objection?" For a long time, the leader of Bixia palace, Qingxia fairy, has no expression on her face and has a very tough attitude. She speaks loudly to all the forces around her. However, her cold voice falls on everyone's ears, which makes all the powerful people on the scene feel cold.

"Brush!" Just now also restless incomparable eight array stage up and down, at this moment once again fell into a silence. However, none of the masters of the various sects and the major monster kings intervened. It seems that they have acquiesced in the words of Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, who is very indifferent.

"Cackle, since so, everybody does not have any opinion! Then the way to win the title is over. In the next ten years, the resources of the six states will be allocated according to the final result of the younger generation disciple Dabi... "Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, began to laugh slowly, and her sweet voice seemed to enter the hearts of the people.

Gulu, Gulu

It's a good grand gathering of major forces. It's so hasty and forced to end. The strong members of the major forces, the people of the major monster families, and even the heads of the major dynasties and their families all unconsciously swallow their saliva, Looking at the figure of the young man in the green robe on the empty eight formation platform, he felt a shiver in his heart and began to shake over the river and sea< br>

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