Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 940: 940

Brush, brush, brush

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One after another, the forbidden barriers were removed, and all the powerful people stood on their respective platforms. With the announcement of the end of the road to the top, the contest between the major sectors of this trip has come to an end. This time, the most brilliant one was the disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. The most profitable clan was the Tianyun clan.

"Ha ha, it's finally over. When I get back to the book mountain, I have to find time to practice again in the thirteen exquisite pagodas!" With a smile on his handsome face, he walked slowly to the place where all the people in the Sutra Pavilion were.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, when all the powerful members of the major sects were completely relieved, strange and fast figures came out from the positions of zhenbaozhai, jiangshadao, jiangge and the three major sects' viewing platform at the same time. There are no less than ten figures, and all of them are full of the aura of cultivation in the realm of Emperor Wu.

"Brush!" Jiange, JIANGSHA Road, zhenbaozhai, and dozens of powerful people in the realm of Emperor Wu all released their momentum of cultivation. The originally peaceful eight array platform rose again in an instant, and the array guard light shield came up. Among these dozens of strong men, there are not only five deputy masters of Jianfeng in Jiange, but also nine elders of JIANGSHA Taoist and five strong men in the realm of emperor Wuhuang under the command of zhenbaozhai.

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"Shit, what's going on?"

"Wow, the strong man at the level of the Deputy patriarch took the hand in person. Is it impossible for the three major sects to kill Liu Wuchen on the spot?"

"Well, that's exciting!"

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly, be careful, the battle will affect us later..."

Under the eight array platform, except for the three major forces, the other major forces and the powerful monsters and beasts chose to withdraw from the front of the eight array platform. For a moment, the leaders of all forces appeared in the front of their respective sects for the first time, So as to prevent the terrorist war that may break out at any time on the eight formation platform.

"Hey, no trace boy, it seems that these guys are determined not to let you live!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao came out again, and fell into the mind without trace, full of fun.

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"Ha ha, if you want to kill me, it depends on whether they have the ability!" Without trace, the green robe stands aloof, and an evil smile appears on his handsome face. The silver sword in his hand suddenly shakes violently, and the air of the five elements of Xuanli in his body quickly rushes out, which is combined with the air of sword spirit around his body, and turns it into the power mask of the law. At the same time, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog, and five kinds of variable Xuanli attribute Qi also gather together to form a group of natural fog barrier, which firmly protects its traceless body shape.

"Hum!" At the same time, in the location of tianyunzong's ritual observation platform, a loud sound of the sword roared out, followed by a cold sword light with a merciless intention of killing. It rushed straight to the location of Bazhen platform, and then it rolled away with the posture of killing everything.

"Presumptuous!" A powerful voice trembled in the void, and a sword light seemed to come from the sky. It was on top of the merciless light and shadow of kendo. The two sword lights touched each other in an instant, followed by a terrible roar.

Boom, boom, boom

The terrible sword light, light and shadow are scattered everywhere. Two sword light and shadow containing the power of different laws cancel each other and destroy each other. The rampant sword spirit flies everywhere, which makes the masters of the forces on both sides move to lay the Xuanli barrier one after another. Only in this way can the strong of all forces not be affected, He survived the flying sword of destruction.

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"You want to stop me?" A cold to not mixed with any feelings of indifference voice quietly appeared, in the void, two figures appeared out of thin air.

"Ha ha, on Kendo, this is the first place in the six states!" In the void, master Tianshu, the master of the sword Pavilion, was holding the Tianshu sword with a smile on his face. His eyes were full of indifference, and he looked to the place not far ahead.

On the other side, it's shuimerciless, the third disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, who is also walking in the air. At this moment, shuimerciless has completely released the momentum and power of the merciless Kendo, and locked the whole body shape of the confrontational Tianshu master firmly on the spot.

"Cluck, the road to success is over. The top three of the major schools are trying to besiege the disciples of our college's Sutra Pavilion at the same time. What do you think of this?" With the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's sneer coming slowly, the whole body shape of the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei has appeared in the front of the edge of the eight array platform.

"Ha ha, public is public and private is private. Although the road to success has come to an end, we still need to understand our personal grievances." A burst of extremely unrestrained cold laughter rang out, and the martial spirit of the array figure slowly emerged behind Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house. His whole person was covered by the array power, and quietly appeared in front of Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister."Cackle, it's a good way to solve the personal grievance..." the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei shakes out her black whip in vain. In the void, she makes a flash of flame. The spirit of Huofeng immediately floats behind her and glares at Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, who is under the guard of the spirit of the array.

"Hey hey, just you little girl, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, was shining with cold light in her eyes. The power of the soul array suddenly rose. Her figure suddenly changed and moved away. She moved towards the place where Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, was.

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Click, click, click

With the sound of the whip shaking, Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, fought with Mo Qiyu, the leader of Baozhai. All over the sky, the flame of black awn kept rising and flying, and the power of soul array rose wildly, which turned into array after array to resist the fierce beating of the dark whip.

"Hum!" In the void, in another place, the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless cut out without saying a word. The sword power of the merciless law seems to cut the whole void. All the places he passed are full of cracks in space.

"Boom!" The terrible light of the sword soars into the sky, and the sword intention of the master Tianshu of the sword Pavilion turns into a sword intention, which is combined with the Tianshu sword in his hand. On the one hand, he dodges the power of the merciless law of the sword intention, and on the other hand, he flies to kill the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of tension to suffocation of breathing, quietly in the major forces and all sides of the monster King clan strong camp will be spread out. People who just let go of their heart soon raised their heart to their throat again. They looked at the confrontation between the top emperor of the six states, the top emperor of the six states, and the strong emperor of the six states. They were stunned and in an uproar< br>

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