Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 943: 943

"Hoo The sound of a dull breath resounded again on the silent eight formation stage. The mysterious power consumed by Wu Chen's body was rapidly recovering, but the just excessive consumption still made his mind feel tired.

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"Ouch!" A loud and clear dragon chant roars out with indignation. The purple and golden eyes of the little earth dragon perched on the traceless body gradually become blood red, and the horrible monster breath on its body is released madly. There is a pungent smell of blood in the void around it.

On the eight array stage, the nine Taoist elders and the five main sword peaks of Jiange all look very ugly at the moment. All people look at the no trace protected by the five clawed Golden Dragon and haunted by the ancient word sword, and feel a sense of turbulence and shock in their hearts.

"Hum, such a terrible attack must be huge for the consumption of Xuanli! I believe that this boy is at the end of his rope now. We can take him down with one stroke Qi Qi, the Taoist priest of stiff evil, offered the corpse of stiff evil, which was his own life. The whole person was half surrounded from the front.

"Five elements sword array, array!" When you see the elder of the nine main roads of the Gangsha Road, you move together, and the five main peaks of the sword Pavilion behind the traceless body also walk at the same time. I saw five bright sword lights with different colors flickering alternately, and the breath of the five sword Pavilion peak owners was strangely connected together.

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The leader of the five sword pavilions set foot in the five elements position and gathered his own sword spirit into the listed sword array. The sword spirit power of the five elements sword array soared to the sky. The momentum of the five elements sword array was even stronger than any of the three battle groups that burst out of the eight array platform and in the void.

"Kill A deafening cry of killing resounded in the air, and dozens of horrible sense of killing and cutting burst out in the battlefield of bazhentai battle group. In the void, the air of Xuanli ran wildly, and the whole eight array platform seemed to be crumbling in a flash.

"Ouch!" A dragon chant resounds through the world, and the golden little earth dragon's body takes off from the traceless body in a flash. Then, with the continuous spread of the bright golden light, the body shape and posture of xiaodilong changed rapidly.

"Suddenly A gust of fishy wind swept through the void, and the five claws under the little earth dragon's body flashed at the same time. Then the huge body of the little earth dragon turned into a terrible golden light and shadow. In a moment, it wandered through the fields attacked by the nine terrible evil spirits corpses in front of it.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

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After a while, all the people on the scene saw a golden light and shadow wandering through the void. There were nine stiff corpses that were comparable to the fighting power of the emperor's powerful people in the soul transforming realm. There were bursts of terrible sounds on their bodies at the same time. Then he saw that all the nine corpses on the void were stunned at the same time, and the spirit of the corpses began to weaken rapidly. Moreover, with the speed of the golden light and shadow of the little earth dragon becoming faster and faster, the monster breath in the void becomes more and more terrifying.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

In the blink of an eye, there were nine terrible heavy sounds in the void again. The corpses of the nine evil spirits were like nine real corpses. They were flying wantonly under the continuous attacks of the little earth dragon and fell to the ground below.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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The corpse of nine evil spirits was destroyed on the spot. The body of nine evil spirits was all inexplicably trembling. In the eyes of the nine people, the killing intention was more intense and fierce. Qi Shushu turned into nine streamers, and ran to the no trace crazy attack not far ahead.

"Condense the air!" The upper color of traceless and handsome face became dignified in vain. The spirit of Xuanli in the body was mobilized madly again. The power of ningkong law came out of thin air and covered the body shape of the elder jiudaotu who attacked and killed in front of him, and the five main sword peaks of the sword Pavilion who drove the sword array.

Click, click, click

Although the figure of elder jiudadaotu is covered by the power of ningkong law, the power of the law has been released. Compared with the first time before, elder jiudadaotu's action is obviously faster than just now.

Similarly, the five main sword peaks of the sword Pavilion coming from the rear array are more weak because the guard of the five elements sword array is restricted by the power of the law of condensing the air. The sword killing intention of the five people who are integrated into the sword array has also been vaguely upgraded to the scope of the fighting power of the emperor's peak cultivation.

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"Jiuxiao dragon Jue, Jiuzi sword Jue, Jiujian Qifa..." an extremely dignified voice will ring through the air without any sign, and the meaning of Jiuse ancient word sword will vibrate violently. Then, we can see that the nine color ancient characters' sword meaning, light and shadow are transformed into nine terrible sword meaning streamers at the same time. Facing the attack and killing figure of the nine road elder, they are swept away violently.Boom, boom, boom

The nine color ancient characters, with the meaning of sword, light and shadow coming out together, collide with the old man of the Ninth Avenue of the dead road. A violent turbulence between heaven and earth, crazy shock transmission, eight battle platform battlefield above the ground suddenly burst out nine destructive momentum of the sword power.

"Brush!" With the great power of the nine color ancient word sword, the whole body of no trace moves away from the original place in an instant. A blue light and shadow flashed away and came to the sky above a place on the edge of the eight array platform. A feeling of emptiness and tiredness as if it had been emptied of Xuanli immediately attacked the whole body without trace. Even the silver sword in Wu Chen's hand trembled and shuddered unconsciously.

"Well, no trace boy, you can't keep up with the consumption of Xuanli Qi in your body when you continuously urge jiuxiao dragon Jue. If you go on like this, you will be consumed to the point where the lamp is dead!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao came out, burst out in no trace's mind, and the tone was full of worry and anxiety.

"Cough, there are five more. Speed is the solution!" A sudden cough came out from Wu Chen's mouth. Wu Chen's body trembled and swayed slightly, and the sense of fatigue on his handsome face became more obvious< br>

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