Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 944: 944

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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One after another, it was said that it would be on the boundary around the battlefield of Bazhen. A golden streamer rises at a high speed and rushes to the place where the momentum gradually weakens.

At the same time, on the ground below the eight array platform, except for the remains of nine stiff corpses, all the remaining nine dadaotu elders under the throne of Wan Canghai, the patriarch of stiff evil Taoist sect, were in low spirits. Their injuries were very serious, and they fell from the void one after another, Disorderly fall will fall on the bottom of the eight array platform, scattered around, life and death.

"Hum!" A terrible sword Italian Dharma array power is applied madly, and the guard power Xuanli light shield protected by Wuchen's body immediately breaks under the attack of this terrible sword Italian Dharma array power. Then, the light and shadow of a five element sword Yifa array flashed out, and the leader of the five sword peaks of the sword Pavilion, who had stepped on the array, appeared in the void right behind the traceless body.

"Five elements sword array, five sides kill sword!" With a deep voice like a bell, the five elements sword array, which gathers the power of the five main peaks of the sword Pavilion, burst out with five terrible sword spirit. At the same time, five five colors of sword light from the five different positions of the ground to swing out, Qi Shushu ran straight ahead, is crazy to restore the Xuanli Qi in the body of traceless body shape, mercilessly will kill swept away.

"Sixth younger martial brother, be careful!"

"No trace boss, danger!"

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"No trace, get out of the way!"

There was a cry of quick tearing from the square array camp of tianyunzong. The fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, aftershock, xiaopangzi Zhen Bucai, Ji Ruxue, Jianming, and a group of people all had a look of shock and anxiety on their faces, Even the cold sweat on the people's bodies was springing up in every sweat pore.

Gulu, Gulu

On both sides, the powerful elders of the main forces and the powerful people of the demon and beast families are still in the battle of fighting back the elder of the Ninth Avenue of the Jiansha road before no trace. At this time, the leader of the five sword peaks of the sword Pavilion suddenly attacked by the powerful killing sword array, What's more, it made all the strong people on the scene dumbfounded and stunned. They were stunned for a long time.

Boom, boom, boom

There was a series of terrible explosions, which burst out around the traceless body. At the same time, the horror of the five swords ignited, and the whole person was engulfed in the void on the spot.

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"Ouch!" A terrible roar of anger broke out in the smoke of gunpowder and the sword burst out. A golden streamer rose from the sky, and the small earth dragon's huge body was already full of blood. Its body was loaded with traceless and weak body, and its eyes were full of blood. He glared at the leader of the five sword peaks of the sword Pavilion, who had formed an array on the opposite void.

"Damn, I'm still alive. This guy's life is really big!"

"Hum, it seems that the evil animal must have helped him to block the deadly sword attack. Otherwise, no matter how strong his body is, he will not be hurt at all and will never be highlighted!"

"Ha ha, it's also a kind of damage to oneself if the soul is damaged! I don't believe that if we launch a few more sword attacks, this boy and that evil animal can survive! "

"Cough, don't be careless. Be careful of the encirclement and suppression in the array!"


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Aware of the emptiness of traceless safe, the eyes of the five main Jianfeng of the pavilion all flashed a more fierce intention of killing. Five people urged the five elements sword array to move out of the air, and five bright and terrifying streamers of sword spirit lingered in the long sword of five people again.

"Keke, little earthworm, are you ok?" In the void, the air of Xuanli in Wuchen's body slightly recovered, and he straightened up, holding the silver sword in his hand and looking forward to the front. Then, he saw the Xuanli Qi in Wuhen's body slowly rising and gathering, and the whole body of the silver sword in his hand trembled with the rising of Wuhen's breath!

"Hum!" It's as if I felt the concentration of the spirit of the sword on Wu Chen's body. The silver sword unconsciously gave out a happy roar.

"Ouch!" A low roar, seems to be in response to the question of no trace. Xiaodilong's huge golden posture and five claw sharp blade of the lower abdomen shine out all kinds of Xuanli at the same time. The residual Xuanli breath in the heaven and earth rushes into its body madly.

"Suddenly The air of Xuanli in heaven and earth is rushing towards the little earth dragon's body like crazy, and the original blood red void becomes low and dim. At the moment, the whole huge body of the little earth dragon is like a bottomless abyss black hole, which urges the power of swallowing the law, and crazily absorbs all the Xuanli Qi in the void on its own body."Hum!" Another wave of five elements sword array's power of urging power surged up, and five sword spirit streamers that could destroy all situations were all assassinated from the five directions. The void between heaven and earth trembles slightly with the fluctuation of this terrible sword power array. Five clear cracks appear in the void.

"Ouch!" An extremely indignant roar of the dragon, deafening resounding between heaven and earth. Xiaodilong's huge body was as mad as a madman. He blocked Wuchen's body head-on, and then headed for the light and shadow of Kendo from five directions.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

With the full burst of the sword spirit of the five directions, the golden body of the little earth dragon, full of the power of swallowing, suddenly and violently trembled. Its huge body trembled because of the pain, and the blood lines sprayed with purple gold blood splashed on the void.

"Little earthworm!" A low and angry call came out hoarsely from traceless's mouth. The small and Medium Earth Dragon of void once again blocked the killing intention of the five elements sword array with his body, and his huge body posture was also severely damaged.

In the rear, the five main sword peaks of the sword Pavilion obviously did not expect that xiaodilong could once again block the attack and kill of the five elements sword array. All of them were shocked. Then, the five people exchanged their eyes quickly, and the five forces of sword meaning and law were released from the five people at the same time.

The power of the sword power of the five elements sword array bursts out again, and the five bright streamers of the sword spirit linger and burst out again from the long sword of the sword peak treasure in the hands of the five main sword peaks< br>

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