Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 947: 947

Brush, brush, brush

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A torch like eyes flickered at the same time, and Qi brush's eyes fell on the purple and golden figure falling slowly in the void. In addition to the shock on the faces of the powerful people of all parties on the scene, the faces of the leaders of the three major forces all turned green in an instant.

"Bata!" With a slow landing, the whole body of the man without trace will be on the middle of the battlefield. Then, he saw his purple and golden eyes full of evil spirit turning in vain, and his eyes were full of evil intention. He scanned the fourteen superior emperors around him.

Gulu, Gulu

A sound of tension to suffocate huff and puff sound, Qi Shushu from the eight array platform up and down at the same time will pass out. The powerful people of all parties on the scene dare not even breathe at the moment, for fear that there will be any disturbance that will disturb the battle platform, and they will smile without trace.

"Boy, stop it. As long as you are willing to let them go, we are willing to reconcile with the Sutra collection Pavilion of your college. We don't care about everything in the past. From now on, there will never be any trouble for you from us in the future!" Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, was full of anxiety in her eyes. She even blurted out in public regardless of her identity and took the initiative to make peace with her.

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There are five superior emperor's top fighting forces in the field, but the absolute backbone of the array. If you lose these five, it will take hundreds of years to cultivate the superior emperor's top fighting forces again.

At that time, it's still unknown whether zhenbaozhai will be the top sect in the six states of mainland China. How can we spend a lot of time and energy to cultivate and recruit such powerful martial arts talents.

Therefore, Mo Qiyu, the leader of the zhenbaozhai clan, would rather ignore the past grudges on the spot than try to negotiate peace with Wuhen. As for whether Chen Baozhai can abide by the agreement after the peace negotiation and will not go to the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, that is the matter in the future. At present, the top priority is to rescue the top five.

"Hehe, are you begging me?" On the eight array stage, there was a trace of evil smile on the traceless and handsome face, and his words came out in court.

"You..." Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, was pale in the moment, and his killing intention was released without any concealment. The cold light in the eyes of the fire phoenix soul on the opposite side was flashing, and his wings were waving hot flames, staring at Mo Qiyu's action.

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"Cough, young master Liu, you have to forgive others. If you are willing to show mercy, I will reconcile with you from now on Wan Canghai, the patriarch of Jiansha Taoist sect, also flashed a different color in his eyes, hesitated again and again, and slowly opened his mouth to no trace.

"Ha ha, how can you say it like I'm not going to let go? It's just clear that you big powerful men are bullying me No trace laughs and shrugs his shoulders. His handsome face is full of innocence and helplessness. He looks at the two big door owners with a smile and responds softly.

"Hum, as long as you are willing to stop now, we can regard everything as nothing happened before!" Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, snorted coldly, and once again gazed at Wu trace with patience.

"Ha ha, people all say that Shushan is a holy land. The Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy has always stood aloof from the rest of the world. Miss Feng, now that the elder brother of the Sutra collection Pavilion of your college is no longer talking, should you also take a gesture? " Wan Canghai's eye beads, the leader of JIANGSHA Taoism, dribble in his eyes. He turns his head and looks at Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister. He takes a circuitous route, half lures and half threatens, and says something to dissuade him.

"Cackle, on the stage of eight formations, the solution is personal grudges. This is just what the heads of your major sects said! Since it's a personal grudge, it's not easy for me as a senior sister to meddle in it. The younger martial brother should handle all this by himself. It has nothing to do with the tenet and position of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy! " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, was so clever that she blocked up the pit dug by Wan Canghai, the leader of the rigid evil way, with a few words on the spot.

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Hearing this, Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoism, and Mo Qiyu, the leader of array Baozhai, are extremely ugly again. They rush into the eight array platform to save people. The chance is even more difficult than climbing to heaven. Therefore, they have no choice but to suppress their anger and focus their eyes on the traceless figure in the eight array platform again.

"Ha ha, I believe you, you two bad old men are very bad! If you want to ask for help, you must have a gesture of asking for help. The tone you just said really makes me feel very uncomfortable! " There was still a faint smile at the corner of Wu Chen's mouth. The evil spirit around Wu Chen's body trembled in vain. Then, several sword like spirits burst out at the fingertips of Wu Chen's fingers. In an instant, they bombarded and rushed into the bodies of several top martial emperors sitting on both sides of Wu Chen's body.Poop, poop, poop, poop

It is said that in the battlefield of the eight battle platforms, there will be a violent shudder in the body of the five top ranking emperor Wuhuang and the elder of the nine main roads of Gangsha road. Then, the body of the fourteen top ranking emperor Wuhuang will burst out with the power of sword, All the vitality of his 14 people were strangled on the spot and destroyed on the eight battle platforms.

Gulu, Gulu

There was a gasp from tension to suffocation, which resounded on the platform of all forces, and the hearts of all the powerful members of the major forces and all the major demon and beast families were all trembling, Just like looking at the killing God, he was afraid to look at the beautiful young man in the field with the purple and golden streamer lingering in the evil spirit.

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At the same time, the masters of the major forces and the masters of the demon and beast families all unconsciously stepped forward and stood in front of their respective clan forces, always on guard against the crazy rampage of the two major forces, zhenbaozhai and jiangshadao.

"Hoo“ Hoo

Several heavy and dull gasps came out of the mouth of Wan Canghai and Mo Qiyu, the two masters of the main sect. They looked coldly at each other, and their mysterious power and killing spirit burst into the unprecedented level of terror.

On the other side, master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion, who had never spoken a word, faintly showed a cold smile in his eyes. He looked at the corpse of the top Emperor Wu huangqiang on the front of the eight battle platform, which was full of corpses. His anger seemed to be a moment of evil Unexpectedly inexplicably feel relaxed a lot< br>

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