Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 948: 948

"Suddenly A cold wind blows slowly, and in the silent battlefield of the eight battle platforms, the purple and golden evil spirit lingers in the air of no trace and stands aloof. In its purple and golden eyes, there is a light color that doesn't care. The bloody little earthworm has already been sitting on the no trace body shape, and it's easy to lie still.

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On the void, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless and the leader of Tianyun sect Zhuge mountain didn't react much to Wu trace's killing the top two powerful men of the two major sects. Instead, they still stare at the leader of the three major sects and lock their breath firmly.

"Boy, you are cruel enough!" After pondering for a long time, Wan Canghai, the leader of the rigid evil Taoism, finally squeezed out a word of hate from his teeth.

"Hum, it's not over. We will never die between our treasure house, the Sutra collection Pavilion of your academy and Tianyun sect!" Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, is surrounded by the soul of the array. His eyes are cold and cold as if they were looking at a dead man.

"Ha ha, if we change our position to deal with this matter, I'm afraid you have to do more than me!" Traceless mouth slightly up, staring at the opposite void in which the three major forces of the main mouth impolitely choke back.

On both sides, the powerful members of the main forces and the powerful members of the demon and beast families all swallowed their saliva, and secretly gave a thumbs up to Wu trace in their hearts. He even killed so many powerful people in the realm of Emperor Wu in a row, and was not afraid of the threat and oppression of the three major forces. At such a young age, he has stepped into the cultivation level of the middle Emperor Wu Huang. It can be imagined that the traceless future is far beyond the six states.

In the void, a wave of Xuanli appeared quietly. It was obvious that the three main forces were communicating with each other in secret. At the same time, the original restless array of the main forces became silent again.

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On the other side, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless, and Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, never felt relaxed. They were still breathing and firmly locked the body shape of the three main forces on the spot.

On both sides, in the square array of Tianyun sect's forces, master Zhen, the master of astrology hall, stepped out at the same time with the strong ones of the Deputy masters of the main halls. The guards stood quietly in front of the strong ones of Tianyun sect and the people of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy.



"Back up!"

At the same time, three roars full of indignation reverberated in the three places under the eight array platform. After hearing the three roaring voices, the three powerful men, namely, Jiang Sha Dao, Zhen Bao Zhai, Jian Ge, all of them unconsciously trembled slightly.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Words fall, a moment of effort. Then the elders of the three powerful forces did not return to their heads. They quickly urged the Xuanli Qi in their bodies to rise up in the void. As if they were fleeing, they turned into a stream of light and shadow, and frantically fled towards the outskirts of Penglai Fairy Island, one of the nine forbidden areas.

"Eh, the sword pavilion has retreated!"

"Damn it, the people of zhenbaozhai have also withdrawn!"

"My darling, how can the strong man who is stiff and evil escape?"

"Well, the three major forces besieged and killed the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy. Instead of succeeding, they lost a large number of powerful people in martial arts. This time, the three major schools really lost their wives and broke their troops. Not only did they not escape to any advantage, but they also quarreled with the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy endlessly! I believe that if I had known the result would have been so tragic, the head of the three major departments would have regretted even his intestines at this time! "

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"Ha ha, although Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Academy, has inspired the secret method, his fighting power is comparable to that of the superior emperor. If the war breaks out at this moment, I'm afraid that the lives of those elders and strong men in the three main forces will be buried in the forbidden area of Penglai Fairy Island!"

"Ha ha, indeed, now for the three major sectors, withdrawal is the most sensible choice!"

The sound of heated discussion will be spread among the powerful camps of all parties. All the strong people on the scene looked at the figures rushing away in the void and felt a touch of sympathy. After all, the strong people of other sects would make such a decision at this time.

"Ha ha, these guys are very quick to escape!" On the eight array stage, there was a faint smile on the corner of Wu Chen's mouth. The evil spirit of Wu Chen's body gradually stabilized. Without even uttering any cruel words, the leaders of the three major sects all urged the power of law to leave the forbidden area of Penglai Fairy Island.

Brush, brush, brush

The leaders of the three major sects and their elders fled together. All the members of the Academy's Sutra collection Pavilion and the Tianyun sect rushed out to the edge of the eight battle platforms to protect them.The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless, and Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, all fell down with their bodies together, and their bodies fell down on the ground below with an air of futility.

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As you can see, the other major forces around bazhentai, as well as the forces of the demon and beast royal families, all unconsciously retreated tens of meters away, and they had a certain safety distance from the tianyunzong group.

"Jie Jie, it seems to be safe for the time being. It's really a hard job for the demon master who has not recovered his body to occupy the body of traceless boy." A burst of rough and thick words reverberated in Wuhen's mind, and the purple and gold evil spirit around Wuhen rose again, and slowly concentrated towards the place of Wuhen's chest, and rushed away, turning into a purple and gold whirlpool, flowing and wandering towards Wuhen's body.

Boom, boom, boom

At this moment, the original quiet and incomparable battlefield of Bazhen platform was in vain, and it was shaking violently. The light shield of the eight array platform, which was surrounded by guards, was in vain. It turned into a force that could suppress the upper emperor's strong cultivation, and covered the whole eight array platform.

"Brush!" At the same time, a breath of terrifying mysterious force will burst out under the eight battle platforms in a flash. The whole rock like battlefield of the eight battle platforms will turn into smoke and dust in an instant, and the whole person will be covered with death< br>

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