Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 953: 953

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

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The attribute of water and the power of the law of ice rush into Wuhen's body, and within the moment of realizing the sea in Wuhen's brain, there are nine different kinds of perception of the power of the law of ice. The power of these laws is not only the improvement of artistic conception, but also the coldest and purest Xuanli Qi in the world, which is madly nourishing and restoring the consumption of Xuanli Qi in the body of no trace.

"Brush!" At the same time, in another location of the strange confinement space here, the dark and thick tentacles of seaweed vines are all like electric shocks, which are involuntarily stirred into the real chest of demon zunhuoxiao. Moreover, as the purple and golden streamer on the real body of demon zunhuoxiao sped faster and faster, the black vine tentacles that swarmed into it were rapidly changing at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A strange dull sound, continuous turbulence resounded in the forbidden space. Black smoke lines rose out of thin air, all rushing towards the forbidden space. At the same time, the dark and thick hairy things like seaweed grow up on the real body of yaozunhuoxiao.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

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Dark and dim, the tentacles of the vine surged forward, and in the blink of an eye, the real body of the demon zunhuoxiao was completely submerged. And the dark and strange black smoke rose up, and gathered above their heads to form a horrible and strange black mysterious cloud.

At the same time, on the body shape around the real body of the demon zunhuoxiao body, the thick and thick fur like seaweed also spread on every skin of the real body of the demon zunhuoxiao body.

Boom, boom, boom

The black cumulus cloud above is extremely terrifying. It is turbulent and swaying, which makes the whole confinement space around vibrate and sways inexplicably. However, with the growth of the rich hair on the real body of the demon zunhuoxiao, the growth of the sea grass and vines in the void became more and more luxuriant and dense, and the speed of the attack gradually weakened.

"Hoo I don't know how long after that, the agitation in the turbulent confinement space gradually subsided and stabilized. He has been absorbing the power of ice crazily, feeling the power of its law without trace, and suddenly opened his purple and golden eyes, looking at the demon zunhuoxiao who has been completely transformed and covered with thick and thick black hair in front of him.

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"Suddenly A burst of evil spirit blows and blows out, and the fiery red virtual shadow in the state of demon zunhuoxiao soul body quickly flashes and falls on the side of no trace. In the field, the real body of demon zunhuoxiao, which is suspended in the air and twinkles with the purple and golden light of ghosts, is just like a walking corpse who has lost his soul in a moment. It is silly to pestle on the silent void.

"Hum!" A dull sound of dull roar, suddenly without warning of the pan will rise, a purple awn lingering purple wood Dafang Ding Fei also seems to fall in the demon zunhuoxiao body directly below. Then, he saw a purple light rising from the sky and quickly covered the real body of his demon zunhuoxiao on the spot.

"Brush!" The real body of yaozunhuoxiao was slightly stunned, and its huge body suddenly fell down in a flash. Then the purple streamer light slowly weakened again, and the real body of yaozunhuoxiao was once again accepted into Zimu Dafang Dingding, and disappeared.

"Whoosh!" A purple awn like lightning flint general flash away, instantly disappeared in the traceless chest. The stunned traceless figure trembled in vain, which slowly recovered from the shock state.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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In the strange confinement space like death silence, a terrible black cumulus cloud rolls and rushes. It rushes and rushes above the head of no trace. An invisible momentum seems to have locked it. The general general of death is on the body of no trace.

"Damn, old demon, what's the matter? What's the black seaweed vine tentacle just now? And what is the dark cumulus above my head? Is it difficult to succeed? Is this the result of the legendary monster's cultivation? " Traceless handsome face is full of shock color, its body at the moment was inexplicably many from the Wei of a cold air. Obviously, he has just absorbed the power of nine completely different laws of ice and cold, and has obviously influenced and changed Wu trace's own temperament and feelings.

"Cough, demon master, I'm so tired that you can't let me have a rest for a while!" A burst of awkward light cough echoed in Wu trace's mind. A full of evil spirit of purple and gold streamer light and shadow flashed in, and disappeared into Wu trace's body."Damn it, old demon, you're making a mess. You still want to have a rest. It's OK to have a rest. You can get me out of this ghost place first!" Traceless mercilessly rolled his eyes, his eyes swept around his eyes, after confirming that there was no other threat and danger, he took a breath in his heart.

"Hey, traceless boy, to tell you the truth, the dark and strong vine tentacles just now are just the result of the hair scattered on the demon master's real body! It is estimated that before the demon master, I secretly used the evil spirit to fight against you and kill the enemy, and inadvertently touched and untied the seal of the confinement in Penglai Fairy Island. Only then can we be absorbed by mistake and involved in this strange confinement space. "

"Fortunately, now all crises have been touched. My real body is not more perfect, and you also benefit from misfortune, so that you can understand the power of ice law more completely. For us, this crisis has benefited a lot and benefited a lot."

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"Damn, you're big. How can I listen to you? I feel like I've been trapped by you? You tell me to be honest. Have you already noticed the smell of your body and hair scattered here? " Traceless a pair of bright purple golden pupil quickly a turn, suddenly in the mind to the demon respect fire Xiao repeatedly questioned and accused.

"Haha, it's a beautiful misunderstanding, demon master. I can guarantee it with my demon character!"

"I believe in you, you bad old man, you are very bad!" Traceless turned his eyes hard, for the demon respect fire Xiao's oath is still skeptical attitude.

At this moment, the black cumulus clouds gathered at the top of no trace's head are more and more frenzied, and the dark black lightning flashes are also more and more low, and an invisible pressure momentum is shrouded in no trace's body, Make originally still have to say to have smile of no trace, the facial expression on its handsome face instantly then become dignified severe incomparable rise< br>

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