Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 954: 954

Boom, boom, boom

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The terrible black lightning and thunder resounded in the strange and silent confinement space. The dark cumulus mixed with the extremely gloomy sense of oppression spread and shrouded. A strange breath instantly locked the whole person firmly in place, making every sweat pore on the body of traceless burst up.

"Cough, traceless boy, rush out of this confinement space quickly, otherwise, when you get here, the power of black clouds will explode, even if you are the body of heavy refining body, you will not be able to resist the power of thunder coming down from the black clouds!" The voice of demon zunhuo Xiao is rough and steady, resounding in traceless mind again. Then, a mysterious and strange purple gold evil spirit lingered and surged out, covering the whole body without trace.

"Hoo A dreary turbid air came out of Wuchen's mouth. The cold light flashed in Wuchen's purple and golden eyes. He looked coldly at the black cloud above his head, which was full of destruction and was constantly flashing with thunder and lightning. Then he saw no trace as if he had made up his mind. Suddenly, he soared up and rushed to the black cloud with flashing black lightning light.

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"Brush!" In a twinkling, in the strange dark and dark confinement space, the power of nine kinds of ice attribute rules diffused and burst out at the same time. With a purple golden streamer rising out of the air, the power of nine kinds of ice attribute rules suddenly filled the strange and mysterious confinement space.

Click, click, click

A series of crisp and strange sounds spread over the dark and dark confinement space. A mountain of dark cumulus clouds with the meaning of terror, killing, thunder and robbery suddenly trembled violently, and then the air of frost covered and spread, The dark Jiyun cloud, which is surging and ready to move, freezes and solidifies rapidly, making the purple and golden streamer rush out of the area covered by the dark cumulus cloud in the blink of an eye. Moreover, after the purple golden streamer broke through the blockade and bondage of the cumulus clouds, its speed of galloping and attacking was doubled, as if to rush out of the blockade and bondage of this strange confined space, so as to get rid of the bondage of the dark cumulus clouds and achieve its ultimate goal of escaping from the sky.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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With the purple and golden streamer like a puff of smoke, the thick ice covering the strange cumulus clouds quickly disintegrated. And the strange cumulus clouds with a full sense of destruction seemed to have suffered some kind of provocation and humiliation. They rushed up like crazy, followed the place where the purple and golden streamer light and shadow had just disappeared, and frantically followed the pursuit.

Boom, boom, boom

The earth shakes and the mountain shakes and the sound of a deafening roar of terror reverberates one after another, and the strange and mysterious confinement space collapses in an instant, It became a force of such terrible prohibition laws, which disappeared in the dark and dark void around it.

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In the outside world, it has been several months since Wuhen was taken in from the forbidden area. In addition to a few big clan leaders who still sit around the eight battle platforms every day, the elders of the other big clan forces, the leaders of the major dynasties, and the powerful families of the great kings have long since disappeared, They retired and returned to their respective spheres of influence, waiting for news.

Even a group of eight powerful monsters, all of whom were sent back by their masters. Today, among the eight demon king families, only the leaders of the eight demon king families and dozens of core elders of the eight demon king families with extremely outstanding status, combat power, are still quietly waiting around the eight array platform, led by the spirit Master.

On the side of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, all the disciples, including the elders of Tianyun sect, have completely retreated to Tianyun sect and the holy book mountain. At the moment, only Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, and Zhen Shengcai, the old master of astrology hall, are waiting outside the bazhengtai. They are mysterious and old-fashioned The hunched elder brother Hua Buyu, the master of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, joined hands with three major schools, Jiange, JIANGSHA, zhenbaozhai, and so on. Instead of taking advantage of them, he was killed by the six disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

Once the news came, all the people in the six states were shocked. The reputation of the Holy Land book mountain was once again shocked. The performance of the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy spread to every corner of the six states in mainland China.

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For a while, all the forces in Liuzhou and the strong forces of the secluded sanxiu sent the young generation of disciples with great potential and talent to rush out and rush into Tianyun sect. All of them are united in the name of learning from teachers, trying to find opportunities to get into the eyes of the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, so as to practice and study in the holy land of books, and finally become a part of the strongest holy land of the six states in the eyes of the people!Such a huge move made Tianyun sect become one of the most popular sect forces for several months. The nine inner gates of Tianyun sect and the eighteen outer gates of Tianyun sect are busy from white to black all day long. On the one hand, they compete and select qualified and good-natured young disciples to join the sect. On the other hand, they step up their guard day and night to prevent the other three sects from invading and attacking.

At the same time, Jiange, jiangshadao, zhenbaozhai, and the three major forces, as if nothing had happened, were all trapped in their own sphere of influence. There is no sign that these three major forces have changed their behavior in the slightest way. It is obvious that they have been oppressed and awed by the recent momentum of tianyunzong's massive expansion of strength.

Strange to say, since the Tianyun sect, the three major sects have been silent and have not made any response. Among the other four major sects, the Buddhists, the Bixia palace, the animal God Temple, the ghost and devil sect, there are powerful people of the level of deputy Temple master who look at each other and move around very closely and frequently, This can not help but make the rest of the six states, as well as the powerful members of the major dynastic forces and families, smell a strange smell from the seemingly calm six states< br>

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