Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 955: 955

Boom, boom, boom

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A few months after the disappearance of traceless, the mask of the power of confinement shrouded the collapsed and disappeared land of bazhentai. There were bursts of roars and explosions from Turks, and even the power of the blockade of the surrounding confined space vibrated violently. And with the sound of this terrible explosion more and more resounding, the surrounding areas of this Bazhen platform all collapsed and collapsed.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

As you can see, the leaders of all the major forces around us, as well as the leaders of all the major demon and beast families, rose up in the air together. On top of the body shape of the emperor's peak state, each one of them quietly spread a breath of the power of law, which is so terrifying and lingering.

At the same time, in the void in the distance, there are dozens of shadowy figures rising up, and the power of divine consciousness is released and spread. All the strong people who are sent by other forces to observe and stay behind are also exhausted. They can't wait to gather their eyes together into the space of the eight array platform.


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After a series of terrible turbulence, the sound of shock resounds in the confined space, and then strange dark air clouds rush up into the sky, turning them into dark lightning flashes with destructive air, rapidly converging and enveloping on the outside void, forming a kind of lightning flash It's dark and dark. It's a terrible convolution of cumulus clouds.

"Why, what the hell is that?"

"Cough, the dark cumulus cloud made me feel a little flustered and uneasy! This kind of pressure is definitely beyond the scope of the powerful people in the realm of soul transforming. Is it possible to break the realm and rob the clouds? "

"Damn it, it's the threshold for Emperor Wu to enter the realm of soul refining. Once the robbery is successful, you can understand the artistic conception of the emperor, and become the great power of Emperor Wu. You can really command and frighten the six states! "

"Well, if our six states are really out of the realm of soul refining, then why should we fear the contempt and humiliation of the other three states..."

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Around the place where the eight array platform belongs, the eyes of the masters of the major forces and the masters of the major demon and beast families all shine at the same time, All of us are looking forward to the dark cloud of robbery.

Although the mainland of China is known as the Kyushu, except for the six states of Dongzhou, Xizhou, Nanzhou, beizhou, Zhongzhou, Qingzhou and so on. The other three states, the barren state, the extreme state, the holy state, all have the soul refining realm, and the powerful of Emperor Wu can be in charge. Therefore, the six states were isolated and despised by the other three states, and even became a barbarian land.

Today, the six states are still able to survive, and are not invaded and annexed by the other three states. All of these are restricted by the rules set by the Lord of mainland China when the nine states were unified.

That is to say, there is no one who is powerful in the soul refining realm in a state, and no one from other states is allowed to attack. If the powerful forces of Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm violate the rules and restrictions set by the God of China, they will be punished by the God of China.

In the past, there was also a legend that Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm didn't believe in this legend and violated the rules and restrictions set by the God of China in front of all the powerful people in Kyushu.

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On that day, lightning and thunder suddenly broke out, and a land of thunder came down from the sky. Emperor Wu, the powerful and powerful soul refining land, was killed by the terrible thunder on the spot! In the soul refining realm, the power of Emperor Wu disappeared in an instant, and even the power of resistance did not show.

It can be seen from this that the power of the God in the legend is enough to deter and kill the powerful and powerful master of Kyushu.

It was after that incident that the powerful forces in the soul refining realm of the three states did not dare to interfere with the struggle between the forces in the six states. However, the three states will still send different Imperial forces to garrison in turn every hundred years, silently observing the development process of various forces in the six states. Of course, the powerful forces in the three prefectures are all known to the outside world, claiming that they are in order to maintain the order of martial arts in the six prefectures, so as to prevent the powerful forces in the six prefectures from killing innocent people in vain.

However, the powerful people in the six prefectures are just like the mirror in their hearts. The three prefectures have been secretly monitoring and controlling the six prefectures in turn.

After all, once a powerful sect has talented demonic disciples, they will be valued and recruited by the Imperial forces in the three states, which will reduce the chance of the powerful in the six states. If there is still no strong soul refining empire in the six states within a thousand years, then the protection of the God will be invalid automatically, and the Empire forces of the barren state, Jizhou, Shengzhou and the other three states can march into the six states, thus dividing the six states.At that time, the former land of Kyushu in mainland China will be completely reduced to a barren state, a holy state, and a place of imperial power in the three states!

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These tacit secrets are well known to all the major forces in the six prefectures and among the forces of the major monster kings, all the elders above the core position. This is also the result of the emergence of the dark thunder cloud in the void, which is now the leader of all the forces and the leaders of the major monster kings, This is one of the most fundamental reasons why people are looking forward to and excited.

"Brush!" Just as the masters of all powerful forces were all concentrating on gazing over the void, another purple and golden streamer of light and shadow rose from the bottom of the collapsed and disappeared octahedron without warning. At the same time, there was no black, and nine completely different forces of ice and cold rules suddenly appeared just below the surging eight array platform. Moreover, the power of these nine completely different laws of ice and cold burst out wildly and violently, making it as dark as the space directly below the bottomless abyss black hole, and rapidly freezing into a piece of ice layer with wave light and cold light.

Click, click, click

In the void, the dark thunder cumulus cloud, which was already restless, suddenly became more frantic and irritable in the moment when the purple and golden streamer rose to the sky. In addition, a destructive momentum released and locked out, locking the body of the purple and golden streamer light and shadow that just rushed out firmly in the closed void of the confined space, and there was no place to avoid the shield< br>

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