Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 960: 960


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There are all kinds of mysterious laws of power, and the light and shadow of the sword, which are full of ancient flavor, are all over the sky. They become nine ancient characters. The virtual shadow of the sword rises up side by side, and they join together in a row, crashing down against the empty sky above. The palm of the dark hand collides head-on.

"Brush!" Suddenly, the light and shadow of the nine color ancient characters released at the same time nine completely different forces of the Xuanli law, which turned into a terrible Xuanli law, and burst into full bloom. The dark giant hand was completely covered. Then, nine completely different forces of law quickly merged into one place, and turned into a force of ancient simplicity, as if to seal the dark hand in the void, which was extremely terrifying.

Click, click, click

A heavy muffled sound, in the semi suspended in the dark will rise, the dark hand slowly and hard fall, the dark hand inside the palm of the thunder force constantly crazy impact, this is surrounded by the nine character ancient sword power of imprisonment and bondage.

"Eh, this boy has blocked the thunder disaster from the sky?"

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"Ha ha, this ancient Chinese character sword technique has such a wonderful effect. It's extraordinary. It's really extraordinary!"

"Cluck, this sword technique is so mysterious. No wonder people in the sword Pavilion will do anything for it!"

"Amitabha, the human heart is not old, the snake swallows the elephant. It's better to follow the fate and not force it!"

Outside the confinement space, the masters of the major forces and the masters of the major demon and beast families were all stunned and praised at this time. I didn't expect that in the face of such a terrible thunderstorm, no trace not only didn't die on the spot as many people imagined, but also once again used the super strong sword skill as a secret to resist.

Obviously, looking at today's scene, the dark hand was obviously restrained by the ancient word sword. Maybe if we persist in this way and have no trace, we can really avoid this disaster.

As a result, more and more people are shocked by the shock in the hearts of the leaders of the larger forces, and they are especially looking forward to the potential shown by no trace in front of them.

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Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

With the gradual invasion of the palm of the black giant hand, the palm of the black giant hand finally completely touched and collided with the force barrier of the nine character sword. The roar of terror in my ears is earth shaking, and the confinement boundary in the whole confinement space is swaying with the wind and rain.

Click, click, click

The slight sounds were more and more loud. The force barrier of the nine character sword quickly and violently trembled, and then a series of clearly visible tiny cracks suddenly exposed, and with the speed visible to the naked eye, they quickly broke and spread.

"Boom!" There was another deafening roar in the air. The power of the nine color ancient word Jian Yi was shattered on the spot. Then it turned into a raging light and shadow of Jian Yi. It was covered by the dark thunder cloud and swallowed in the air.

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Boom, boom, boom

With the disappearance of the power of the nine color ancient word sword, the hand of the dark hand, which had been almost stagnant in the air, trembled again in vain. In a moment, it was like a wild horse that had lost its rein. It fell from top to bottom, with a terrible smell of destruction Then he went to the bottom of the body without trace.

"Hoo Staring at the sky without trace all the time, the purple and gold streamer flashed in vain, and there was a faint purple and gold lightning light all over the body. In addition, the purple and golden evil spirit in his body and the sword power burst out quickly merged together. Without trace, the whole person stood on the spot like a thunder sword, and locked the palm of his dark hand on the spot.

"Jiuxiao dragon Jue, Xiaozi sword Jue, a sword moves jiuxiao, thunder breaks all armies..." a burst of ethereal, empty and bright voice, instantly the dark evil spirit was involved in the retreat into the traceless body. The momentum of Wu trace, who was already ready to go, rose to the extreme in an instant. On the spot, the whole person turned into a purple light and shadow twinkling away, and rushed to the void like death.

Boom, boom, boom

The purple and gold streamer sword soared to the sky, and hit the palm of the dark hand heavily. On the palm of the dark hand, the black thunder robber came out in a frenzy, and was in a stalemate with the purple and golden thunder sword. And the huge, dark hand with dark thunder appeared in the middle of the palm, as if to suppress the unyielding purple and golden thunder into the void.

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Bang Bang Bang Bang

There was a terrible dull sound, and the purple and golden thunder light and shadow were scattered by the black thunder. The dark palm of the hand was shaking violently in vain. A breath of destruction burst out directly from the palm of the hand, and all of a sudden, it bombed in the sky The road is fighting to resist the power of black thunder on the body of purple golden thunder light and shadow."Poof!" A purple golden streamer, blood flowing in the void, and then you can see that purple golden streamer's body quickly falling down. The power of the thunder sword that haunted him was weakening, and the breath of the purple and gold streamer light and shadow began to become extremely weak and slow down.

"Boom!" A huge sound resounded between heaven and earth. Without trace, the whole person fell heavily on the ground which was frozen by the law of ice below. And the black thunder force above his head followed him crazily, and without giving him a chance to breathe, he killed him on his body. In addition, the huge, dark hands and hands of Turks came after them, covering the sky and blocking the sun. They fell straight from the sky, and then they came towards the weak body with no trace.

"Cough, old demon, are you afraid of death?" At this moment, the body of no trace is full of the power of black thunder. The black hand is about to kill on its body full of purple, golden and evil spirit. At this time, many scenes of the past have flashed in no trace's mind, and his heart is full of desolation and solemn!

"Ha ha, I'm afraid of a ball. I've never been dead! Besides, didn't you die once? " The rough words of yaozunhuoxiao ring quietly again, as if they are telling a very common thing, free and easy.

Below, the eternal Heaven and earth in the body of no trace is madly urged to rise. Hongmeng's chaotic purple Qi constantly resists the power of heimanglei. A pair of bright and clear purplish gold eyes gradually become a little hazy. In a trance, he seems to see a rickety old body standing in front of his body He gently raised his head and looked into the void< br>

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