Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 961: 961

"Brush!" An extremely gentle power of Xuanli law covers and spreads over the traceless body, and the dark leimang cloud robbing power that constantly invades the body rises rapidly and madly. However, the gentle power of Xuanli's law quickly diffused out the fragrance and fragrance of his heart and spleen, which made the originally confused body without trace tremble in vain, and his whole body recovered a trace of strength again.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

With a dull sound, the dark thunder and cloud robbing power left on the whole body of traceless disappeared. However, the whole person without trace fell into a confused state, and his divine consciousness was in vain. His eyes, which had already begun to become turbid, flashed with brilliant purple and golden light again.

"Elder martial brother..."

"It's him..."

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Lying flat and on the ice covered ground, the light in his eyes is more and more dazzling and sharp. The figure in front of him is Hua Buyu, a very old master of the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy. But at the moment, the master brother Hua Buyu's rickety figure was slowly and straightly heard, as if he was a very resolute sword, and stood in the side of the traceless figure without fear.

Gulu, Gulu

On both sides, the heads of the major forces and the heads of the demon and beast families of all forces were all in a daze. All of them looked at the elder master Hua in the confinement space with incredible eyes. They just felt that there was a wave of power in the void, I didn't expect that Hua Buyu, the elder master of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, was in the power of shuttling and confinement. He quietly turned into invisible and appeared in front of Liu Wuchen's body.

What's more, the power of law just released by Hua Buyu to Wu trace obviously belongs to the power of healing law, which will lead to Wu trace's spirit and body re ignite and recover in such a broken time. In addition, Hua Buyu moves into the confinement space, It can be seen that Hua Buyu, the master of Sutra Pavilion in the Academy, is not only good at the power of space shuttle law, but also has the power of self-healing law recovery.

Besides, is Hua Buyu, the eldest disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion in Tangtang academy, really only good at the power of the double extraordinary laws displayed by him? At the moment, the masters of the major forces and the masters of the demon and beast families can no longer be calm in their hearts. Just the master brother Hua Buyu's attitude of calmly facing the power of thunder in the Kambe Empire makes many of the top leaders on the list of six states feel ashamed and ashamed.

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Boom, boom, boom

The terrible heimanglei robbery attacked again, and all of them went to kill the elder master Hua Buyu's straight old figure. As soon as the shadow of the huge hand, which is as black as the sky, blows down, it comes straight to the body of the elder master Hua Buyu.

Brush, brush, brush

Master brother Hua Buyu's aging figure was still straight, and his body burst out with fragrance in vain. At the same time, there are countless fallen petals in the void, which quickly become colorful and accurate falling, blocking the killing route of heimanglei.

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"Eh, this is the king among the flower spirits of the plant Department, Wanhua spirit?" The voice of demon zunhuoxiao reverberates again, which makes Wu trace, who slowly climbs up on the ground and sits with his knees crossed, feel violent and sudden again.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The sound of a clear sound, like one after another repeatedly resounding, wantonly falling petals of all kinds of falling flowers bloom at the same time. Quickly gathered into an invisible petal falling light and shadow mask, and then the body shape of Fang no trace was firmly wrapped and protected on the spot.

"Elder martial brother..." I feel that the petals of ten thousand flowers gather around me, and the refreshing fragrance seems to flow into the traceless body. The whole petal guard mask is full of the power of healing law, and it makes up and repairs the wounds of the whole person.

"Ha ha, you didn't disappoint master!" A burst of bright but extremely young hearty laughter came out quietly from the mouth of the master brother Hua Buyu. With the wrinkled face of the master brother Hua Buyu, it seemed particularly abrupt and extremely incongruous.

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"Elder martial brother, you..." feeling the rapid recovery of the body injury without trace, suddenly a Zheng, extremely puzzled looking to the elder martial brother Hua Buyu. Then, the elder master Hua Buyu's figure suddenly burst out, the petals of falling flowers glowed, and his rickety old figure expanded rapidly.

"Brush!" In a twinkling, the elder master Hua Buyu was surrounded by thousands of petals, and the whole body was full of vigor and vitality. Moreover, in the light and shadow alternation of petals, an extremely calm and experienced middle-aged man with a sense of sureness appears at a glance, while the one without cover is quickly exposed in the lingering cover of petals."Damn, this is the real face of the master brother Hua Buyu!" A burst of tension to suffocation of breathing, from the bottom of the meditation breathing without trace mouth faint spit out, without trace only feel heart at the moment as if ten thousand horses galloping general blood boiling, looking at not far in front of that elegant extraordinary middle-aged man figure, stupefied.

"Ha ha, sixth younger martial brother, you have done well enough. Next, I'll give it to my elder martial brother to solve it for you." A burst of hearty laughter came out from the master brother Hua Buyu's mouth. Hua Buyu, who turned into a middle-aged man's real body, was extremely sophisticated and calm. It seemed that even his elegant temperament could infect others, so that others would feel a sense of sureness and stability just by looking at him.

"Gulu!" Who is the master in huabuyu's mouth, and why is huabuyu old all day? Although there are many questions in Wuchen's heart at the moment, he can only restrain his curiosity and stop talking. Finally, he looks at the elder master Hua Buyu, smiles a little and says a word from his heart, saying: "elder martial brother, be careful. I will have a good drink with you when I get back to the book mountain!"

"Ha ha, good good good, if you dare to speak and don't keep your promise, I will not beat you Hearing the smooth words without trace, the elder master Hua's speechless and elegant face showed a satisfied smile in vain. Immediately, an old wine gourd full of oil stains appeared in the palm of the master brother Hua speechless, and a strong smell of liquor poured into his open mouth< br>

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