Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 962: 962

"Poof!" A mouthful of strong and pungent liquor is sprayed in the semi suspension, and a scorching air of Xuanli law will explode along with the sprayed liquor vapor. A red and hot continuous sea of fire is formed by cavitation, which completely covers the palm of the black giant hand which is smashed in the air.

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Tear, tear, tear

The terrible sea of fire in the air was burning its dark hands, and even the black cloud around it was engulfed. The endless black cloud is full of thunder and lightning, but it can't easily get rid of the red and hot sea of fire.

"Bang!" There was a violent turbulence and swaying in the air, and it was as dark as the sun. The huge hand fell down and blasted the terrible and hot continuous sea of fire to open a damaged gap. The terrible sea of fire quickly gathered again in the void, and fought with the just imprisoned place, where the black thunder continued to fight fiercely.

"Boom!" At the moment when the mighty dark hand broke through the shackles of the sea of fire, a breath of destruction spread to the ground below. I saw that the dark hand was full of the power of the law of destruction, and its momentum had absolutely exceeded the full blow of the superior emperor.

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"Brush!" The breath of terror and destruction locked away the silent flower and the traceless cover protected by the petal barrier. And the dark hand completely covered their bodies, and they were killing and destroying them with the power of lightning.

"Keke..." under the protection of Wanhua petal mask, Wu trace only felt a violent turbulence and swaying in the surrounding space, and the breath of destruction constantly washed and impacted on the Wanhua petal mask. The light fragrance diffuses in the body shape of no trace, which makes the waves just rising in the heart of no trace calm again.

"Brush!" A great, natural and extraordinary power of the law of Xuanli is continuously released from the elder martial brother Hua Buyu, and the breath of realm from the elder martial brother Hua Buyu reaches the level of cultivation of the highest realm of Emperor Wu. Moreover, a trace of the supreme power of the soul refining realm and the emperor realm is also being exposed in the body of the elder master Hua speechless.

"Damn it, this is the power of the Empire!" The demon building, the leader of the demon sect, was staring at the whole body with admiration and the figure of Hua Bu Yu, who was haunted by the emperor's power.

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"Ah, Emperor Wu of soul refining realm? This guy actually controls the artistic conception of the emperor, but why does his cultivation still stay in the realm of transforming the soul and the realm of the emperor's peak cultivation? " The main demon building of the animal temple was puzzled. Looking at the dark giant hand in front of him, which was only a few meters away from the master brother Hua Buyu, he was speechless!

"Cluck, is it that this guy has already realized the artistic conception of the emperor, but is deliberately suppressing his own cultivation, in order to make a more complete and successful breakthrough and become emperor Wu in the realm of soul refining?" The two palace masters of Bixia palace were all stunned at the same time. Zixia fairy, the second palace master, was even more surprised. After a long time, he slowly told the truth of his mind.

"Amitabha, there are so many talented people in our six states. At such an age, we can feel the artistic conception of the emperor. Hua Buyu, the eldest disciple of the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy, is incomparable in the same realm!" Master Qingchan, the leader of Buddhists in the six states, was full of a faint smile in his eyes. He spoke in praise of the people around him.

"Ha ha, the flowers do not speak, the fengfeifei, the waterless, the peak of the third Martial emperor of the Academy's Sutra Pavilion, and the abnormal secret sword power of Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Academy, make people look forward to the Sutra Pavilion of this generation Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, had a stronger smile in their eyes. Looking at the dark giant hand in front of them, they felt a touch of worry.

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"Well, even if he understands the artistic conception of the emperor, it's only half step Emperor Wu at best. If you want to fight against the giant hand who is more terrible than robbing leimang, he must have life to survive... "A very harsh cold hum came from the mouth of Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace. Qingxia fairy seems to despise huabuyu's heroic act of fighting against heiyun thunder. Her words are full of disdain and hostility.

On the other side, the heads of the eight monster kings stood side by side in the air, but all the powerful elders of the eight monster kings under their command had already gone out for a long time. The eight monsters are led by the spirit Master. The spirit Master's deep and wise eyes are constantly shining, staring at the two vague figures in the distant space, and I don't know what to think.

"Old demon, elder martial brother, can he withstand the power of thunder robbery?" No trace, who is sitting cross legged, is full of worry in his eyes. He quickly communicates with the demon zunhuoxiao and asks."Jie Jie, refining the soul to be the emperor. How can the soul be broken without refining? This battle is a crisis, but it is also a chance! If he can bear this disaster, Emperor Wu will be born in the six states. From then on, the six states are likely to face a unified situation, which is also a once-in-a-lifetime chance for him... "Demon zunhuoxiao laughs strangely and slowly comforts Wu trace. The greatest pursuit of martial arts and Taoism is perfection. There are certain risks in breaking through cultivation. However, some of their concerns about the elder martial arts brother Hua Buyu are confused. When they think of Wuchen, they calm down again.

Click, click, click

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As the palm of the dark hand suddenly fell down, the invisible force of confinement that was originally around the eight array platform sprang up in a flash, producing bursts of fine lines and cracks. Moreover, the cracks on these confinement barriers became more and more obvious, There are faint signs that they may break at any time.

"Dong!" Even at the moment, there was a continuous roar of terror from the body protected by the petal light shield, which forced the body to stop breathing to recover the injury, and once again urged the remaining Xuanli Qi in the body to release the power of Xuanli law that it could urge.

"Brush!" Seeing this, it seems to be aware of the crisis of the place where no trace is located. A fiery sea of fire burst out on Hua Buyu's body without any sign. Then he saw a huge shadow of the martial spirit of ten thousand flowers, which seemed to have petals of ten thousand flowers.

"Whoosh!" The elder master Hua Buyu stepped on the empty shadow of Wanhua's martial spirit and rushed to the hand of the dark giant hand, which was close to the top and was extremely terrifying< br>

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