Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 963: 963

Boom, boom, boom

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The huge hand, which was as black as the sky and the sun, smashed down, and suddenly collided with the elder master Hua Buyu. There was a violent turbulence and shaking in the air, and then the barrier of the confinement force in the confined space broke in court, turned into the vanishing light and shadow, all turned into nothingness and disappeared in the vast void.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

Thousands of petals are scattered from the semi suspended air. At this time, the brilliant and fragrant petals all become dim, while the endless power of heimanglei's plunder spreads wildly around, engulfing and destroying the original power of the eight battle platform.

"No, stop them On both sides, Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, were the first to react, and their body quickly bloomed the power of the law, which was once again integrated into the light mask of the power of imprisonment.

"I rely on, urge the power of the law with all one's strength, absolutely can't let out the gas of terrible destruction!" The masters of the other major forces also realized the power and terror of the destructive breath, and one after another injected the power of the law of Xuanli into the master of the front confinement barrier.

"Amitabha, Lord of spirit, please do the same for the king of monsters. Otherwise, I'm afraid none of us can leave here easily!" The green Zen master of the Tantra sect frowned and looked at the leader of the spirit clan and others and slowly asked for help.

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"Good!" Obviously, the spirit Master is also aware of the crisis around him at this time, and even without hesitation, he releases the power of Xuanli law in his body and injects it into the confinement barrier in front of him.

As a result, all the other seven lords of the demon and beast families helped each other. For a moment, dozens of powerful people of the supreme emperor's peak cultivation burst out, and the edge of Penglai Fairy Island, one of the nine forbidden areas, was shaken by a violent sea.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

The sound of continuous roar and explosion, the sound of turbulence and incessant resounding, the dark thunder power flying around constantly bombards in the force of the confinement barrier jointly exerted by all the people. The barrier of imprisonment, which was crumbling and could be broken at any time, now seems to be standing still.

However, the masters of all forces released the power of the law of Xuanli in their bodies without reservation, and they were in a stalemate with the power of the dark awn robbing the clouds and the fierce tug saw.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

Just when the power of the surrounding Xuanli barrier was almost still, a more violent and destructive atmosphere burst out in the original place of the eight array platform.

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In the void, the hand of the giant hand, which was as terrible as the sky, had completely slapped and pounded on the body of the elder martial brother Hua Buyu, who was flying from below. The terrible smell of destruction was madly pounding on the whole body of the elder martial brother, which made the hot flame of his bodyguard disappear on the spot.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

There was no sign of a pause in the terrible dark hand. Suddenly, it penetrated through the sea of fire and continued to smash down. The elder martial brother Hua Buyu's skin was covered with petals of thousands of flowers, and the spirits of thousands of flowers were blooming with incomparable brilliance And refreshing fragrance and aroma.

Boom, boom, boom

As soon as the huge and terrifying black hand blows down, he is afraid to hit the elder master Hua Buyu's figure in the package covered by the black cloud. And the terrible power of destruction completely poured out, without any waste, it accurately attacked and fell on the elegant figure of the master brother Hua speechless and full of petals.

"Boom!" The hand of the giant hand completely collided with the body of the elder master Hua Buyu, and the breath of destruction spread all over his body in an instant. The crystal clear petals of the ten thousand flowers quickly turned into a dead black and withered and scattered.

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At the same time, in the moment when Wanhua petals have just disappeared, the martial spirit of Wanhua, which master brother huabuyu's body and feet are stepping on, is once again powerful. A piece of pink Wanhua petals, which are crystal clear like a newborn baby, are breeding again, and the master brother huabuyu's body has no sense of disobedience.

"Brush!" The hand of the terrible black giant hand showed a crushing situation, which madly resisted the body of the master brother Hua speechless, making his body unable to resist the violent atmosphere of destruction, so he had to resist the attack of the surrounding black thunder, at the same time, he quickly dropped his body to the sky, which was scattered in the void.

Whoosh, whoosh, whooshA trace of the power momentum containing the meaning of the emperor's realm is continuously released from the body of the elder master Hua Buyu. The palm of the dark giant hand close to the body of the elder master Hua Buyu trembles slightly, and the destructive power released by the palm of the giant hand is faintly weakened and shaken.

"Hoo A dreary turbid air came out of the mouth of the elder master Hua Buyu, who was full of blue tendons all over his body. Two sharp cold lights suddenly flashed on his elegant face. The blood in the whole body seemed to be ignited and burned in an instant, and the momentum on his body rose wildly. Immediately, he saw that the elder master Hua Buyu had turned into a blood red light and shadow, and rushed to the most violent center of the dark giant hand.

Boom, boom, boom

In the void, I heard the terrible roar of a moving position. A blood red light and shadow immediately hit in the palm of the dark hand. A steady stream of imperial power bloomed out without reservation, and the palm of the hand of the dark giant hand was suddenly broken, a huge black broken gap.


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As soon as the palm of the dark hand was broken, the terrible breath of destruction flew away in an instant. The originally static confinement barrier around it was shocked in vain, and then it turned into a ruin, engulfed by the terrible momentum of destruction.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

Without the power of confinement barrier, the destructive momentum of terror was scattered everywhere, and the figures of the main forces were exposed to the attack scope of the destructive atmosphere. Then, all the figures retreated rapidly, The corners of the mouth of the powerful leader of each side unconsciously showed a touch of bright red blood.

"This guy has burned his own spirit. It seems that he has nothing to say to you, the sixth younger martial brother!" Yao zunhuoxiao's rough voice was full of shock and emotion. It was obvious that he was extremely surprised by the crazy behavior of master brother Hua Buyu.

"Elder martial brother!" Below, under the protection of petal light shield, the weakest traceless was affected by the breath of terror and destruction. At this moment, two tears appeared in his purple and golden eyes, staring at the blood red shadow burning with blood essence and blood in the void for a long time< br>

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