Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 987: 987

In the fallen demon city, the statue of the demon God stands on the square of the city, and the demons of the heavenly demons come in an endless stream, stopping at a distance of 100 meters. Then, a series of demons released their evil spirit and began to explore into the lifelike and towering statue of the demon God in the field.

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"Brush!" In a short time, the fierce and bloody killing and maltreating evil spirit surged out, and turned into black and red evil spirit waves. The evil spirit breath was accurate, and all of them bombarded and rushed into the body of the evil man practitioner who had just released the evil spirit and resonated with the statue of the evil God, thus causing the resonance of the evil spirit.

"Suddenly At the same time, just when the statue of the demon God resonates with dozens of demons, the power of bewitching the demons in the heaven and the earth burst out, and the spirit of bewitching the demons merged with the spirit of the demons, quietly pouring into the body of every strong demons who caused the resonance of the demons.

"Damn, the power of their evil will is rising. If they all practice like this, then the evil people will have to go against the heaven!" No trace hard swallow saliva, staring at the side around that each momentum greatly increased the devil, strong heart is a burst of inexplicable shock.

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If the statue of the demon God is really so magical, can the demons of that day come here to practice every day? The speed of practicing magic attack with the help of the statue of the demon God is much faster than the power of absorbing the evil Qi of heaven and earth, or even the power of plundering the evil wings of others by sacrificing their lives to kill, It is safer and safer to cultivate through the statue of demon God.

"Ha ha, how can there be such a cheap thing? You think too much!" Jialou's voice came out out of time again, and immediately broke up the idea of no trace. His pretty face is full of bad smiles. Obviously, it's far less simple to practice and comprehend through this statue of demon God.

"Cluck, you can understand through the statue of the demon God. Each demon man can only practice martial arts once a year! In addition, the time of feeling and understanding in each place should not exceed half an hour, otherwise, you will be bewitched and induced by the evil Qi in the heaven and earth, and you will lose your mind completely and go into the devil! " Jialuomei's eyes moved slightly and whispered in secret. She warned wutrace in secret.

"Hoo A dreary turbid air slowly spits out from Wuhen's mouth. Wuhen's just surprised look is just as good as before. If there is no restriction, you can understand and feel the statue of the demon God. I'm afraid the demon people of the demon clan will have been refined that day. Fortunately, this statue has both advantages and disadvantages. It's no wonder that the people of the demon clan have great awe for the demon God. As before, large-scale statues of the demon God have been set up in every city, and each statue of the demon God has the strange power to bewitch the demon. What's more, the cultivation of the planner of the statue of the demon God, It must have been far beyond the level that no trace can touch or even imagine.

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"Jie Jie, the evil spirit resonates, and you can feel the evil spirit. So it is, so it is. Tianzun, you really have a good abacus. No wonder, no wonder you were better than me in the war between you and me in the past. The evil spirit of your day was a little bit cruel to your own people..." a very strange and ironic laugh, In the mind of no trace quietly breeding. Demon zunhuoxiao's rough words were full of anger and killing intention, which made the traceless figure standing in the same place shudder again and tremble slightly.

"Old demon..." felt the indignation of demon zunhuoxiao, and no trace was also inexplicably sentimental. In the six realms and nine heavens, one of the giant characters in the demon world was destroyed, the spirit was imprisoned and the hell came to an end. I think that demon zunhuoxiao must be a very tragic and pitiful person in his life.

"Damn, don't be surprised, you little boy. You'll be watched later. What should you do?" Jia Lou rolled his eyes with a speechless face and told Wu trace that he was extremely angry.

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"Keke, I'm sorry. I've lost my manners! By the way, brother Jialou, you just said that the statue of the demon God contains a big secret. I don't know what Xinmi it is? " No trace once again clear throat, very sorry to see the floor of a look, then no trace quietly to its voice, again picked up the previous topic.

"Ha ha, it's not really Xinmi to say it's Xinmi. It's a secret that we Tianmo clansmen know by heart!" Jia Lou smiles mysteriously again and whispers back to Wu trace. Traceless face of inexplicable, but did not interrupt, still choose to listen quietly.

"It's said that ten thousand years ago, there were many demons and demons. At that time, the exuberance and purity of the magic Qi in heaven and earth was far beyond what we can aspire to now. And we, the demons, were born from heaven and earth in that ancient time. It is said that the heaven devil is born from the evil Qi of the world, so he has no bottleneck and restriction to practice magic skill. "

"It's said that after only one hundred years in the world, the demon God defeated his contemporaries and became the master of the demon land. Later generations will call him the demon God!""After the demons and Demons unified the demons and demons, they created the power distribution of the demons and demons. According to legend, these statues were made by the demons and Demons themselves from that time on..." referring to the glorious scenes of the demons in ancient times, Jia Lou's eyes were full of longing, Perhaps in the hearts of every demon family, the age of ten thousand years ago when ten thousand demons danced together was the most hopeful time for them to grow up.

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"Damn it, these statues of demons have appeared in the major cities since the demons and Demons unified the demons continent? These statues of demons have existed for tens of thousands of years... "Traceless's eyes are full of amazement, and his handsome face can't help but open his mouth in surprise. He looks so stunned that Gallo can't help laughing, and Gallo looks like an idiot, He glared at no trace, and said: "Hey, if it's really something handed down from thousands of years ago, I'm afraid it's the statue of the demon God that has been weathered and dried up by now!"

"Cluck, it is said that ten thousand years ago, the God of heaven and devil once set foot outside the land of heaven and devil. Later, for some unknown reason, the God of heaven and devil once came back to the land of heaven and devil. Since that time, the elites and powerful members of the demon family have all gone out to fight. It is said that they went out to fight against the invasion of foreign demons with the demons and gods... "Garro smiles, as if he is really telling an extremely common thing, so that he doesn't speak in secret, As if these things as a demon for every person should know the big event!

"Er, resist the invasion of foreign demons..." hearing the words, Wu trace's face changed again, and a strange guess appeared in his heart. It seems that the words of Yao zunhuoxiao didn't seem to be fabricated. Maybe, this guy really used to be a giant in the demon world< br>

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