Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 988: 988

"It's said that it was a great war between the demons and the demons outside our country. The demons, who were originally full of demons, were killed and injured more than half after the terrible World War I. The age of ten thousand demons is gone forever, and it was at that time that the demons established their absolute leadership over the demons! " Jia Lou's voice rose again, and his face was full of meditation and regret. Although the war was only recorded sporadically in the ancient books of demons, it could not stop the demons from yearning for and recalling the war.

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"Keke, what was the final result of that war?" No trace light cough two, low voice, extremely concerned again open mouth to ask a way.

"Ha ha, although we lost a lot of money in that war, we killed the foreign demons who came from the invasion and fled Jia Lou raised his head with a proud face and turned his lips to Wu trace with extreme conceit and pride.

"Well, that's nature, that's nature, but how can the foreign demons be so rampant? Can they still find out who can compete with us Traceless quickly accompanied by smiling face, pretending to be very adoring appearance to ask again.

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"Haha, I'm the demon God of heaven. How can anyone compete with him! However, there is a leader among the demons outside the territory. It is said that this person is able to fight against the demon lord of our demon family by using all kinds of magic weapons in the demon world With a proud look on his face, Jia Lou said slowly again. It seems that when he mentions the demeanor of the demons, even the faces of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of the demons of.

"Cough, brother Jialou, what happened to the leader of the demon clan after the end of the World War I?" No trace face a burst of embarrassment, once again speak up, continue to ask.

"Hum, that demon man is extraordinary. It's said that the war lasted for many years. In a word, in the end, the whole army of ten thousand demons was destroyed, and the demon leader of the foreign demons was also killed by our demons and gods, and all the spirits were destroyed. Later, all the remaining evils of the demon clan retreated, and the tortoise retreated to the demon kingdom. I, the demon lord, felt pity. I didn't kill all the demons outside their territory, but I went back to the demon continent and disappeared. "

"Alas, it was after that war that the pure and vigorous magic Qi of heaven and earth in our demon continent began to be depleted. But now, after ten thousand years of recovery, the evil Qi of heaven and earth in this land has recovered hundreds of times stronger than before. I believe that in the last 18 million years, maybe our demon continent will return to the glorious age of thousands of demons... "With a sigh, it seems that all the demons around us are brought into the sadness, and all the demons on the side are flashing with anger and hatred, Obviously, the foreign demons in the mouth of jialoukou became the target of their common Crusade and resentment.

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"Well, this is the legend of the demon God. What's the direct relationship with the statue of the demon God?" No trace a face helpless, low voice mouth, self-care whisper.

"Cluck, no trace, you don't understand! It is said that at the time of the final battle between life and death, it was these statues of the demons and demons that absorbed all the demonic power of the people in the demons family, and then transmitted it to the demons and demons. Only in this way can the demons and demons be able to turn the tide and kill the leading demons of the demons in other countries! "

"Therefore, the victory of the World War I also represents the victory of all the demons. Therefore, after that war, all the statues of the heavenly demons and gods were destroyed. Before the Lord of the heavenly demons and gods came to seclusion, the statues of the heavenly demons and gods would be set up again in the thousands of cities of our heavenly demons! It's the last song to prevent the foreign demons from invading our land again one day Garro's voice is sweet and ethereal, which makes the story more popular. It makes the faces of the strong demons on both sides all look proud. It seems that they can defeat the demon clan, and they have a share of the credit.

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"Ha ha, I see. I've been taught No trace a little smile, again toward the Jia Lou and Jia Luo two people embrace fist arched hand. Then, his eyes fell on the magnificent sculpture of heaven, devil and God again, and felt the disgusting and bewitching spirit of heaven and earth, which was slowly integrated into the void.

"Cough, old demon, what do you think of this?" After listening to the unified narration of Jia Lou and Jia Luo, Wu Chen began to feel sympathy for the demon family.

The old demon was not only physically destroyed, but also became an extraterritorial demon tribe invading the demon continent in the end. It can be seen that Tianzun is not only very profound in cultivation, but also very good at controlling and winning people's hearts.

"Bah, my Yaya bah, demon, I see his mother's leg! He also invades the land of heaven and demons. I beg the demon master to come here, but I won't come! Which bastard set foot on our demon world in the name of visiting, and it was that bastard who plotted the eternal resolution of our demon world treasure. Thanks to the demon master, I was alert enough to find out this guy's behavior, and then I drove him out of the demon world! ""But it never occurred to me that this guy had mobilized the army of ten thousand demons to carry out bloody slaughtering on our demon kingdom. The ten thousand families in our demon world can't be broken. They can't join hands to fight against the enemy and drive their ten thousand demon army out of our demon world. "

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"However, it's agreed that the demon master and I will fight one by one, and the two interfaces will stop fighting! But this shameless guy, even at the last moment, used some magic method to drain all the blood essence of the demons in the army of ten thousand demons, and turned it into magic Qi for his use. In addition, he also urged this secret method to absorb the demonic Qi of heaven and earth with the help of external forces, which directly led to the exhaustion of the demonic Qi of heaven and earth, which was almost on the verge of extinction. "

"He, he, he is mean, insidious, obscene, he doesn't want a face to face!" A roar of anger, like a roar, burst out in Wuhen's mind, causing another strange grin on Wuhen's handsome face. He wanted to slap himself on the spot. For no reason, he had to talk about what he was doing to pull yaozunhuoxiao. That guy had already held back his anger, but now it was good, Together, they all vent out on themselves. In Wuchen's heart, they wail and beg for mercy, hoping to smash the statue of demon God in front of them on the spot, so that the angry demon zunhuoxiao can dispel his anger.

"Huasha, Tianzun has used the secret method of Tianmo to drain the blood essence of all the ten thousand demons. In addition, he has also absorbed the demonic Qi of heaven and earth in the land of Tianmo. It seems that this statue of Tianmo is the intermediary for him to absorb the demonic Qi of Tianmo people. The poor Tianmo people are still in the dark, I always thought that the demons were fighting for them. But I don't know, let alone the demons, even the whole army of the demons is the burial object that the emperor buried for his own selfish desire... "The expression on the traceless and handsome face became gloomy in a moment, and the past events were quickly connected in one place in his heart. It is obvious that the emperor decided to get the eternal Heaven and earth skills of the demons for himself, Only then did he lead the ten thousand demons alliance to launch this war without authorization, and the final result was that the demon clan was defeated, and the heaven demon continent was almost destroyed. From then on, the evil spirit of heaven and earth almost dried up and withered. After thousands of years of baptism, now it is barely restored to some of its original features< br>

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