Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 989: 989


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A sense of bloody killing and cruelty surged into the sky. At the same time, it poured into the bodies of dozens of powerful demons in the central area of the fallen magic city square. Meanwhile, the breath of the statue of the demon God, which was constantly released to bewitch and bewitch the demon spirit, gradually stabilized, and the extremely disgusting evil spirit also quickly melted into the void, completely disappeared, making it impossible to search and feel.

"Ha ha, the statue of demon God is really magical, otherwise I'll try it, too?" I feel that the evil spirit of the demons around me is several times stronger than before, and there is a touch of joy on the traceless and handsome face. If you use your magic power to probe into the statue of the demon God, your cultivation level will be improved unexpectedly.

"Brush!" Thinking of this, the evil spirit in Wu trace's body slowly stirred up. The whole face was obviously nervous and excited. His eyes were staring at the distant statue of God and devil. A stream of evil spirit quietly runs up, slowly towards the statue of God and devil, which just tends to calm down in the scene, and then walks away.

"Stop it

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At the same time, two exclamations were heard in Wu Chen's ears. A famous demon man and a strong man all around him showed a look of panic on his face. He stared at Wu Chen, who was full of demons in the field, and was stunned.

"Cough, what's the matter? What's the problem?" This sudden two exclamations, all of a sudden will be no trace calm mind to the instant disturbance. No trace quickly mobilizes the Qi of Xuanli in the body, and takes back the evil spirit released from it. His handsome face is full of doubts, looking at Jialuo and Jialou, they are at a loss.

"Damn it, you're not going to die. Don't you know that people in the realm of demon man can't use their magic to understand the statue of demon God? As a demon servant, you have an uncertain mind in your body. Once you come into contact with the magic power of the statue of the demon God, you will be aroused by the magic power of the statue of the demon God. The demon in your heart will explode on the spot and the ghost will fly away! " Jia Lou glared at Wu Chen and admonished Wu Chen with an idiotic look.

"Alas, the statue of the God of enlightenment can only resonate at midnight and noon in a day. In other periods, if someone tries to feel the power of the statue of the God of enlightenment, he will be attacked by the power of the statue of the God of enlightenment, so that he will be killed on the spot, and there is no possibility of survival..." Gallo looks like he has a lingering fear, In front of no trace painstakingly tell know.

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When Wu Chen's gang of three entered the fallen demon city, it was already at noon. In addition to the fact that a group of demons around him had been practicing for half an hour, now it's near the end of noon. It's obvious that if Wu Chen had just forced his hand to release the power of the devil's will, he could feel the statue of the demon God, It is very likely that they will be directly engulfed by the power of the statue of the demon God, and then they will be killed on the spot. "Cough, thank you for your reminding. I have no trace to write it down!" No trace lightly wiped the cold sweat on the forehead, the heart is also a burst of involuntary creeps. However, there is still a little fluke in Wu Chen's heart. After all, these rules and regulations about the statue of heavenly demons are all aimed at the heavenly demons, and he is not a member of the heavenly demons. In addition, the magic power he cultivated is more pure and profound than the bloody killing and maltreating spirit he cultivated, Even if it was the statue of the demon God who started the evil intention to eat back, no trace didn't believe that he didn't even have a chance to resist. What's more, I'm still practicing a more rebellious method of heaven and earth resolution in my body. Even if it's the power of the statue of gods and demons to devour the demons, traceless is confident that he can fight against it and swallow it into his body for his own use.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

At this time, among the four directions of the falling Magic City, there were many terrible sounds of turbulence and roar. Then, in the four cities around them, there are four magical forces. The four murderous forces spread rapidly to the whole city, and the whole city is locked up in this magical array.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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On the calm square, all the powerful demons are restless. In the distance of the four cities, several powerful demons with wings on their backs come out of the air, besieging and blocking all the powerful demons in the field.

Daddada, dada, dada

Bursts of tight footsteps came from far and near, and the three forces suddenly appeared in the square of falling magic city. Among the three forces, there are several strong two winged demons. Behind the three leading forces, there are three winged demons with dark, bright and bloody flavor.

"Hum, no trace boy, quickly put away your evil spirit and suppress your accomplishments at the level of the cultivation level of the demon servant..." a cold hum rang out in no trace's mind. It was obvious that the demon zunhuoxiao had come out of the rage, and he didn't dare to slack off in the face of the coming line-up of terrorist demons."Damn, what's going on!" No trace said in his heart that it was not good, and an inexplicable sense of oppression immediately shrouded his whole body. No trace quickly suppressed his internal cultivation to the rank of the spirit level of the demon servant realm. Faced with the pressure of the three opposite forces, the powerful demons became more relaxed and weakened.

"Oh, no, the three big families sealed up the city together. Can't it be revealed that we killed people?" The pretty looking Jia Lou's face suddenly became very gloomy, and his body involuntarily moved towards the place beside him.

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"No matter what happens later, it has nothing to do with you. Remember, we don't know anyone!" It's another sound in the dark, resounding in traceless mind. Traceless body shape slightly a Zheng, quite unexpectedly swept an eye nearby not far away of Jia Luo one eye.

It's the second time that Wu trace has let himself get rid of them since he met Jialuo and Jialou. Obviously, what they have done for Wu trace's demon servant is the utmost kindness and righteousness. Even if they have been together for a long time, there may not be such a heavy love and righteousness situation.

"Hoo A dreary turbid air, from no trace mouth faint spit out. No trace heart suddenly flashed a warm current, a very strange idea into his mind. Maybe, among the demons, not all of them are bloodthirsty and addicted to killing and abusing. Maybe, among the demons, there are also mild and kind-hearted demons< br>

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