Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 990: 990

Boom, boom, boom

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A series of violent and turbulent roars and blasts were heard. The four cities of the falling magic city were all set up, and the magic array blocked the void. All the four cities were blocked by the three powerful families of the city. The whole falling magic city became a dead city, In the appalled City, the demons and the strong ones who came here to practice changed their faces and became uneasy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

Three groups of powerful demons of the three families appeared on the square of the statue of the demon God, led by the three winged demons of the family leader level. On the square, many powerful demons rushed to gather around the three families. The powerful demons of the three families quickly opened a certain safe distance. All the powerful demons were on guard and nervously staring at the three families and three wings.

Brush, brush, brush

As the cold light of indifference sweeps by, the hearts of the strong demons on the Statue Square all tremble inexplicably. The strong demons of the three families surround them in the square, but there is no other action. It seems that they are waiting for something, Just monitoring these demons and strong people, coldly observing and examining them.

At this moment, Wuchen and Jialuo and Jialou are separated by themselves. Jialuo and Jialou mingle with a crowd of powerful demons respectively, while Wuchen is very wise to suppress and release his cultivation around the top level of the demon servant realm, The war generals were mixed up with one of the demons and the demons who had no demonic cultivation at all.

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On the Statue Square, the atmosphere in the surrounding air is always oppressive, everything around seems to be static, only time passes quietly.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

After nearly half an hour, dozens of demon search teams composed of one wing demon strongman in the distance slowly gathered around the three family demon strongmen camp.

"Report back to the master, all the magic houses in the four cities have been thoroughly investigated, and no suspicious people have been found!"

"Master, there are a lot of floating people in the city, all of them are more than 100 Yiyi demons, and their identities are well documented. It seems that there is no reason for them to be enemies with our three families at the same time!"

"Master, within the scope of 50 miles outside the city, all suspicious people are found. What should we do next?"

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All the powerful demons who searched in the four cities of the fallen demons city came forward and quietly reported to the owners of Feng, Yu, Luo and the three families respectively. It is obvious that the three families' joint investigation of the city closure is due to the fact that the city closure, Luo Lei, Yu Mei and the three families' legitimate children were all killed.

However, the three families had to work together to block the fall of the devil city in such a short time. It can be seen from this that the power of the three families in the fall of the devil city must be so overbearing.

"Hum, now only this generation of magic square hasn't been thoroughly investigated. If there is no suspicious person among these people, then we will expand the scope of the search to 100 li. In addition, we will post a reward notice in the surrounding cities in front of some people. I don't believe that the murderer can fight against heaven!" Among the Feng family members, Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, snorted coldly. His soft body twisted, and the three wings of the devil feather waved coldly behind him. A terrible wind surged up in an instant, which made all the people on the Statue Square in front of him feel cold.

"Wow Some evil servants with weak accomplishments and ordinary demons all sat on the ground, looking at the strong demons of the three families in front of them in despair, complaining endlessly. And in the field, some one winged demon strongmen also all involuntarily stepped back a few steps, each demon strongman all inexplicably played a layer of chicken skin GADA.

"Ha ha, maybe the murderer is not in the city, but a thorough investigation is always done by Zonggui. Since the investigation has started, one person must not be left out! Let me check their details carefully. If anyone suspicious is captured immediately, if none of them is suspected, the three of us will jointly offer a reward to chase the devil. Anyone who can provide clues or capture the murderer will be rewarded with the magic stone as a token of gratitude... "Among the three powerful demons, the owner of the family is the same as his name, Its body is as big as a fierce tiger, and its voice is deafening. It caused a shock in the Statue Square, and all the strong people swallowed their saliva.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our three families are here today to arrest the murderers who slaughtered the legitimate children of our three families. If you have nothing to do with this, don't be alarmed. After we find out your identities, we will immediately remove your suspicion. If anyone dares to make trouble and doesn't cooperate, they are all regarded as murderers and suspects. Then don't blame our three families for being unkind and killing you... "Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family, has a face of human face and Eagle face, which always gives people a strange illusion of insidious and cunning. One pair of eagle eyes seems to be able to see through and understand people's hearts, scanning the many powerful demons on the scene, Provoked the presence of many demons, strong all a burst of extreme unnatural, once again will be a heart to the throat."Hey, hey, everyone is standing in one place according to their own cultivation level, and all of them are separated by themselves. We'll send someone to ask questions. I hope you don't take chances to hide something..."

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As the heads of the three families spoke, all the powerful demons on the Statue Square were not strong enough to resist, Nearly 50 strong one winged demons from the three families came out together, among which three strong two winged demons led the team in person and began to thoroughly investigate and question the strong one above the Statue Square of the demon God.

"Where are you from?"

"You, what level of cultivation state!"

"Why did you come to the fallen devil city?"

A voice of inquiry quietly rises, and the people on the Statue Square of the demon suddenly become panic. After the inspection and interrogation of a famous demon strongman, the people of the three families will take out a piece of dark and bright black round mirror and take a photo on the chest of the demon strongman who has just accepted the inspection.

Boom, boom, boom

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There was a strange roar, and the evil spirit of those powerful demons who had been shining on their chest by the dark round mirror burst out unprepared. The dark sky was full of cold light, and the black sky was full of blood, All involuntarily in a number of just accepted the inspection of the magic man on the back of the strong illusions.

Even some powerful demons deliberately hide their cultivation level, and even under the illumination of this strange dark mirror, they are forced to show their prototype instantly, revealing the real level of cultivation suppressed in their bodies. "Damn, is this a peeping mirror?"

"Isn't it too much for the three families in the fallen demon city to use the peep glass to peep at our true cultivation realm when we are not murderers? Can't it be that there is no fire in the other demon families in our city?"

"His grandmother's, under the peep glass, what privacy can we talk about? Do I have a treasure on me, and I have to show it to your three families?"

"Hum, the three families are so powerful that they don't pay attention to the other demons?" A roar of anger came out from the noisy Statue Square of the demon God. After seeing the demon realm and verifying the true accomplishments of several of them, all the powerful demons threw angry and hostile eyes at the three powerful families< br>

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