Eternal Heart

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Crystal Stone

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Chu Kingdom, Cloud Mountain Sect

On the hills above the Sect gate are scattered sporadic houses.

Here are the Cloud Mountain Sect’s “Outer Sect Disciple’s” stations.

In one simple and crude room, in the interior of a house, can be seen a trace of hazy lighting.

“This crystal stone’s material, truly unprecedented……”

A fourteen or fifteen year old black clothed young man, holding a piece of exotic crystal jade, can’t help uttering a gasp.

The juvenile’s appearance is somewhat young and immature, but neat and able to stand a careful appreciation, and a pair of eyes bright and clear.

At present, his expression is excited, as he’s staring at a piece of crystal jade he’s holding.

That crystal jade, sparkling and translucent, oddly shaped, is about the size of a small infants palm, has a surface layer of deep grey lustrous crystal.

Suddenly while looking, it seemed like an exquisite crystal heart.

Under the lighting.

Mysteriously the crystal stone’s depths had occasionally gold and silver intertwined, and from time to time it was multi-colored, bloody light rippling…… it seemed to infer every color in the world! [note: ‘every color’ might be ‘every element’]

“Extremely magical, this strange stone is worthy of coming with ‘Spatial Meteorite Iron’……”

Chen Yu was hardly able to suppress his excitement.

The teenager named Chen Yu, this year less than 15 years old, was Cloud Mountain Sect’s lowest rung Outer Sect Disciple.

An hour before。

A meteor, landed at Cloud Mountain Sect’s surrounding edge, immediately dust sprang up everywhere, with the earth shaking all around it.

For a moment, the sect top and bottom, shook from it.

Because in the meteor’s landing pit, appeared 6 rarely seen “Spatial Meteorite Irons”!

Spatial Meteorite Iron, that is an exceedingly precious refiner material; of the legendary magic weapons, many use Spatial Meteorite Iron.

Normal weapons, should they be refined together with Meteorite Iron fragments, might let normal weapons successfully transform to artifacts.

Chen Yu’s luck was really good!

At the time, he was by chance in the Spatial Meteorite Iron’s decent area’s vicinity.

Immediately separated by 0.5 km, he was when the meteorite landed, which produced a dust shock wave which hit him, and his arm received minor injuries.

After the event.

The Sect high level law enforcers hurried over, then first took time to blocked off the area.

The result was those disciples in close range gathered meteorite iron fragments, all to ‘hand over’ for the benefit of the sect.

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Chen Yu was in contrast further and gathered up two thumb sized meteorite fragments that were overlooked.

Not only that, but.

Chen Yu in addition gathered up one scattered, residually warm, crystal stone, moistly stuck together with the spacial meteorite iron.

That is how he now held the crystal stone!

“Meteorite iron landed, entirely shattering into pieces yielding this piece of crystal stone that unexpectedly came out unscathed?”

Chen Yu gaze glittered.

He had a growing intuition, this crystal stone’s value, absolutely beyond imagination, so much so that possibly, it could alter one’s own destiny from ranking at the Sect’s lowest rung……

Simply, to think of his personal existence in the Sect and situation, the teenager’s expression was slightly gloomy.

Chen Yu has put into Cloud Mountain Sect nearly three years.

Barely entered the sect, when he was only 12 years old, he used the clan cultivation he stepped into “Forged Body Stage”.

Forged Body Stage, as the name implies, is just like to strike and endure with the body, enhancing the vitality, and to become a genuine Martial Dao cultivator and establish their foundation.

Cloud Mountain Sect’s entry requirement, not calculated as high, a person’s age less than 15 years old, step into the Forged Body Stage and that will suffice.

Close to 3 years of hard effort and Chen Yu just reached Forged Body early stage has broken through to forged body late stage.

According to his father this aptitude sees him, in the clan, or in the world, as fairly good.


After entering the sect world, Chen Yu realized his ability is commonplace and low.

“Still, with the deadline of 2 months, if I am incapable of promoting to the higher ‘Open Meridian Stage’, I’ll be expelled from the sect.”

Chen Yu gaze was a bit gloomy.

Cloud Mountain Sect, for the newly arrived Outer Sect Disciples, there is one ‘Inspection Period’.

Outer regulations: after entering the sect for 3 years, or reaching 16 years old, if still stopped in Forged Body Stage, incapable of breaking through, will be expelled from the sect!

All in all, Forged Body Stage was only the martial dao’s first stage foundation, stronger than ordinary mortal, but not too strong.

Only promoting to Meridian Opening Stage, can a talent be regarded as stepping into the sect’s threshold.

Chen Yu quite unfortunate, will have in 2 short months the evaluation deadline.

Only during the time Chen Yu mind drifted off.


From outside the room came the sound of hitting the door, and he could see faintly some person’s shadow.

“Outer Sect Disciple ‘Chen Yu’, open the door! Law enforcement squad has come to inspect!”

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One chilly man’s voice came through the door.

Chen Yu’s heart jumped, unexpectedly it was the sect’s law enforcer.

Don’t tell me, my “gathering” in the meteorite iron surrounding’s was found out?

Shouldn’t be!

Chen Yu was pretty definite that his collecting of meteorite iron fragments, and mysterious crystal, didn’t have a second person present.

He promptly will take in “Crystal Stone” into his intimate place.


The door of the room opened, outside appeared a black robed young man, behind him was a black clothed juvenile.

The black robed youth, wearing the law enforcement robe, looked powerful, and obviously was in the special position of law enforcement. That law enforcement merely gazed at Chen Yu, which brought a blade edge kind of cutting feeling, and cold skin.

The other black clothed youth, 15 or 16, looked pretty handsome, merely the charm within him had a trace of maliciousness, slightly destroying his looks.

This persons dress and Chen Yu were basically identical, both were outer sect disciple’s standardized clothing.

“Wang Lingyun, it’s you……”

Chen Yu knew that black clothed juvenile, and his complexion looked to change.

Wang Lingyun, was his old enemy inside the sect!

Both came from Chu Kingdom’s Xiangyang city, the location of their families, who are enemies.

Now, Wang Lingyun in his eyes had a trace of taking joy in other peoples misfortune.

“Wang Lingyun, this is the Chen Yu you reported? You confirm he passed through the meteorite pit area, then left carrying meteorite fragments?

The black robed law enforcer indifferently spoke.

His gaze moved to look at the black clothed juvenile beside him, “Wang Lingyun”.


Chen Yu heart can’t help rain curses, this Wang Lingyun unexpectedly informed against him to the sect.

However, he obviously remembered that when doing his own “gathering”, this Wang Lingyun was absolutely not at the scene.

Contrarily, he walked away region and afterwards ran into Wang Lingyun.

“Sir law enforcer!”

Wang Lingyun with a deferential face said: “I personally saw him, this young boy, leaving from the meteorite area’s limit, and his expression seemed abnormal. Perhaps, he eight or nine out of ten, he is carrying meteorite fragments.”

Finished, his mind let out a sneer.


He and Chen Yu ran into each other, but didn’t dare to completely certainly say that Chen Yu obtained meteorite fragments.

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He is only suspicious.

However even merely suspicious, he cannot let Chen Yu gain a favorable opportunity to rise up.

Spatial Meteorite Iron, the value is too high?

If he permitted Chen Yu to stealthily obtain a piece or two, and exchange for precious materials elixirs then it is very likely he could promote to the Meridian Opening Stage.

If promoted to Meridian Opening Stage, Chen Yu at once will have a footing in Cloud Mountain Sect —— this is circumstances that Wang Lingyun is absolutely not willing to see.

“So long as Chen Yu is expelled from the sect, between him and I will be a gap that will be more and more wide. My Wang family, can checkmate and suppress to death his Chen family, dominating Xiangyang city! Furthermore, that Mu Xueqing will also lose interest in him and may fall in love with me……”

Wang Lingyun secretly schemed, but can’t help being a bit pleased with himself.

“Chen Yu.”

The black robed law enforcer said “Did you carry out Meteorite Iron fragments? If true, if you take the initiative to hand over you might still be able to avoid punishment.”

The law enforcer, and Wang Lingyun’s, gazes were closely and attentively on Chen Yu.


Chen Yu brain within, train of thought flew all over very rapidly until it reached a solution.

To concede?

The black robed law enforcer’s face displayed a trace of astonishment.

“He really has……”

Wang Lingyun can’t help being jealous.

Prior, he merely suspected and didn’t expect that Chen Yu really, to his surprise, really obtained Meteorite Iron fragments.

To put himself in other’s shoes and think, if he obtained meteorite iron fragments he’d also unlikely to take the initiative to give to higher authorities.

After all, in the event of giving to higher authorities at the most you could only gain in return some sect contribution points, how can that compare to meteorite iron’s true value?

“Fortunately, I have the foresight not to give him any opportunities.”

Wang Lingyun somewhat heaved a sigh of relief.

Very quickly, Chen Yu would himself get two clumps of meteorite iron fragments and handed over to the law enforcer.

“Ok, you although carried out meteorite iron fragments, but since you took the initiative to hand them over to higher authority, you can avoid punishment.”

The black robed law enforcer nodded.

Soon after, two people inside Chen Yu’s house, searched a long time, and didn’t find other meteorite iron fragments.

“Sir law enforcer, we still haven’t searched this boy’s body?”

Wang Lingyun slightly squinted his eyes, showing a trace of sharpness, not intending to leave out any possibility.

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Chen Yu heart *thumped*, immediately sent greetings once again to Wang Lingyun’s 18 generations of ancestors. [TN: cursed at them]

Chen Yu even though he handed over the meteorite iron fragments, but the even higher value “Crystal Stone” he had hidden away next to his skin, and was by no means handing over to higher authority.

Luckily, Chen Yu correctly anticipated this.

He had already thought of a good way of wording it: to allege the crystal stone was his own “precious heirloom”.

After all, the Sect search’s was only for meteorite iron, they didn’t also know about the crystal stone’s existence.

“Meteorite iron is all already handed over, Sir law enforcer but you can search my body.”

Chen Yu swung his arms in a wave, a relaxed look on his face.

Black robed law enforcer slightly nodded, however he also trusted seven or eight points.

Only, he was disinclined to drop his status and do it himself and search an Outer Sect Disciple’s body, just permitted Wang Lingyun to do it in his place.

“Sir law enforcer be at ease!”

Wang Lingyun’s face was earnest, and appeared awfully energetic.

He, absolutely can’t allow Chen Yu to gain any opportunities.


The youth moved like a flash, Wang Lingyun already arrived at Chen Yu’s body and began a body search.

“Such extremely fast speed!”

Chen Yu sensed an intangible strong wind, envelop and surround his body, as a figure slightly flashed past, leaving him almost unable to stand firm.

On top of Wang Lingyun’s palms, hovered a virtual layer of “spirit”, permitting his qi and blood an oppressive feeling which left breathing to be somewhat difficult.

That “spirit”, is difficult to see with naked eyes, but rushes forth with formidable force, such that a gentle chop can powder stone bricks.

“Inner breath?”

Chen Yu’s heart sunk: “Wang Lingyun broke through at last to the ‘Meridian Opening Stage’ but is still in the process of opening Meridians……”

What is known as the Meridian Opening stage is opening the meridians of the whole body and cultivating “Inner breath” a kind of intangible power.

Inner breath, if cultivated to the boundary, can reach across the air and injure, break into powder weapons, and in the blink of an eye kill the enemy, it really has formidable military prowess above the secular world.

But Chen Yu is in the “Forged Body Stage”, cultivating his body into a stronger body, repeatedly working on upgrading his body’s all around basic essence and is still incapable of the “Inner breath” kind of power.

“Hmm……while I am here, you will not have gain any opportunities!”

Wang Lingyun began the inspection.

This process, he won’t let slip by any single detail, even Chen Yu’s ears, mouth, head, and down to his armpits weren’t let off.

[TN: There’s likely a number of errors but I’m going back and editing them if I realize them.]

If you are a real translator and want this project feel free! I’m just learning a tiny bit of Chinese with it while mostly using MTL on each word individually.

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