Eternal Heart

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Heart Fusion

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Chen Yu inwardly grumbled, his thoughts nervous.

If the law enforcer really did the body search, he was seven tenths confident he could get away with it.

But, that Wang Lingyun simply had to nitpick, even if there wasn’t a problem, he might find a problem.

Chen Yu didn’t dare guarantee that his prepared pretext could deceive them.

In a moment Wang Lingyun’s hand was at the scruff of his neck and felt down to his chest.

Chen Yu’s heart was suspended in his throat.

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

The crystal stone……was stuck to his solar plexus.

Bang bang, bang bang!

Abruptly, Chen Yu felt a heavy burst as though a mountain shook heaven and earth with a heartbeat sound, similarly together a piece of space pulsed forming a resonance with somewhere. [TN: this line is so complex I’m really guessing at guessing]

Even, space had the slight illusion of shaking.

But the strange thing was inside the house Wang Lingyun and the black robed law enforcer’s expressions stayed the same.


Chen Yu’s solar plexus had a burst of strong heat.

That intangible heartbeat pulse, apparently came from close to where he put the crystal stone.

Just the next moment!

Wang Lingyun’s hand at last touched Chen Yu’s chest above his heart.

That moment, Chen Yu stopped breathing, and upon his forehead a thin trace of sweat exuded.

Black robed law enforcer and Wang Lingyun perceived at last Chen Yu’s abnormality but, the believing himself infallible, Wang Lingyun who carried “Inner Breath” thought it created a lot of pressure.

One breath……Two breathes……Three breaths.

Wang Lingyun’s hand already moved away from the heart area, moved towards the abdomen, and then searched the back and other areas.

Chen Yu somewhat stared blankly: “How could that be! He didn’t?”

Now, the heart position at burst of strong heat could be felt, distinctly stronger, with a trace of lightning current assault in the pain.

The stone at his solar plexus has already disappeared without a trace.

And Chen Yu’s entire body was in a rigid and numb state, motionless, allowing Wang Lingyun to search his entire body.

“Sir law enforcer, I have completed the body search, nothings present……”

Wang Lingyun said deferentially.

The black robed law enforcer nodded and said with a slightly deep meaning “Your inspection completed, I can rest assured.”

He naturally could see Wang Lingyun’s antagonism to Chen Yu and was unlikely for the latter to gain any trace of opportunities and even without him personally frisking he could still rest assured.

Conversation completed, the black robed law enforcer swiftly left.

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Wang Lingyun didn’t leave, instead unruffled and calmly looked Chen Yu up and down ridicule.

Inside the house, remained two people, fearfully still.

Chen Yu was motionless and sensed in the pit of his stomach an electric current and his limbs felt limp and numb.

His subconscious mind reached out to touch his solar plexus.


Chen Yu’s heart startled, the crystal stone he’d kept close to his heart, had already disappeared without a trace.

That……how could that be?

His solar plexus merely had a trace of pain and remaining residual heat.

As for Wang Lingyun’s pondering expression, Chen Yu didn’t pay attention to it.

Chen Yu “dazed” appearance permitted Wang Lingyun to feel proud of himself since he could assume his wrecking the other’s first “stroke of luck” is a undoubtedly a disastrous blow.

To lose this opportunity, Chen Yu was afraid it was difficult in the period it would be difficult to break into the Meridian Opening Stage and be expelled from the sect.

“Chen Yu!”

Wang Lingyun abruptly opened his mouth, with his expression turning severe: “I advise you to give up early ‘Mu Xueqing’ and roll back to Xiangyang city! The sect already has no foothold for you.”


Chen Yu’s trance ended as he temporarily put aside the strange crystal stone.

In his head.

A slender and elegant, exquisite, fresh and pure, beautiful young lady, flashed.

At Cloud Mountain Sect, Mu Xueqing innate talent, bright, beautiful and moving, had many admiring followers seeking to woo her.

Chen Yu, Wang Lingyun, were similarly included among the admirers.

Furthermore the three people, Mu Xueqing, Chen Yu, Wang Lingyun all came from Xiangyang city.

And Chen Yu relationship with Mu Xueqing was closer, giving rise to Wang Lingyun’s resentment.

“Hehe, I also want to remind you. Very soon, you will be driven out of the sect. From now on, we are no longer men in the same world.”

Wang Lingyun sneered and laughed.

Having said that, Wang Lingyun gave a long laugh and turned around to leave.

From this moment on, Chen Yu wasn’t in his eyes!

A person incapable of having a foothold in the Sect, how could he compete with him on the same stage?

Watching Wang Lingyun leave, Chen Yu was silent.

“There’s still two months, if I do my utmost to attack ‘Meridian Opening Stage’, I have only two or three tenths assurance. Providing that he had precious spirit materials to assist then him the success rate could be doubled, unfortunately……”

Chen Yu in his thoughts sighed.

He can’t compare with Wang Lingyun, the other is the young master of the Lord and unfortunately he could receive the maximum assistance of his family.

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Chen Yu in his family had good qualifications, his position was not low, but it was far from comparing with the “young master” and getting that kind of support.

This cultivation path, innate talent were very important, but external resources were equally highly important.

Originally, Chen Yu getting the meteorite iron fragments was his first stroke of luck, it was a pity Wang Lingyun destroyed it.

“Oh, that’s right!”

Chen Yu suddenly thought of something and quickly closed the door.

Undoing his upper clothing, Chen Yu examined above his heart. He clearly put the crystal stone on his skin there.

The one look gave him a scare and jump.

He saw on his left chest’s the appearance of a “heart shaped” blood pattern.


The heart shaped design was still flickering a pure crystal luster, and a faint electric shock could be felt.

Even more strange was.

Chen Yu could faintly see an exquisite crystal heart, like through a transparent liquid, a bit deeper into his flesh and blood.


Chen Yu was scared out of his mind, this type of phenomenon was simply not heard of!

Carefully thinking back.

That Crystal Stone, it’s shape was just like a “crystal heart”.

*Bang bang! Bang bang!*

Chen Yu felt his heartbeat become strong and steady, every new pulse brought a powerful, matchless, confidence.

Several breaths later.

The solar plexus blood pattern, faded away from sight.


Chen Yu’s long sigh of relief, to be brave in a flash of a dream’s illusion.

But, this was clearly not all a dream.

Vaguely between, a trace of an odd clear stream, with the “heart” as the center, flowed towards the four limbs and numerous bones of the body, even heading to his brain.

This process continued for an hour.


Suddenly, Chen Yu found that his spirit was clear, and entire body’s blood was boiling.

An unexplainable and powerful force, from the location of his heart bubbled up into his body, top to bottom, with a brave lustrously flourishing feeling.

That moment, he felt his entire body from top to bottom, permeated with energy.

Walking slowly!

From the spot he jumped half a persons height high, easier than ever.

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He threw out one fist, producing a formless whistling wind, 100% Qi power.

*Bang ka*

The front of the wall split open a thin crack, this rank of strength, was four times his normal, 50%! [TN: confusing considering 2 lines up, see note at end]

“Estimated, my power……has a clear upgrade!”

Chen Yu found it hard to believe.

Not only that, but.

His eyes could see through the window crack, that outside in the night the silhouette of plants, and houses were unexpectedly a bit clearer and brighter.

Night as if daytime!

Holding his breath with rapt attention, he could hear the whispers in the nearby Outer Sect Disciples houses.

Not only was his basic body essence upgraded, even his eyesight, hearing, sense of smell and other senses, all of them had upgrades.

“This state of body……”

Chen Yu trembling lifted up his hand, in his heart questioned, was this still the ability a humans physique could have?

His arm lifted to midair, his eyes once more concentrated.

“Wrong! The scar is gone!”

Chen Yu attentively looked at his own arm with the expression of seeing a ghost.

He was clear that on his arm was a bloody scratch from the a chip of meteorite scratching his arm.

Carefully looking.

The arm had a faintly discernible strip on it of a fine light red mark, visible with the naked eye, bit by little bit fading until it faded away.

Very formidably self healing power!

Chen Yu took in a cold breath. Despite cultivating a powerful physique, but in light of his former recovery time, it would take half a moon for the scar to fade away.

This momentary effort and the scar right away completely disappeared.

In the classical records only some legendary physiques, and even some disappeared mythical races, had this rank of self healing power.

“That crystal heart, what type of thing is it in the end?”

Chen Yu reached out to touch his left chest. That steady powerful heartbeat brought him inexplicably strong conviction.

For a moment, in his heart happiness and concern were half and half.

Happy, that the crystal heart had changed his body, by shedding his mortal body and exchange his bones, by strengthening it; worried, that an external foreign object had merged into his heart, a true good fortune or disaster was difficult to guess.

Heaven knows, this strange stone was what demonic thing, is it able to or not have it’s own yielding towards a “dehumanization” path?


His stomach protested it was hungry, breaking Chen Yu’s train of thought.

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“Really strange, I already ate an hour earlier……”

Chen Yu softly muttered.

Walking slowly.

He didn’t think much more, and alone, arrived at the gates border, at the mountain forest.

Leaning on “night as if daytime” vision, greatly increased his agility effortlessly captured a hare, and setup a roast.

The result, Chen Yu ate the full roasted rabbit, but his stomach still didn’t have a full feeling.

He again went and attacked a wild wolf, ate a bit less than half, no less than a half dozen kg, before he felt crammed full.

This rank of quantity of food, as well as digestion capability, was already beyond the category of ordinary humanity.

Chen Yu thoughts were more uneasy.

Merely, he already had no escape, in any case he couldn’t dig into his own heart.

Taking advantage of the dim light at night, he might as well begin perfecting his fist.

“Iron Plow Fist!”

Chen Yu’s both fists were just like two iron balls, the sound of the wind became more and more rapid.

Within the dim night light, the youngster’s manner of movement, hard and ferociously powerful, and yet didn’t fail to flowingly fit together.

After only practicing a few times…… Chen Yu became aware something was fishy!

《Iron Plow Fist》 is his just entering the Sect, he selected one Sect martial fighting technique to study, it’s power was a low level martial art and is considered to have a small reputation.

But 《Iron Plow Fist》 in the same order of martial arts was easy to learn but difficult to master.

The Sect fighting techniques for entering the Sect were very simple and not regarded as very subtle.

After, to cultivate it to a certain maturity, matching ones body fitness, even individual willpower, there exists a fairly high requirement.

But just a moment ago.

Chen Yu current self practice of 《Iron Plow Fist》 was in comparison to the past much smoother, top maturity……seemingly, which was no small progress?

“Come again.”

Chen Yu focused his mind, carried out his fighting technique, and through the whole process it looked like moving clouds and flowing water, flowing smoothly.

Movements that were previously difficult everyday, were unexpectedly so effortless.

*Breath* *Bang bang* *Bang bang bang……*

In the middle of the night, the youngsters fighting technique, as if pear blossoms blooming in a rainstorm, every fist as if iron balls whistled, oppressive and frightening. [TN:….pretty sure I’m missing an idiom]

His whole body lifted layers of dust and indistinctly was a violent hiss.

“How can it be! Iron Plow Fist not just broke through but reached small success, and moreover the state of maturity seems very steady……”

Chen Yu stopped in place, hardly believing.

[TN: The author has a habit of putting things into percentages or tenths, for example 1 in 10, in this and King of Gods. But he writes it several different ways, which is confusing. I’m working on trying to understand it better.]

If you are a real translator and want this project feel free! I’m just learning a tiny bit of Chinese with it while mostly using MTL on each word individually.

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