Eternal Heart

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – One Day a Thousand Miles

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“How is it possible! Iron Plow Fist not only broke through but reached small success, but it is as if the realm is very steady……”

Chen Yu paused in place, disbelieving.

Previously, his 《Iron Plow Fist》 was merely at the initial accomplishment stage, and would probably still require several months time.

Not only that, but.

Chen Yu practicing for two hours felt his body’s qi and blood was exceedingly rich and powerful, and a sense of endless growth.


Chen Yu continuously practiced for an hour, his body would be drenched in sweat and feel exhausted; and currently after consciously practicing for two hours it was unexpectedly still very effortless.

This transformation of his body, seemingly not recognizing tiredness, the physical recovery capability was even more astonishing.

Two hours……four hours……six hours.

*Breath!* *Bang Bang!* *Bang Bang Bang*……

Chen Yu’s fist technique, the power was not reduced, the might didn’t diminish and he himself was deeply contented.

Unwittingly, the night ended.

The entire evening, Chen Yu used practically all of it to practice diligently 《Iron Plow Fist》, only the times when his stomach was empty did he take time to hunt for food and rest a moment.

After the night.

Chen Yu’s 《Iron Plow Fist》 vaguely sensed that the large success realm was not too far away. [TN: the ‘vaguely sensed’ isn’t a good translation]

More surprisingly was!

Originally he was stuck at the Forged Body late stage for a long time but, after the night’s training, his martial dao cultivation was unexpectedly faintly near the upper bounds of the “Forged Body Boundary”.

“Truly hard to imagine……”

Chen Yu sucked in a deep breath and extended his trembling hands.

Now, he clearly sensed his own progress; his heart beat with a calm powerful pulse, producing a matchless faith.

That Crystal Heart’s fusion not only permitted Chen Yu’s physique to transform, even his martial cultivation innate skill also had some kind of mysterious change and growth.

Again on top of that, Chen Yu was stuck at his present stage for a long time, with small improvements, to practice and learn the sect’s low level fist technique 《Iron Plow Fist》 now so fast, this was ‘one day a thousand miles’! [TN: ‘small improvements’ isn’t a good translation]


From the horizon a white trace of sunlight emerged.

Chen Yu stopped practicing, and swiftly returned to the Outer Sect station.

According to today’s rate of progress, he would seem to have no difficulty in reaching the “Meridian Opening Stage” in two months.

So long as in the time limit he broke through to Meridian Opening Stage, Chen Yu then could have a footing in the Sect.

He even thought his body’s transformation of his own innate martial dao, compared to the sect’s monstrous geniuses was absolutely not bad.

Just at this time.

Chen Yu’s stomach rumbled with hunger, once again starting to feel empty.

He couldn’t refrain from a forced smile, apparently after fusing with the mysterious crystal stone, his own quantity of food needed was more than ten fold times larger.

Luckily, Cloud Mountain Sect’s Outer Sect Disciples had a unified meal “dining hall”.

Early morning period.

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Inside the dining hall already had some figures.

Chen Yu couldn’t pay attention, his left hand held a big steamed bun, while his right hand was halfway through the pig trotters, as he gulped down big mouthfuls.

His ravenous devouring raised the eyebrows of the nearby outer sect disciples.

“This boy, when did he turn into a good for nothing……”

“In my opinion, his oppression by Wang Lingyun over time needed venting all of a sudden.”

In the dining hall, a few famous disciples said a several words.

In Cloud Mountain Sect, the Outer Sect Disciples number around 300 generally.

Owing to the sect’s rule system washing out of those not breaking into the Meridian Opening stage within 3 years, or not breaking through by the age of 16, those failing will be expelled from the Sect.

Therefore, these Outer Sect Disciples for the most part know Chen Yu and also know the grudges between him and Wang Lingyun.

“Humph, I don’t know how Mu Xueqing takes a fancy to this good for nothing.”

One horse faced youngster with an bad look on his face walked over.

Chen Yu from the side of his eye he all of a sudden faced him while still moving the greasy pig trotters to his face, despite that he still was still attractive.

That manner of ignoring made the obscure horse faced youngster burn up.

He was secretly puzzled: in calm daytime, Chen Yu rightly was rather afraid of the consequences to himself, not daring to lightly offend someone.

*Clinking his tongue*

“This Feng De, was in the Sect a bit more than a year and already reached the peak of the Forged Body, I didn’t expect he also is pursuing ‘Mu Xueqing’.”

A few of the nearby Outer Sect Disciples comments and laughter made the horse face youngster even more enraged.

The year of the horse youngster, named Feng De, in the Outer Sect Disciples, was considered to be a new person with not bad aptitude.


A large pig trotter smashed Chen Yu’s dinner table, meat fragments splashed, interrupting his meal.

Chen Yu’s brows wrinkled and gazed at the body of the horse faced youngster whose face showed the intent to provoke him.

“Feng De, what’s the meaning of you doing this?”

By interrupting his meal, Chen Yu was somewhat unhappy.

But for this type of provocative behavior he also had almost no alternative, to use words to educate him almost certainly won’t work.

Because, Cloud Mountain Sect encouraged competition between disciples. As long as it wasn’t fatal or resulted in serious disabilities, it was not a big problem.

Similarly, this type of provocation was extremely common. Previously Chen Yu endured silently as much as possible.

“Feng is certainly next to admire Elder Brother Chen’s mighty appearance, the person ‘Mu Xueqing’ fell for, is indeed distinctive, even eating he is so bold and unconstrained……”

Feng De’s both hands gestured with a look of ridicule on his face.


The neighboring disciples burst out in laughter.

Chen Yu brows slightly wrinkled, he hasn’t stirred, he was still eating the food in his hands.

However, Feng De at this point didn’t intend to let off Chen Yu. The others previously disrespectful manner left him in a bad mood.

The year of the horse youngster, named Feng De, in the Outer Sect Disciples, was considered to be a new person with not bad aptitude.

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A large pig trotter smashed Chen Yu’s dinner table, meat fragments splashed, interrupting his meal.

Chen Yu’s brows wrinkled and gazed at the body of the horse faced youngster whose face showed the intent to provoke him.

“Feng De, what’s the meaning of you doing this?”

By interrupting his meal, Chen Yu was somewhat unhappy.

But for this type of provocative behavior he also had almost no alternative, to use words to educate him almost certainly won’t work.

Because, Cloud Mountain Sect encouraged competition between disciples. As long as it wasn’t fatal or resulted in serious disabilities, it was not a big problem.

Similarly, this type of provocation was extremely common. Previously Chen Yu endured silently as much as possible.

“Feng is certainly next to admire Elder Brother Chen’s mighty appearance, the person ‘Mu Xueqing’ fell for, is indeed distinctive, even eating he is so bold and unconstrained……”

Feng De’s both hands gestured with a look of ridicule on his face.


The neighboring disciples burst out in laughter.

Chen Yu brows slightly wrinkled, he hasn’t stirred, he was still eating the food in his hands.

However, Feng De at this point didn’t intend to let off Chen Yu. The others previously disrespectful manner left him in a bad mood.

Feng De planned to take advantage of this opportunity to lecture Chen Yu and perhaps can permit the “dream fairy” Mu Yueqing to remember his own name.

To become one of Mu Xueqing’s admirers, Feng De already once attempted to strike up a conversation, but he didn’t expect the other didn’t even remember his name.

The second time, it made Feng De lose a large amount of face and left him sullen for a very long time.

At the moment bumping into Chen Yu his heart is even more unhappy so he is happy that Chen Yu unexpectedly dared to disrespect him.

“Mu Xueqing……”

Chen Yu was unexpectedly stumped for words and his chest let out a sigh.

In the Sect very man people were already under the impression that Mu Xueqing had fallen for him and they went together.

The real situation certainly wasn’t that way.

Chen Yu pursuing Mu Xueqing? That is indeed the case!

Mu Xueqing was his dream lover? That’s also true!

After all, such an exquisite, pure, and outstandingly gifted young beauty, how many young teenagers wouldn’t be moved?

As a matter of fact.

Chen Yu also hasn’t overtaken Mu Xueqing, he just goes to visit her.

This is because both were from Xiangyang City, come from major families, and in their early childhood became acquainted, and he was barely able to regard them as childhood sweethearts.

Before, when Mu Xueqing was a small beautiful child, she depended upon him and the two’s relationship could be regarded as close.


Ever since entering Cloud Mountain Sect, Mu Xueqing in the face of his pursuit began to keep her distance but didn’t straight out reject his face.

Merely, relative to other disciples, the relationship between Chen Yu and Mu Xueqing could be described as intimate and that gave birth to a popular feeling of burning jealousy.

“Come Elder Brother Chen, I’ll treat you these pig trotters……”

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Feng De grabbed up a pig trotter and jabbed it towards Chen Yu’s face interrupting the latter’s brief review of his memories.

So frivolous an action was simply a bare naked insult.

The nearby disciples watched the scene, each in a loud voice cheering, unexpectedly skipping training for the show of the “love rivals”.

“Feng De is already at the peak of the Forged Body and is not far from Meridian Opening, his martial dao is more gifted……”

“This Chen Yu is already in the bottom of the Outer Sect for a long time now and it’s very likely he will suffer again.”

Nearby people shook their heads, not optimistic about Chen Yu.

“Get lost!”

Chen Yu got out of the way of the pig trotters and unconciously counterattacked in return with a fist.


That one fist faintly had a muffled clap of thunder which involuntarily came out of the formidble power of 《Iron Plow Fist》.

“Even daring to hit back?”

Feng De laughed grimly, he precisely intended to enrage Chen Yu into acting. But he didn’t expect the other to react so fast.

Unphased Palm!

Feng De’s palm revolved, both legs slightly bent, as his hand used an exquisite style to obstruct Chen Yu’s strike.

His trick was to counter rotate to constrain and after link into a move: buffering the first hit, and then using his thunderbolt momentum like a bowstring to rebound back.

But, Feng De’s calculations failed.

*Bang Bang!”

As the palms of the fists intersected together, a muffled thunder like ringing, frankly made people fear.


Feng De gave a high pitched shout as he felt his entire arm have a burst of sharp pain and tingling.


Next moment Feng De’s body cut a sorry figure as he flew out backwards.


The present Outer Sect Disciples, each and everyone had a startled expression, or an open mouth.

Under their watchful eyes.

This Feng De……was unexpectedly sent flying by Chen Yu’s fist strike?

In a split second the entire dining room was oppressively silent and could only hear the metallic sound of tableware hitting the ground.

A long time after.

“Ah? Extremely strange!”

“Feng De’s martial dao cultivation and talent, both comfortably beat, and even displayed the martial arts of the more profound 《Unphased Palm》……” [TN: sentence has problems]

The crowd of Outer Sect Disciples were tumultuous, very many people were somewhat indignant.

After all, their unconscious minds thought highly of Feng De.


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A single punch sending Feng De flying, Chen Yu’s rather conspicuous dull gaze looked towards his own fist.

Somewhat not believing this was his own fist and had produced such a hit.

*Bang Bang!* *Bang Bang!*

From his heart beat rushed forth a vigorous vitality together with his qi and blood.

“A moment ago the punch used 6 or 7 tenths power. The maturity of 《Iron Plow Fist》 isn’t extremely far from large success……”

Chen Yu had a few inner thoughts.

Just one day since and his physique not only transformed, it’s power increasing a lot, the martial fist technique improved in might, and he even grew a length. [TN: not sure if he meant grew towards large success or actual height]

Both combined produced a dramatic rise in his military power.

“How is this possible? My 《Unphased Palm》 recently broke through to small success.”

Feng De stood up from the floor, having a hard time accepting it was real, muttered with a lowered head: “Certainly is him striking first and gaining the upper hand, I was still getting ready and didn’t move with all my strength.”

Those people watching the fight also acknowledge that point.

Chen Yu’s sudden attack itself had the advantage of making the first move.

“Come again!”

Feng De raved as veins rose from his entire body, two palms wonderfully flipped, as he attacked towards Chen Yu’s shoulder area.

Iron Plow Fist!

Chen Yu sneered in the face of the attack, two fists, as if iron plows, screamed as they burst out with even more astonishing vigor than before as they welcomed Feng De.

*Bang!* *Bang Bang!* ……

In the twinkling of an eye, the two’s fists and palms clashed three times with ear splitting noise.

First fist.

Feng De jolted back three steps, this time wasn’t jolted flying but there was still a dark red trace on his face.

Second fist.


Feng De’s face was snow white as he vomited up a mouthful of blood with an appalled look across his face.

Third fist.


Feng De’s body once again flew out and directly knocked over two dinner tables.

All around the watching disciples had an amused expression on their faces which gradually froze.

Right away Chen Yu step by step approached.

Feng De’s arms already having lost feeling, entirely unable to lift him up, wore a frightened expression: “I concede! Concede……”

The continuous collisions a moment ago, gave rise to dread towards Chen Yu.

The other side’s power really was dreadful, the vigor was even more berserk, the punch was more violent than a punch, it was practically a monster.



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