Eternal Log

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Working Hard at Living

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“Jii-chan, I’m going!” (Haru)


“Be careful Haru!” (Grandpa)


I’m Haru.

Ever since I was small my parents were gone.

I was raised in a small village by jii-chan and baa-chan in the country called Alsheit Kingdom.

Because it’s a small village there’s not a lot of people.

Generally the village farms, hunts for self sufficiency to the degree that it can sell some crops and game to buy other necessities.

But, for some reason there are a lot of people who travel through the village.

I wonder why?

Also, jii-chan won’t share the details but my dad and mom are probably not in this world anymore.

That was the conclusion I made as a child.


Well, I don’t worry about it too much.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t worry about it but I don’t want to trouble jii-chan and baa-chan.

Besides, jii-chan and baa-chan are nice, so I don’t feel especially lonely.

Also for as long as I can remember I’ve had this necklace around my neck.

This is probably something left from my parents.

I get a warm feeling from it.


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“Yotto.” (Haru)


I’m at the usual place I practice magic.

I’m in the mountain a little bit away from the village.

It’s a slightly open area where I can see the village.

Somehow since I was 3 I’ve been able to use magic.

That’s when I realized I was different from everyone else.


First is magic.

Since I was 3 I could somehow understand and use magic.

Furthermore, when I was throwing a tantrum I used magic but, normally adults would have run out of magic but I didn’t.

Their stiff faces at that time became a trauma, so I graduated from throwing tantrums and took one step to being an adult.

Just this would have been ominous to the people around me but there’s more.


Second is physical strength.

Around the same time I started using magic I was able to run really fast.

Furthermore, at 3 years old I could already hold heavy objects.

Being able to run fairly well and carry fairly heavy things was again outside common sense.

For example, I could carry 4 bags of rice or run as fast as a horse.

The men hid for 3 days hid in their houses.

In the end, to avoid running wild with magic I’ve been holding back.

So, I don’t think I could lose in acting to an actor.

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Ah, that’s unrelated huh?


And finally my hair color.

I am magnificently pure black.

I think it suits me fairly well but……ah, wrong wrong.

In this world hair color is decided the moment you’re born by the attribute of the divine protection you receive.


For instance, red.

Red haired people received the divine protection from the spirit of fire.

So they specialize in fire magic.

Thus they get a bonus in attack power.


And then blue.

Blue hair means they received the divine protection from the spirit of water.

Magic is, of course, specialized in water.

Their magic excels in obstructing their opponents movements.


Then green.

Green hair is receiving the divine protection of wind spirit.

Specializes in wind magic.

Excelling in speed reinforcement system.


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Then brown.

Brown hair is receiving the divine protection of earth spirit.

Specialty is earth magic.

They excel in defense magic.


By the way, healing magic has no attribute and anyone can use it if they practice.


Fire, water, wind, and earth could be called the 4 great spirits.

Furthermore the top spirit is the spirit of light.

There doesn’t seem to be anyone who has received the divine protection from the superior spirit of light but it seems to be a case where they received a part of it.

At those times, the hair color seems to become a bit lighter.

For example, red becomes orange.


Also, in opposition to the top spirit of light there is the spirit of darkness.

Though I say spirit, maybe it’s better to say evil existence.


A person who is dyed with negative feelings like hatred, grief, or anger they will receive the divine protection of the spirit of darkness and their hair color will change.

……..Ah! It’s definitely not black!

The color becomes purple and even the personality seems to change.

Well, there doesn’t seem to be any precedent.


That said, my black hair also has no precedent so it’s a bit creepy.

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Because of that for as long as I can remember I’ve been bullied.

But, of course, I returned everything I was given.

“Victory is justice”.

I didn’t do anything bad.

But, I didn’t stray from the right path because jii-chan and baa-chan raised me kindly.

By the way, I think this is important to note, the attributes I can use is ……. all of them!

Fire, water, wind, earth, light, dark… Furthermore all the supplemental bonuses.

As one would expect no one else can say this.


I didn’t have anyone to play with so since I was 3, in this 2 years I trained alone.

Because of this situation, I want to become strong so I can be an adventurer who is unbound and makes his own living which is quite dangerous.

After all, in the future I want to get married.

Having no parents, I yearn for something like a family.

Of course I am thankful to jii-chan and baa-chan and there are no complaints, but, as expected when I see the village with “parents and child” I long for that relationship.

I want to get married but my social abilities and common sense are scarce, how should I put it, getting along well with someone is a bit worrying……

But, either way, to get married I need stable income.


This un-childlike way of thinking would probably be called weird.

Well~ Since I don’t have parents or friends I’m probably a little starved for love.

But, apart from that, I’m still mostly a child, I think……

Thinking about this won’t help.

I’m me.

Thinking of the future I’ll train hard.

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