Eternal Log

Chapter Prologue


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Long ago.

Mankind, the ones specially called the Ancient Race, rule the world.

Superior physical strength.

Overwhelming magic power.

Knowledge of the principles of the world.

The Ancient Race called the descendants of the God of Creation.

A world without end built upon magic and machine.

The people used magic or machine to live a life without discomfort.


However, the end came suddenly.


“Your Majesty! It’s dangerous here! Quickly escape!”

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In the gorgeous room, the loud voice of a knight that seems out of place along with angry roars from outside ring out.


“That cannot be done! I cannot leave you all to run away!” (King)

“Your Majesty…” (Soldier)

“Hold them off here! …… Lara! Is Lara here!?” (King)


“Yes, over here…” (Lara)


The girl called Lara appeared with a worried expression while carrying a newborn baby.


“Lara…… I’m sorry. We will hold them here. However, considering their power right now I can’t say it will be forever. That’s why, I want you should escape with Haru.” (King)

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“……I understand. For the sake of saving the country……. But where?” (Lara)


“No matter where it will be dangerous. But, until now this has never been said…….I plan to send him to the future using forbidden space-time magic.” (King)


“To the future?!” (Lara)


“That’s right. The fight right now will become a life and death struggle. Without knowing the result, this world’s environment may change greatly. That’s why taking refuge in the future is the best plan I think. But, because of the situation we can only send 1 person…….” (King)


“B-but Haru has only just been born! That…….” (Lara)


For Lara to send away the newly born baby Haru alone to a place where he doesn’t know anyone, she clearly rejects it.

“Leave your child.”

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For a mother holding her child this was too cruel.

The baby that shouldn’t have been able to understand, starts crying loudly.


“Lara…….Right now we can only send one, but if we can safely defeat them it would be fine if we go meet him. Moreover the first person to meet Haru will take care of him by the soul guidance spell I placed on him. Even his name, Haru, will be recognized.” (King)


“……I understand.” (Lara)


“At this rate our child will probably be killed.” With that line of thought, for the mother it was a bitter choice but, in the current situation the means to reliably keep her child alive is thought of.

Lara while comforting her crying child comes to a decision.


“Lara…… I’m sorry. I will give this to Haru.” (King)

“……That is?” (Lara)


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As the king spoke he presented a necklace. It looked like a common jewel, but an immense power was hidden in it.


“Eternal Log. It took a long time to develop. Recollection until the present…… It has all our knowledge and techniques crystallized in it. That is to say, if Haru uses this he will become an existence that surpasses me. But, in order to protect the mind and body from the burden, unless his life’s in danger it will not operate. In other words, as long as this isn’t operating our Haru is not in danger, and if he is in danger it will operate and he will likely not die.” (King)


“Such a thing……” (Lara)


“Then, there is no time. I will send Haru to the future.” (King)


“Haru……” (Lara)


In the next instant, a white light spread out from the center of Haru. The king and Lara, in the middle of that brilliant light, desperately kept their eyes open to watch over the child until the very last moment. And, in the place the white light settled the figure of the baby was gone.


“……Alright. Now then time to settle this and follow Haru.” (King)

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