Eternal Log

Chapter 10

Eternal Log — Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 – Dungeon Challenge – Part 5

After the last fight, we fought 4 more ant monsters, but with the division of labor we defeated them smoothly. And with ease, we found the staircase to 3rd floor.

“Let’s go.” (Roy)

Roy and I descend down the stairs. Then, as we started to move further in we heard a voice down the passageway.

“HELP~!!” (Adventurer)

A warrior holding a small woman who looks like a magician ran towards us. Behind them an army of skeletons is rushing towards them.

“What the hell is that!?” (Haru)

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I said that without thinking, but at my side Roy was staring in shock too.

“HELP!” (Adventurer)

The warrior yelled towards us.

“What happened!?” (Haru)

“As we were fighting 1, we got ambushed from behind and ran when they all came out from a passage!” (Adventurer)

Are there even monsters that can do such strategic movements? …… Coincidence?

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“I see. I heard that skeletons are dead bodies that become monsters. The dead adventurers probably keep their knowledge.” (Roy)

As expected of Roy! The walking dictionary! …… This isn’t the time or place. In this situation its important to decide our course of action.

“Roy. What should we do?” (Haru)

“Well, with that number we’re at a disadvantage. It’s best to retreat I think. Haru, can you buy us some time?” (Roy)

“Leave it to me!” (Haru)

I invoked one of my original magics that I made back when I was focusing on flashy magics. It was too hard to control so I had shelved it until now. I fired it off chantlessly. Then, a huge river of water burst out and pushed away the skeletons.

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Though it was a shelved magic, it still has its uses huh. We ran with all our strength back up the stairs we came down.

After that, we burst out of the dungeon. I thought that when we came out, the guards would suspect us but 2 warriors, 1 magician, and 1 thief came off as a good balance so they didn’t suspect us. But, as they looked at me I feel like that changed a little……

“Thanks. You saved us. You guys are amazing.” (Adventurer)

When we came out of the dungeon, the man came over to thank us. Incidentally, since it was so noisy they didn’t notice my chantless magic. From now on I should be more careful using it in front of people. The woman seems to be fainted still.

“No, it wasn’t a big deal. We gotta go.” (Roy)

Roy said that and grabbed my hand and started running.

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“Oi! What’s your name!? I need to pay you back!” (Adventurer)

“Later if the opportunity comes!” (Roy)

As he said that and half dragged me while running.

“What’s wrong, Roy?” (Haru)

“Idiot! What if they found out our real identities!? And look!”

The sun is sinking. …… Crap! This is really bad! Coming back from the dungeon, matching the pace of the man holding the woman, we spent too much time. I put body strengthening magic on us as the sun sank to halfway and we ran from the approaching darkness. To me rather than the dungeon, returning was more scary.

And so our day of skill testing in the dungeon ended.

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